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1-Clay, Sora

2-Tsunami, Turtle, Anemone, Riptide

3-Glory, Kinkajou, Jambu

4-Starflight, Fatespeaker, Thoughtless

5-Moon, Deathbringer

6-Sunny, Qibli

7-Winter, Lynx, Snowfall

8-Peril, Flame

9-Blue, Luna, Swordtail

10-Cricket, Lightning

11-Sundew, Oak, Willow

Clay walked up to the stage and, with a sigh, started to talk, "I am Clay if district 1.  My sister, Sora, and I were taken for this year's games.  If I win, I will go home to my mother, aunt, brothers, and sisters.  But if I will die if it meant my sister Sora could live on.  I've lost my big sister, Pheasant, in the games and I really miss her..."

Sora took her turn, "I- I'm Sora... district 1... I just... I just want to go home..." she started to cry.

"I'm Tsunami, district 2 and if you dare cross me, I will destroy you!" The angry girl stood there, "I hate the government for forcing me into this and I will destroy each and every one of you!" She got dragged away, sputtering with anger.

"Um... I'm, Turtle?" He said nervously, "district 2?  um..."

"Ugh, why am I here?  My mother is the mayor of district 2, hello?" Anemone scoffed, sauntering off the stage, "bai!"

"Hey," Riptide said, "um... I'm Riptide from district 2.  Hm." He walked away.

"I'm Glory, district 3," she said, "you may think I'm stupid and lazy.  Tell me that to my face and I'll show you who is.  I agree with the girl from district 2, the games are horrible and I don't see why you guys keep them going."

"Hi everyone, I'm Kinkajou!"

"If this is the hunger games... do we get food?  Like fruits, I like fruits!" Jambu said.  The crowd laughed, thinking he was joking.

"I'm Starflight, district 4."

"Hi, my name is Fatespeaker!"

"My name is Thoughtless.  I have and will kill.  Just try me and you'll see how much pain I can inflict on you."

"Moo- Moonwatcher.  Just... just Moon really.  District 5?"

"I'm Deathbringer, I'm here mainly for the ladies," his tone was joking as he winked at the crowd, making a few of them swoon.

"Hi, my name is Sunny, and I really hope I don't have to kill anyone.  Who knows, maybe I'll win without getting blood on my hands..."

"I'm Qibli, and I hope I can have a good time, maybe get some friends during the games.  I'll try at least..." 

"Winter, district 7.  Don't mess with me."

"Hi, I'm Lynx.  I'm kind of worried about this year... at least I'll be with my- uh, my best friend, Winter!"

"I'm Snowfall and I will survive these games and become mayor of district 7.  You can count on that!"

Peril walked up and didn't even say anything, yet the entire crowd shivered as she glared out at them.

Flame crossed his arms and scowled, silent as well.

"I'm Blue... I really hope I can get through this without much bloodshed."

"I'm Luna, my boyfriend is Swordtail, VIVA LÉ REVELUTION!"  She was pulled off the stage and Swordtail's turn was skipped.

"Hi, I'm Cricket.  My dad was killed in the games and I hope I can survive these ones."

"I'm Lightning... I lost my sister last year."

"Hi, I'm Willow and I would like to say something important.  So much blood is shed and you just... you just sit there, you even cheer for it..." she started crying and was pulled off of the stage. 

"Shame on you!" Sundew exclaimed, "SHAME ON ALL OF YOU STUPID *beep*" she as well was taken from the stage.

"Hi, I'm Oak.  Have you guys heard of a girl named Maple?  She was tortured in the games last year.  Her arms were cut and she was covered in scars when she met a bloody end.  Do you remember her?  No you don't, you... you... YOU *beep*"  he was taken as well, screaming to the very end, proclaiming his sorrow for his fallen love.

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