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For @When_The_Sky_Falls

Name: Arachnia

Pretty cool name. I haven't seen it before.

Gender: Female (I'm sorry for the over usage of females but this is my first female OC)

That's fine!

Age: 3

A baby

Tribe: Mudwing

Another MudWing! Wooooo

Rank: Child???

Yes. She is a child

Residence: Just in the Mudwing Kingdom

Okay. You could be a little more specific, like.. WHERE in the Mud Kingdom she lives. But whatever.

Appearance: Has long spidery legs unlike other Mudwings which earned her the name Arachnia. Her body is quite long, but not to the point where it looks like she is a snake with fat spider legs (lol imagine that). Other then that, she's pretty much average. Her scales are slightly darker and her eyes are a shade lighter. She has a slimmer build than other Mudwings. Many other dragons can't stop talking about how pretty she'll grow up which ticks her off (because it's just to make her feel better about her legs).

What exactly do you mean by spider-like legs? I'm just imaging a MudWing with eight legs but... I doubt that's what you mean lmao. Could you.. elaborate on that? I guess you mean like, long and skinny, but I don't know how that makes her legs appear particularly spidery, though. I do like that her appearance matches up with her name, but it's kind of confusing.

Also, you could be more descriptive with her color. "A shade darker" is also kind of confusing. A shade darker than what? I'd recommend looking up the names of specific shades of brown and choosing one that's more descriptive. Like this:

See how "chocolate" or "umber" would be more descriptive than "dark brown?"

This appearance is alright. I like that she's got a skinnier, longer build. It's pretty uncommon in MudWings. You just need to be more clear because I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly you mean, lol.

Personality: Arachnia is quick to snap, especially when they bring up her legs. She is a bit self conscious of her build, and doesn't seem comfortable in her own skin. She isn't one of those anti-social cliche OCs. She is actually quite talkative with other dragons of her age no matter what "wing" they are. She isn't very good with talking to adults, other then her relatives. Since she is still young, she uses her smile to get anything she wants. She is easygoing, but gets nervous and fidgety on the topic of her own self.

Okay. I like that she uses her smile to get what she wants, it fits a dragonet well, and it's original. I don't know if anxious and insecure go well with outgoing and talkative. But oh well. This personality is okay. I feel like something's missing... but I can't figure out what. Maybe you could describe her hobbies, interests, and likes/dislikes a little more.

Family: Jade - Mother, Terra - Father, Fir - Sister, Quill - Sister, Mudslide - Brother


Backstory: Arachnia was never really teased about her long limbs, but that doesn't stop her from feeling self conscious about them. All her (short and new) are life her mother and father (along with their friends) have been rambling on and on about how pretty she'll grow up (although it is true) and it ticks her off because she thinks they only say that to make her feel better. Since she is young there isn't much of a story, sorry. She has just lived a peaceful life so far only worrying about small things.

Hmm.. this makes sense for a dragonet, but surely you have plans for what's going to happen later in her life? Haven't you at least decided on her future career or anything? I don't know. I feel like there's a lot left out here.

Also, I need to point this out: MudWings don't have parents. It makes no sense for her to live with her mother and father. She would be raised by her BigWings, not her parents. You should definitely change that.

I give Arachnia a 6/10. I like her name and the reason behind it, but you could elaborate more on what spidery legs even look like. Her appearance could definitely use more detail. Her personality is okay so far, but you could add more to it. Her backstory is short, which I understand for a dragonet, but you as the creator should have an idea of how her life will play out. Also look more into MudWing culture because it makes no sense for her to even know her parents.

Anyway, that's all, bye :3

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