Chapter 1 - Jade Mountain

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Darkfire bounded out of the cave, leaving scraps of scrolls flying everywhere. He was going to go and learn at Jade Mountain Academy!

           "Mother can I go now?!" asked Darkfire turning back to his mother, "I want to see what it is like." Starrynight nudged Darkfire's cheek with her snout. "Ok ok. Go on," said Starrynight calmly. She knew that Darkfire could read her mind. Bye, Darkfire. And have a good time at school. Make good friends, thought Starrynight.

          Another nightwing headed towards school. She has the same teardrop scale next to her eye too. Maybe she is from my family, he wondered. Darkfire started to trod over the deep mud of the forest floor. Yuck. He preferred to fly above instead. Darkfire flapped his wings, causing leaves to whirl in the air.

At last, Darkfire had arrived. He landed next to a lake near bye, and washed the mud that stained his talons. He felt the cool breeze blow across his face. He loved being here. Darkfire walked over to the nightwing he had seen before. The nightwing looked back. "Oh h-hi! I'm M-Moon. Moonwatcher actually. Nice to meet you. I heard you are the new dragon," said Moon.

We can talk to each other in our heads! (not a note from the author) Just like Darkstalker! What? You can read minds? That's awesome! Well... wanna be f-friends? Ok. You're Darkfire right? Yeah. But... who is Darkstalker? Have you seen him? Is he here? I'll talk to you about that later. Just come with me. Darkfire mind was filled with questions. How has they bonded so well?
Darkfire followed Moon into the cave. Another nightwing was waiting. After this I'm going to see Starflight, thought Fatespeaker. "Hello, and welcome to Jade Mountain Academy! You must be Darkfire. You will be joining the Jade Winglet. Your sleeping den will be across from Moon's. Don't worry, your name is on it," said Fatespeaker grinning. Darkfire nodded. Fatespeaker gave Darkfire a necklace with a tie. "Wear this," said Fatespeaker.

          Eyes stared at him. "The new student," whispered a seawing to another seawing next to her. He has the same teardrop scale like Moon's, thought the seawing. Can he read minds and what winglet does he fit into?, wondered a sandwing. They all know, thought Darkfire.

           "Moon is it is a bad thing to be able to read minds?" whispered Darkfire. Moon whispered back, "No, I don't think so. Some dragons were a little mad at me when they discovered I could read minds. Can you see the future?" Future? How am I supposed to know the future? Moon, tell me please, thought Darkfire.  "I guess you just have this this dream in your head that actually happens to know you can tell the future," muttered Moon.

A sandwing walked up to him. "What winglet are you in?" asked the sandwing.

"Jade," answered Darkfire.

"Oh cool because I belong to that winglet," said the sandwing.

"What's you name?" asked Darkfire.

"Qibli," answered Qibli. "Name?"

"Oh umm Darkfire," he said.

"Nice to meet you," greeted Qibli.

"Nice to meet you, too," said Darkfire.

           Qibli walked away. "Follow me," said Moon "To the Jade Winglet. I'll introduce you to everyone" Darkfire followed. How come I can't read Qibli's mind. Because he has skyfire. You can't read someone's mind if they have skyfire. Why? I don't know. Moon was waiting for an answer.

          Moon and Darkfire slowly walked towards the Prey Center "What's the first class of the day?" asked Darkfire. Moon seemed to hesitate. "Let's just ask Clay?" Moon pointed at the mudwing. Darkfire walked up to him. "Are you Clay?" asked Darkfire. "Yes. What is it?" mumbled Clay.  Darkfire glanced at Moon. "What class is next?" he asked. Clay looked at one of the scrolls. "Err... history," he muttered under mouthfuls of a cow he was eating. "Thanks," said Darkfire. "Call me anytime you need me!" Clay said taking another bite out of the cow.

*after class*

              "Want to head to the art area?" asked Moon, "I bet Mightyclaws is there." Darkfire had met every dragon in his winglet. He has also heard about Mightyclaws, who was able to draw anything he wanted, and it would appear. "Sure," answered Darkfire. Darkfire and Moon padded over to the art room. Mightyclaws looked up at Moon and Darkfire. "Hello," Mightyclaws said. "Hi," said Darkfire and Moon at the same time.

"Here, I can make a banana just by drawing one," said. Mightyclaws.

Mightyclaws drew a picture of a banana. Suddenly, it appeared on the scroll.

"Wow," said Darkfire with wide eyes.

"And it's ripe!" added Moon.

"I know," said Mightyclaws in a tone that sounded like he was relaxing really well.

"I'm going to draw some animals so you can have some or put them in the Prey Center. You look pretty hungry," said Mightyclaws. Darkfire was hungry but he didn't want to be rude.

"I'll put it in the Prey Center?" offered Darkfire. "What about you?"

"I'm not hungry. I drew a chicken and ate it..... in the Prey Center," said Mightyclaws.

          Darkfire wrapped his arms around a cow, trying not to leave a spark of blood on it. The cow let out a cry of terror. Darkfire tried to calm it down. "Hey stop making loud noises," whispered Darkfire to the cow. "Like it understands you," Moon said laughing. Darkfire laughed a bit, too. Darkfire carried the cow over to the Prey Center. Clay was there "Oh hi," said Clay. Darkfire felt like he never was new to the school since he had talked so much to the others. No one was ever mean to him. "I'm just here to drop off some prey," said Darkfire to Clay. Darkfire let go of the cow. It ran off happy to be free of Darkfire's grip.

             A Nightwing walked over to him. "Hey Darkfire. Go check out the library," said Moon. "There's a scroll about Darkstalker." Darkfire brain was relaxed. Finally he got to learn all about Darkstalker. He forgot about that. "Oh ok. Thanks!" said Darkfire grinning.

            Darkfire padded over to the library.

"Starflight," muttered Darkfire.

"Yes," said Starflight.

"Can I check out a book about Darkstalker?" asked Darkfire

"Sure," said Starflight reached for a scroll behind him.

"Here. Library card?" said Starflight.

Darkfire gave him his library card.

"Ok," said Starflight handing the library card and the scroll to Darkfire.

"Thanks," said Darkfire smiling.

"You welcome," Starflight grinned back although he was blind and didn't know Darkfire smiled.



Note from the author:
New chapter is here which is this one. Hope you guys enjoyed. If you did than please like the chapter or comment. So bye hoomans. 👋

Yeah bye hoomans. 🤫 hhehhehe

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