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For @redrewriteshistory

name :: Gale

I really like this name! I've seen it a few times, but it's still pretty original.

gender :: male (but acts more female)

Okay. That's.. interesting.

tribe :: Skywing and 1/12 Nightwing

That's oddly specific. Why did you choose to make him just a little bit NightWing? Besides it affecting his appearance a tiny bit, I don't see the point.

rank :: florist (grows, collects, and sells flowers)

Another florist! That's two in a row. What a coincidence ..

residence :: Kingdom of the Sky; small village

Ok, makes sense

appearance :: Like all most male Skywings, Gale is broad and has powerful wings and fighting abilities. Though, unlike most Skywing's his snout is more shaped like a Nightwing's. His eyes are a dark amber and he has a pink tongue. His scales are colored a brilliant orange with yellow tints at the end.

Okay. I still don't get the little bit of NightWing in him, it doesn't really seem to have a point. I guess it does make him a little more unique, but dragons can have different face shapes without being hybrids. I think this could be a little more descriptive. You could add a more distinctive feature, so he would stand out more. At the moment, he seems very bland. Bright orange is a very common color in SkyWings, which is okay, but you could definitely make up for it by adding a more original feature such as his height or weight or something.

personality :: Gale is actually very quiet, and hesitant. He can be sweet and can name almost every flower off the top of his head. He loves to sell dragon's flowers, so they can enjoy flowers as much as he does. He often likes doing the listening when it comes to conversations, and he would much rather keep personal things to himself. On the flawed side, he can be a coward. He doesn't want to get hurt, and finds it easier to just swim down, deeper, and deeper into his problems.

Not something you'd expect from a SkyWing. In fact, this is almost the exact opposite of your typical SkyWing. They're usually rude, loud, etc. Dragons that differ from the norm are fun, but I think you could add more about how SkyWing culture has affected him? Another thing is that his personality is mostly positive traits. You should add more flaws so that it's more balanced. Though, I do like the last sentence. It's an interesting character trait.

family ::
mother- Tempest [skywing and 1/8 Nightwing]
father- Tawny Owl [skywing]
grandfather- Storm [skywing and 1/4 nightwing]
sister- Bromelaid [skywing and 1/12 nightwing]

Tawny Owl is an interesting name. SkyWings don't usually have two-part names. Do you have an explanation for that?

"backstory :: Gale was born just a couple years after the end of the war, and grew up in a family business of herb sellers. Gale found it fun until he came to the age of seven, and he wished his family good luck with the business and he headed off. This, of course, terrified Gale and soon he came across a small village. There were Skywing his age and younger. A small place sold flowers -- and thinking flowers were the same as herbs -- Gale went in. He looked around at all the new things and found it instantly. He was bound to be a florist. He started volunteering to help out at that small place, and when the previous owner died he began to work there himself. He was the only one working there but he didn't mind. He had met a female Skywing and had a small crush on her, but he then had to tell himself no. He felt homesick a lot, and he missed his family. So he decided to take some flowers over to the Kingdom of the Sea for the Seawings. He even took some flowers down to the Sand Kingdom to sell to the Sandwings and then to the Mud Kingdom. He enjoyed it, but he then returned back to his little village. His life went on, and he then decided to take some flowers back to his family. When he returned his family he was over joyed to see his had a new baby sister, and he asked if she could come with him for a bit -- for his sister wanted to see more flowers -- and she grew older, and worked with Gale at the small flower shop. She's now his 'apprentice' and Gale loves her dearly. That is where he stands today.

A very simple backstory. I like it. His adventures traveling to the different kingdoms could make a pretty interesting story. I wish you would say more about that part. Also, I want to know more about the SkyWing he was briefly in love with. Who was she? How did she feel about him? Why did you bother mentioning her in the backstory? She doesn't seem very important. Or do you have future plans for her character? I'm curious where his story will go from here. Does he just stay in the Sky Kingdom selling flowers with his little sis? That's fine, it's kinda cute. But I'm just wondering because you didn't make it very clear.

Gale gets a 5/10. I really like his name for no particular reason. His appearance is fine, but there's nothing *great* about it. I think you could improve a lot by adding something more interesting. His personality could use more flaws and his backstory is a little boring and leaves lots of questions.

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