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Name: "Gray! Like the color!"

Gender: "Booooy!"

Age: "I'm seven, you?"

Tribe: "Dad said I'm NightWing, but it's weird, cause I feel these spike things on my neck." (Night/Ice)

Looks: "I wish I could see myself..."

(credit to 23belln for his base!)

Sexuality: "I'm wondering..."

Personality: "I'm hyper! Dryeyes says I need to be careful, cause I get carried away. I think I'm cheerful to, and maybe a little crazy."

Likes: "I like my friend Smoke! He's a SkyWing, but he has grey scales! I asked him if he was a hybrid, but he said no. I also like meeting new dragons, scavengers, and... well... thinking of what the outside looks like."

Dislikes: "I don't like the smell of dead animals, it stinks. I don't like IceWings either, even though my dad is one, but... he's different I guess. I also don't like spiders, they feel weird.

Crush/Mate: "Open!"

Dragonets: "None!"

Backstory: Gray was born to his parents, Flurry and Quietness. The two were forced into a peace marriage to show that they can live in peace with one another. Sadly though, Quietness died of cancer when he was five months old. His father eventually dropped him off to his uncle, Dryeyes, and went off to explore beyond Phyrria, saying he wanted a change of surroundings. Dryeyes taught him for a long time, and basically became his second dad. When he was six, he went out to explore, and meet a pair of dragons named Smoke and Dusk (a SandWing), and even though Smoke made it obviously for him to leave them alone, he still joined them. They know chill in the Claws of the Clouds mountain.

Other: Is Blind.

Scenario 1

You were walking through the market place of (some Kingdom/town). You were minding you own business, when a dragon stepped on your tail. You turned and went to yell at them, to find a odd, wobbly dragon with filmed over eyes. He looked up, straight ahead, "Hm? Did I step on something?" the SandWing next to him bumped him with his wing, "You're on someone's tail." he said. The dragon jumped back, "I'm sorry!". You...

Scenario 2

Hunting/Training/Scouting near the Claws of the Cloud Mountains, you were busily trying to make progress before the sun set. The rumors about dangerous dragons that were living in the mountains were spreading like wildfire in (your kingdom/group/town/ect.). You were finally wrapping up when you heard something behind you break, you turned and saw to big pale, white dotted eyes. You...

Scenario 3

You make up!

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