The Reaping

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District 1:

Clay walked to the announcement area and heard Moorhen, the mayor of his district, start the announcements.  He and his siblings were all there along with their mother, who was only there because she had to be.  Their aunt, Asha, had died only a few years ago in the games, and that had been hard for all of them.  They had also lost Pheasant, Clay's big sister.  This year Sora and Umber would be old enough to be taken this year, as well as himself.

"For the female, we will take..." Moorhen looked at a paper, "Sora!"

Sora started to cry and slowly walked up to the stage as Clay froze, not wanting to lose his little sister.

"And for the male, Clay!" The mayor exclaimed.

His heart seized in his chest and he walked up to the stage, his mind blank as his expression.  He vaguely felt Sora grab his hand tightly as Moorhen remarked about their family's misfortune, having lost Pheasant and and Asha in previous games and having two chosen this year.  But he barely heard her, his brain practically shut down.

District 2:

Tsunami frowned as she walked to the announcement area with her big family.  Over the past few years, her father, and some of her millions of cousins had been pulled and killed in the games.  Her own mother had to kill her big sister, Orca.

"For the male," Her mother (who was also the mayor) said, "we will take Turtle."

Turtle was Tsunami's little brother and she pained to see him taken.  She was angry, angry at the government for taking him, angry at her mother for not even caring that her son was probably going to die, angry at the world for being so unfair...

"Take me the to games!" Someone demanded.  Tsunami recognized the voice and was stunned to realize that it was her own, but she didn't back down, "I, Tsunami of district 2 would like to join the games."

Coral frowned it had to nod before saying, "Tsunami shall be added to the games along with another female, Anemone."

The crowd gasped.  Both of Coral's daughters who were old enough would be going, along with one of her sons, It was unheard of!  Coral's face paled.

"I'll go as well," Riptide, Tsunami's crush, said from the crowd.  He glanced at Tsunami, making her heart twist in fear.  How would she protect her brother, sister, and crush!  It would be impossible... but she would try.

District 3:

"Kinkajou," Grandeur called, "and Jambu."

Glory frowned, her brother would get himself killed! She stood up tall, "I volunteer for the games."

Grandeur nodded to her granddaughter sadly.

District 4:

"Starflight," Vigilance, the mayor said.

Starflight froze; he was not prepared for this.  He wanted to be a scientist, not a dead body!

"And Fatespeaker," the mayor finished.  Starflight had heard of Fatespeaker and met her a few times, but not much.  She was a little... eccentric.

"I'm going too," someone said.  Everyone had heard of Thoughtless, the kick-butt girl who won the games last year by killing her own father, but no one could've expected her to want to go back in!  There were rumours that Phoenix, a district 8 girl, was secretly her girlfriend and that was why she killed her father, who was the killer of Phoenix.

District 5:

"Moonwatcher and Deathbringer," Morrowseer said boredly.

Moon looked in fear at her mother, whom she had never left her side.

"Stay secret, stay hidden, stay safe," Secretkeeped muttered.

District 6:

"Sunny and Qibli," Blaze said.

As Sunny thought about how Blaze had some how won the games a few years back, she hoped that she too would be able to win without killing anyone.


Qibli new he had a chance at winning, though he didn't want to hurt anyone.  But if it meant survival... he shuddered.

District 7:

"Lynx and Snowfall," Glacier called, "two females this year."

Winter furrowed his brow.  Snowfall was his cousin (though he didn't like her) and Lynx was his best friend.  And he had to show his parents how strong he was...

"I volunteer!" Winter exclaimed.

District 8:

"Peril and Flame," Mayor Scarlet called.

Everyone knew that Peril would win, it was practically guaranteed!

District 9:

"Blue and Luna," Monarch called.

Luna gasped and started walking towards the stage, gripping her brother's hand tightly.

"I volunteer!  For love!" Swordtail's voice rang out from the crowd.

Luna felt his hand grip hers and she smiled up at him.  She would have her brother and her boyfriend with her, though she wished they weren't here.  Now they would probably die...

District 10:

"Cricket and Lightning," Wasp said, smiling evilly.

District 11:

"Willow and Oak," Sequoia read.

Sundew stood up quickly, "I volunteer!"

Her mother told her to, as did her father.  But they weren't the reason she was volunteering.  She was.  Willow.


1-Clay, Sora

2-Tsunami, Turtle, Anemone, Riptide

3-Glory, Kinkajou, Jambu

4-Starflight, Fatespeaker, Thoughtless

5-Moon, Deathbringer

6-Sunny, Qibli

7-Winter, Lynx, Snowfall

8-Peril, Flame

9-Blue, Luna, Swordtail

10-Cricket, Lightning

11-Sundew, Oak, Willow

As a watcher of these great games, you can help the contestants!  During this part of the games, you can vote to give the players different objects that could help them.

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