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Name: "Burr."

Gender: he gives you a strange look, "Male."

Age: 12

Tribe: "..." (MudWing)


(By: gxlactea-, thank you again!)

Sexuality: He raises his brow at you curiously before answering, "Straight."

Personality: Burr is a laid back soul, who's always down to earth. He can be a bit stand off ish, but can easily warm up to you if he feels as though you can be trusted. He is a bit insecure about himself, mostly for him being so small, and tends to keep quiet.

Likes: "Being out of my cell." (Mud bathing, talking about his siblings and the good ol' times. He likes to train a few of the other prisoners there who were refugees of war, so they can fend off attackers)

Dislikes: "A lot of talking, but I'll still do it." (Being alone, closed in spaces, a lot of loud noises)

Crush/Mate: None

Dragonets: None

Backstory: Him and his siblings were soldiers since the time he hatched, which was during the time of war between the MudWings and SkyWings. He was the second youngest of his clutch, and was the main reason he's so small. When he and his siblings were on a patrol, they were ambushed by guards from the SkyWing Kingdom. They killed his older siblings, but was able to get his little sister to safety before he was taken away by the guards. He has then been held captive, but is known to others for offering to train others in the same whirlwind as he.

Other: Held captive in the SkyWing Kingdom.

Scenario 1

You were a guard/visitor from a different kingdom, here with your queen (reason up to you). Whilst the two were talking, you heard voices outside, seeing a few small SkyWings dragonets letting out small plumes of fire at a MudWing, who doesn't seem all that interested in them. Another guard looked at them, and growled when the MudWing simply told them to stop. You...

Scenario 2 (MudWings)

You knew Burr from the time you two were hatchlings, and even became sort of close to each other. When you heard he had 'died' with the rest of his siblings, you were slightly hurt. In a battle between the SkyWings, you were taken captive, and were thrown into the dungeon. "(Y/N)?" You...

Scenario 3

You make up!

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