Conversation over flambeed turtle (starspeaker)

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Starflight lay in the darkest corner of his room. Every time there was a sound, his heart rate sped up, and his shoulders tensed.

Though it was nearly a whole two weeks after the battle at Jade mountain, he couldn't help but still fear that the whole thing would come crashing down on his head.

He took a few deep, calming breaths. His star speckled wings rose and fell with his slowly steadying breathing.

Oh how he wished that he could curl up on a window sill and read one of his favorite scrolls.

He reached his talons up to feel his eyes. Still bandaged, still dark, probably for ever.

He wondered if, had his sight cleared, he could even remember how to read.

It's funny.

He thought .

Out of all my friends, I'm the one who loved reading the most, and I was the one who lost the ability to do so.

He tucked his head under his wings and tried to blank out all his sad and angry thoughts.

But it wasn't fair.

All the others had been hero's once or twice, and none of them lost anything out of it.

Clay, he saved Starflight and Sunny from the Dragonbite Viper, and he at least still had his leg, that could have been amputated.

Tsunami, who knew how many countless times she had saved them, and she got to be head of school.

Glory, she had saved all of the Rainwings, and Deathbringer, and Clay in the arena, and killed Crocodile in the Sea Kingdom to protect them all, and she was now Queen of two tribes.

Sunny, Sunny sacrificed herself to save that little Sandwing, Ostrich. She let herself be taken to Burn, and Sunny was . . . Sunny was Sunny. Perfection in every scale.

Even Deathbringer. He had saved Glory from the Nightwings, and he got Glory out of it.

It was my idea to let the Nightwings stay with the Rainwings under Glory's rule. Starflight thought.

It was me who showed Glory the way to the dungeons to rescue Deathbringer.

And I lost one of the most precious things in the world to me.

My sight, and Sunny.

Sunny didn't love him.

It wasn't that Starflight resented the others for their achievements, he just wished that he could have achieved something himself.


Starflight lifted his head.


"Starflight, it's me, Fatespeaker."


"Hello Fatespeaker." Starflight said.

He heard the sound of approaching talon steps, then a soft thump beside him as she presumably sat down.

She pocked his snout.

"Stop it"

"Stop what?" Starflight asked.

"Stop it with the gloomy thoughts! I can always tell when you're bringing yourself down, you have this look on your face. Now stop it, and let's go outside into the sunshine! The sun is just rising! Lets go out together and breath the mountain air!"

I can't even see the sunrise. He thought resentfully.

"I don't really think I want to" Starflight said.

"AWWWwwwww why NOT? " she whined.

"Because" Starflight said.

"Come on Starflight, I promise I wont let the mountain fall on you! If it does I'll just knock it away with my awesome super strength! Besides, if the mountain was going to fall on us I would've seen it in a vision! Ooooo I'm getting one now! Hold on!"

Starflight pictured her face as she scrunched it up in her "having a vision!!!!" expression.

"You and me, sitting on top of the mountain eating fish and admiring the sunrise! There! Even my vision wants us to go out there!"


Three minuets later, Starflight sat on the edge of the mountain, pressed against it's rocky side, wondering how in the moons he got there.

He heard Fatespeaker take a deep breath and flap her wings.

"MMMMmmmm! Taste the air Starflight!"

"No thank you"

She ignored this comment.

"MmmMMM! It's delicious! An alluring scent of fried fish, walrus, waterfall water, coconuts, mangoes and . . . hmmm, I think I taste a little papaya and some honey suckle, along with a smidgen of flambeed turtle and . . . something else I can't quite put my talon on. Smell the air Starflight!"

Starflight lifted his head, forked tongue flicking in and out as he tasted the air.

He could taste the faraway scent of fish, but no fruits. Definitely no flambeed turtle.

"Thank you for coming up here with me Starflight" Fatespeaker said after a moment.

Starflight shrugged his shoulders.

"You know, you were the first dragon who didn't make fun of me, or tease me, or hurt me. You listened to me and you were kind to me. It means . . . so much I can't even begin to tell you" she whispered. 

Her voice had changed, loosing it's "Everything is Awesommmme!!! electrified tone. It sounded genuine, soft, caring and sweet. A lot like Sunny.

"Yes well," Starflight said.

"You're and amazing dragon, I can see that, I'm sure lots of other dragons will see that too, soon."

He could hear the smile in Fatespeakers voice.

"Thank you Starflight."

Then her tone changed again.

She sounded sorrowful and far more mature than usual.

"Starflight, I know you probably don't want to talk about this, but I need to say something. When you lost your sight to the lava, It broke my heart. I knew how much reading meant to you. How much it STILL means to you. To make you lose something so precious when you had been so incredible and amazing. It was one of the cruelest things I've ever seen.

"I suppose I should say, I expected you to be broken after that. To loose yourself, but that would be a lie. I knew you would get up and continue living your life like the truly strong dragon you are. You took it like I don't think anyone else could've, and that proves how strong you are. That proves how amazing you are. I know, sometimes it's going to be hard to live like this but . . . I guess I just wanted to say, that I'll be here for you. Every step of the way. Every moment, until the day my heart stops beating, and even then, if I haven't outlived you, I shall watch over you. You are the most important thing in the world to me Starflight, I just . . . wanted you to know that."

Starflight was shocked after her confession.

He felt his heart once again increase speed, and his face heat up.

"Thank you Fatespeaker." he said softly. meaning it, with all his heart.

"You are one of the most important things in the world to me too. I'm glad I didn't lose you in the eruption, that . . . that would have been a million times worse than loosing my eyes."

He felt her beam radiating from her smiling face like the early suns new rays. Warm and bright, but not blinding.

"Well, now we've done that . . . um . . . I brought-"

Starflight smelled it before it left her bag.

"You didn't-"


For the rest of the morning, the two rested together on the mountain, sharing random thoughts and feasting contentedly on flambeed turtle.

I was wrong.

Starflight thought happily.

I wasn't the one who lost everything.

I have Fatespeaker.


I hope you like?

 Please don't ask where the flambeed turtle came from, I have no idea XD

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