Chapter 3

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"Here's the prey center" Snowstar announced, waving a wing at the cave. It had an area to go outside to hunt, a few stands with freshly caught prey, Home-cooked meals, and stands with varieties of fruit.

"I'm so glad they have fruit!" Marina said. Marina did eat meat, but heavily preferred fruit and vegetables, it was mainly influenced by her mother, Kinkajou. Marina's stomach growled, and she chuckled awkwardly,"uh, I'm going to go get some fruit. Be right back!"

Then Marina dashed to the fruit stands and started to inspect them.
Snowstar turned to Destiny. Destiny's mind, unlike Marina, was calm and focused, she did have questions and random thoughts that would seem to appear out of nowhere, but other than that, she mainly focused on her surroundings and the dragons around her.

Snowstar shook her head slightly to help drown out Destiny's thoughts and asked,"So, what is your preference?". Destiny looked at her,"preference?" She echoed. "In food?" Snowstar finished, titling her head slightly.
Destiny chuckled,"oh, I like both" she answered.

I could go for some mangoes right now, though.. Destiny thought, gazing at the fruit stand. " you want some mangoes? They aren't my favorite, but they're still pretty good!" Snowstar said, she found herself wanting to be this dragons friend.

How-? Destiny wondered, it's like she read my mind..
Snowstar could feel Destiny's gaze trail from her eyes to her teardrop scales.
That's because she can! Destiny's mind shouted.

Snowstar flinched at her internal outburst. "By the moons.." Destiny breathed.
"Can you- Do you-?" She trailed off. Snowstar sighed, she really wanted to get to know his dragon better before she figured it out. "Read minds? Yes, you're pretty smart to figure that out so soon" Snowstar smiled weakly. Or maybe I'm just bad at hiding it..she thought.

A, mind reader? She admitted it! I knew I would meet one but i didn't think so soon! Wait... she's probably hearing what I'm thinking right now uh...think of uh..moons! The moons! And their different fazes. By the moons, I probably sound stupid, Destiny! Calm down! Destiny's mind ranted.

Snowstar chuckled softly and said,"look, I'll do the best to drown out your thoughts, but that means you probably shouldn't internally scream."
She joked. Destiny chuckled as well but still looked uneasy. Snowstar shrugged and drowned out her thoughts the best she could. Then they made their way over to the fruit. Snowstar grabbed an apple and took a bite as Destiny grabbed a mango. Meanwhile Marina was eating some slices of watermelon.

Marina was thinking about her parents and her brother while Destiny was trying to figure out a way to hide her thoughts. Snowstar sighed and took another bite of her apple. "Get out of my way!" She heard someone hiss, it was a Sandwing, their tail was thrashing. On the other side of the Sandwing was a small seawing, looking quite scared.

Snowstar finished her apple and ran over to the Sandwing who was shouting at the seawing. "Hey!" Snowstar snapped and stepped in front of the Sandwing.
Ugh, another hybrid, this place is crawling with hybrid filth! The Sandwing thought. The seawing on the other hand which Snowstar now realized was a small seawing-leafwing hybrid, was cowering in fear with flashes of claws and teeth, of dragons who looked like the little hybrid. I wonder how their life is at home.. Snowstar thought.

"Get out of my way, hybrid!" The Sandwing hissed, their tail curled up behind themself like a scorpion. "And let you shout at this poor dragonet? Yeah, I don't think so" Snowstar snapped, her tail was thrashing slightly, and her green eyes narrowed.

"I'm not going to ask you again, filth." The Sandwing growled, they curled their lip and showed their teeth while they kept their wings in close like if they touched her they would get some kind of disease.

Snowstar dug her claws into the stone and stood her ground.
"I take it you want me to cower in fear?" Snowstar said, studying the Sandwing.
The Sandwing's obsidian black eyes showed disbelief and anger.

The Sandwing bared their fangs. "Hey, sandsnorter!" Shouted another voice."you heard the icewing hybrid! Move those lazy bones and get away from that dragonet!" Snowstar glanced sideways and saw a Leafwing-Icewing hybrid, thrashing her tail. She looked mostly like a leafwing, with purple here and there along with icewing spikes and tail spikes that resembled a pinecone. Her purple eyes narrowed and she began to snarl.

"Unless of course, you wish to be kicked out? Or handed over to Queen Thorn. Did you forget that her own daughter is a hybrid? Imagine how she'll feel about one of her own subjects shouting at a poor defenceless little hybrid dragonet?"
The dragon said, Snowstar thought she looked very elegant and regal, she almost would have guessed that this dragon was royalty.

Destiny ran and grabbed the little dragonet. The Sandwing hissed, then walked away, their tail thrashing slowly as they walked, they kept on cursing the dragonets in their thoughts as they walked away.

"Thanks," Snowstar said, walking up to the dragon. Snowstar scanned her mind, this dragon seemed to be putting on a tough act, but inside, she was constantly guessing herself thinking; 'did I say this right? I probably could have said this instead..maybe I should've kept my mouth closed!' Snowstar wanted to tell this dragon that she did the right thing, but that would mean revealing that she is a mind reader, and she wasn't ready to do that just yet.

Destiny walked over to us with the dragonet holding onto her claws, she looked younger than Marina, so she must be around two. Marina bounded over as well.
"No problem!" The dragon replied, then sat down and curled her tail around her talons.

"So, what's your name?" Snowstar asked, "I'm Lantern, and you are?" she replied. "I'm Snowstar, that's Marina, and over there with the small dragonet is Destiny." Snowstar said, flicking her tail at the dragons whom she mentioned.

Destiny was silently inspecting her, and deciding that she wasn't a threat, while Marina stood behind Snowstar and wondered if this dragon would snap at her as well, while Lantern wondered if it was a bad idea to give them her name.

"So what-" BONG BONG BONG! Snowstar's voice was drowned out by the class gong. "Class time, that usually means everyone has made it and has settled in.
Snowstar said. "What's our first class?" Snowstar asked. Destiny shook her brain for answers then said," I think it might be Fatespeaker's class? Since Tsunami is introducing the Jade Winglet to their classmates first"

"Okay" Snowstar nodded, then asked,"What winglet are you in?" Lantern hadn't thought of anything that would reveal which winglet she was in.
"Silver, I'm in the Silver winglet" she said.

"Oh good! You're with us! Now c'mon!" Snowstar said, as she started to make her way to Fatespeaker's class, and her new 'friends' followed.

Lantern belongs to DireConsequences !!

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