Meeting the other Contestants

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1-Clay, Sora

2-Tsunami, Turtle, Anemone, Riptide

3-Glory, Kinkajou, Jambu

4-Starflight, Fatespeaker, Thoughtless

5-Moon, Deathbringer

6-Sunny, Qibli

7-Winter, Lynx, Snowfall

8-Peril, Flame

9-Blue, Luna, Swordtail

10-Cricket, Lightning

11-Sundew, Oak, Willow

Deathbringer walked out of the carriage, Moonwatcher following.  Districts 1 through 4 were already there and Deathbringer remembered what he had heard of each of them.  Clay and Sora were strong and conected to eachother, like all from their district, but he could tell that they were to soft.  

Tsunami could be a challenge to fight, but by threatening one of her siblings, he could easily make her stop fighting.  Riptide was fairly strong, but not much of a threat.

He noticed the girls from district 3, his eyes lingering on Glory.  He had heard of her and knew she was a force to be reckoned with.  But she'd be easy to defeat, as even if she was strong for district 3, she would still be weak.  Jambu would be just as easy to defeat as Kinkajou, perhaps easier.

Starflight and Fatespeaker.  Easy targets, neither one a fighter.  Thoughtless however... she had won the games last year without so much as a scratch and was willing to kill even her her father.

Moonwatcher, the quiet girl from his own district would be fairly easy to get rid of.

Others had started to arrive.  Sunny from district 6 would be easy to trick or kill, but Qibli looked smart and determined, a potential threat.

Lynx would be easy to kill, Snowfall was too paranoid, and Winter... well, he could be a threat.

Peril was well known for her ruthlessness and easy kills and Flame was a good fighter, but undetermined.  Peril would be a hard threat to remove, but Deathbringer liked a challenge.

Blue had fluff between his ears.  Luna and Sowrdtail were pretty strong, but sloppy and unorganized.

Cricket was smart but to curious for her own good, as well as weak.  Lightning looked strong.  But that was his only good attribute.

Oak and Willow would be easy to defeat, Sundew, not so much.  She was known for poisoning her enemies, often with venomous bugs.

Deathbringer had decided that Peril, Thoughtless, Sundew, Qibli, and Tsunami were his biggest threats, in that order.

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