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For joshlerismylifeok (good username btw)

Name; Sculptor

I get that he's named after a constellation, but I still find this name a bit odd. It just doesn't seem very NightWing-y. It is cool, though, and I've definitely never seen it before, so good job on originality?

Gender; Male


Tribe; NightWing (Used a lot, sorry)

Meh, it's fine

Rank in tribe; Healer

Yay! I like healers

Residence; the Rainforest, but he will travel to different tribes for short periods of time to help with dragons in serious medial need.

Makes sense. I think I'm going to like this guy :3

Appearance; Sculptor is a light shade of black with numerous white spots that resemble stars all over him. On the underside of his left wing, he has a pattern of stars that is similar to the faint southern sky constellation, Sculptor. He has dark amethyst purple eyes and two very dark black spots under his right eye that are barely visible.

Very descriptive! I like! The pattern on his wings matching a constellation is really cool. I like the random white scales. You could describe something other than his colors, i.e. His body shape. I feel like I always point that out for OCs, but I think it's important. Idk, I hope I'm not being too picky. His appearance is good.

Personality; Sculptor is very gentle, calm and patient. He shows empathy for everyone, no matter how good or evil. He always sees the good in dragons. He can get frustrated, and when he gets frustrated, that leads to almost giving up and getting a bit of an attitude. Once he's frustrated, he doesn't have the power to calm himself down, which is why he has his sister, Lyra to help him calm down. He devotes so much time to taking care of everyone else that he doesn't have enough time to take care of himself. He is also a very fast learner.


This is great! His personality fits his job well, which is good. He has some pretty major flaws, but I'm kind of confused. You say he's very calm and patient, but he gets very frustrated at times. Idk, it seems that those don't really fit together. You also mention in his backstory that he gets panic attacks, which also doesn't really fit the "calm" personality trait. I like that you added the bit where he doesn't take care of himself. It's an interesting trait, and pretty original.

Family; his mother, Aquila, his father, Keiran and his sister, Lyra.

All strange names. Again, not very NightWing-y...

Backstory; Sculptor had always wanted to be a healer. Ever since he saw a NightWing healer helping an injured soldier, he knew that's what he wanted to do. But as soon as he began training as a healer, his mentor saw something special in him. Something... unordinary. He had the power to automatically tell what was wrong with the patient. It was definitely convenient, Sculptor admitted, but sometimes it could lead to Sculptor feeling very guilty. Yes, he could tell what was wrong with them, but like any healer, he can't always fix them. His worst memory was when he had a SandWing patient that had some sort of virus injected in her. As the dragon suffered, Sculptor was unable to figure out how to get rid of the virus. He tried everything he could, but he couldn't decipher the virus itself. When the dragon died, he was blamed by many dragons of SandWing tribe for her death. Ever since then, whenever he gets a very sick patient, he gets nervous and starts having panic attacks. Sculptor is well known throughout all of the dragon tribes, and is one of the most trusted healers in all of them. He will stay in a tribe for short periods of times to stay with a patient and help them through whatever was going on until the patient is well enough to take care of itself.

I really like this backstory! It's simple, but it also has a potential for a good story to be made out of it. I like the bit about the SandWing dying, and I like that his experiences have shaped his character.

I'm kind of confused by how he can tell what's wrong with patients, though. You never really explained it? It's kind of strange. Otherwise, good backstory.

9/10!! I really like Sculptor for the most part. You could just fix up a bit of his personality, and explain his power some more, and I think he'd be good.

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