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For TheInsaneWyvern

Name: Palm, like a palm tree. Not a hand palm

The fact that you made sure I knew he was named after a palm tree is really funny to me, like there are dragons just named after a hand palm. Dragons don't even have hands lol.... I have a stupid sense of humor

Anyway, I like the name. I've seen it around before, but it's not overused. I think it's kinda cute.

Gender:-: Male

Oh I thought he was a girl for some reason.

Tribe:-: Sandwing, pureblood.


Rank:-: Currently an explorer, having he enjoys new sites.

Alright, explorer is common but not too common

Appearance:-: His main scale color is a pale, light toned yellow. His underbelly scales are even lighter, with orange tinting. One of his horns is cracked in the center due to an incident. His frills are a dark yellow. Palm has a golden chain necklace with a palm tree charm. He a short Sandwing, but his wings have white speckles on them. His barbed tail is all black.

Good appearance! I like the orangish lighter scales, it's original. Same with the white speckles. I also like the detail about the crack in his horn. Overall, this is good, and I don't have much else to say :3

Personality:-: Palm is an extremely hyper Sandwing, being very jumpy and childish. He is also very sensitive and protective, barely spreading negative emotion. He likes to spread his joy around the world, showing as much positivity as he can. But with that comes flaws. Because he's small, and gets teased for it he has some temper in his little body. Another flaw is he won't give up easily, causing him to risk himself more than needed. It is also very easy to shatter his fragile heart.

I like this! He has a good balance of good and bad traits. It's a personality I've seen a lot (kind of like Kinkajou or Sunny?) but it's still good, I guess.

Mother, Sandslide(Alive) Father, Unknown(Unknown)
Siblings, none.
Crush:-: None, travels to much.
Dragonets:-: Nope

I like the name Sandslide! I've never seen it before!

Backstory:-: When Palm hatched, he was very tiny. His father wasn't fond of this, saying he'd never survive due to his size. But his mother never listened, chasing her mate off eventually. Palm grew, rather quickly. He was put down a lot though by other dragonets and even adults. He learned eventually though that words couldn't exactly hurt him deep enough, and that even if he was tiny he had advantages. Once he fully matured, he made a deal with himself that he'd spread happiness all over Phrryhia. So that's when he became a explorer. Although, he did happen to run into a fight. Once he had set off, and ventured far he had ran into a hostile rainwing. They ended up fighting, but despite the smaller Sandwing defeating the hostile, his horn had cracked. Before they had broke off fighting, he had tried staying friendly, but failed. So he learned he could only help certain dragons to a certain point. Now he's known by a few tribes to spread happiness. So that's how he became a explorer.

Why was the RainWing hostile? That's the only part of this I don't get. Otherwise, I think he has a pretty solid backstory, and I like it! He has motivation to become an explorer, which is good.

Residence:-: Not exactly anywhere, everywhere is technically his home.

Makes sense.

I'll give him 9/10! He's not the best I've seen, he could be more original, but I like him! Overall he's pretty good.

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