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Dedicated to canda_warrior I feel like such a bad person this literally took months. You probably aren't even going to read it but any way  . . .

Starflight walked uncertainly around the library, every so often stopping and feeling around for unknown objects that might cause him to stumble and fall.

In my own library too. He thought, wincing at the thought. 

Suddenly, he heard the sound of talon steps, quick and light through the halls. 

As usual, he felt the sudden moment of panic, not knowing who was out there, and what they wanted.

Ever since the incident with Icicle, he'd found himself even more jumpy than usual.

The sound drew closer.

"F . . . Fatespeaker?" he called hesitantly.

"It's me, Sunny!" Sunny's voice echoed around him, cheerful and bright. 

He felt warm scails brush up against his own, and experienced the all to familiar feeling of his heart taking a high dive off a cliff.

"Oh, hi Sunny. Do you need anything?" he asked.

"Actually I was wondering if I could read you something?"

"What?" Starflight asked, ears perked up at the mention of reading.

Sunny suddenly sounded very shy.

"Oh, um . . . it's something . . . something I wrote for one of the classes, I thought . . . you know since you're so awesome with scrolls and literature and stuff, if you could give me feedback?"

 Starflight smiled and settled down.

"I'd love to" he said.

 He could feel Sunny's smile in her words.

"Okay then!"

She cleared her throat.

"Ahem. Once upon at time . .  .

Once upon a time, there lived a dragon. His father had been a great warrior, a hero.

This dragon, Helio, wanted more than anything to follow in his fathers Talonsteps. To experience the  same feeling of honer, to live out his life as a protector of good.

As a dragonet, Helio would carve small wooden statues. Some of them were beautiful, some of them were hideous.

In his collection were handsome warrior dragons, beautiful dragonesses, with flowers woven around their horns.

But there were also terrifying beasts.

Three headed snakes, multi armed dragon hunting scavengers, strange cows with large horns and tough hides.

When he played with them, his favorite statue, a warrior he named Star, would always vanquish these monsters.

Then one day, Star got a friend. A beautiful dragoness whom Helio named Sun.

Star protected her.

Then, soon later, a dragonet joined the wooden family.


Now Star had two dragons too protect.

All through out his youngest years, Helio contented himself  with being a hero through Star, but one day, he found himself discontent.

Late one night, he snuck away from his mothers den and set out to ind himself his own adventure.

He flew far, to lands he had never seen, asking whether any one needed a hero. But Helio was young, and know one paid any attention to him.

Angered and sad, he cast his wooden playmates into a fire, thinking his dream of becoming a hero was gone.

Then something magical happened. 

Instead of burning up and turning to ash, the figures moved, and suddenly, they were alive.

Stretching tiny limber wood like wings, they leaped out of the fire and landed in front of Helio.

Amazed and frightened, Helio gazed at them.

Star came forwards and spoke.

"Through fire you have freed us. We now owe you a great dept of gratitude. Tell us, what do you wish for?"

Helio was overcome with excitement and disbelief.

But it did not cloud his judgment.

Helio knew what he wanted.

"I wish to be a hero. A fighter for good. A protector against all evil in the world" he said  certainly.

"And so you shall be" Star said.

From that day, Helio became known as a legend. 

His special abilities to carve hero's and then bring them to life was known all around the world.

With them he created his own army, dedicated to a life of bringing peace and prosperity  too the world."

Sunny stopped and waited.

"What do you think?" she asked nervously.

Starflight smiled. 

"I think it's amazing!" he said.

"I . . . sort of based Helio and Star off of you, I hope you don't mind." she said softly.

"You did?" Starflight asked.

"Yes. You are a lot alike. So good hearted and kind."

Starflight felt something small and wooden slip into his talons.

"Remember? You made Helio for me, for my third hatching day." Starflight felt the small wooden wings and horns, tiny claws and limbs.

Slowly it came back to him.

"And . . . who did you base Sun off of?" he asked quietly.

"Oh . . ." Sunny said.


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