Glorybringer (The prequel)

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A/N: Wow, an update? This was requested by Wyeth429 and is a prequel to my previous Glorybringer one-shot, featuring Wren. Spoilers for Dragonslayer. 

It was a normal day, and Deathbringer was glad. He liked normal days without worrying about insane SandWing sisters or an evil giant NightWing legend who was supposed to be dead for thousands of years, or a SlyWing coming for revenge on Deathbringer's queen.

Normal. Deathbringer really liked that word.

It was a normal day, and Deathbringer was happy. That is, until a freaking scavenger that had scared the dung out of him a while ago.

"Hey!" He heard a high-pitched voice squeal. "Murderbasket!"

"What the--" Deathbringer started, jumping up.

"Are you Murderbasket?" She asked.

"Wren?" Deathbringer asked curiously.

"You remember me!" Wren exclaimed. "Yes, it's me."

"Until now, I was still unsure it happened," Deathbringer grumbled. He didn't want to get into scavenger affairs.

"Aw, is Murderbasket scared?" Wren pouted.

Deathbringer growled. "I'm not scared. I'm just done with weirdness. I wanted a normal day with my queen."

Wren's eyes widened and she smirked. "Who's this queen?"

"Queen Glory of the RainWings and NightWings," Deathbringer replied loyally. "I'm her bodyguard."

"Just her bodyguard?" Wren asked with a raised brow.

Deathbringer groaned. "Will you shut up?"

"How," Wren replied. "Tell me about this queen. Is she nice? Is she a good queen? How did she become queen?"

Deathbringer chuckled. "She's a very nice dragon. One of the nicest I've ever met. Very selfless and humble. She's also an amazing queen. Always thinking of her people and standing up for her choices. And how she became queen...well that's a funny story. She beat the other queens in a challenge, then went and rescued some of the RainWings that had been stolen from our prison."

"Thats pretty cool," Wren said after a moment. "You should ask her out."

"What?" Deathbringer demanded. "What are you talking about?"

"You obviously like her," Wren said with an eye roll. "So just tell her. Its not hard."

"It kind of is," Deathbringer hissed. He cleared his throat. "Okay. Say I did like Queen Glory. What do I say to her?"

Wren thought for a moment. "Hey Queen Glory, even though I'm your bodyguard and I can protect you from weird stuff I really want to do something weird with you. How does lunch sound?"

Deathbringer gagged. "Disgusting. I was thinking maybe...hey babe, you and I were meant for each other like the stars were meant for the moon."

"And I thought mine was mad," Wren muttered. "Try this: hey Glory, i really like you and have for a while and I would love to see where this goes. Do you want to spend some time with me?"

Surprisingly, Deathbringer thought that was pretty good. He might actually try it. Not that he would tell the scavenger, of course.

"That was the slightest better," Deathbringer replied. "But I think I might tell her. But I'll do it my own way."

"Wow, it looks like you have some common sense," Wren said with a laugh. "But it's good for you to tell her. I'm sure she feels the same way about you."

"I hope so," Deathbringer whispered.

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