Chapter 4

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The small group of four had made it to Fatespeaker's teaching cave, which was really just art, and Fatespeaker didn't really teach it, a RainWing named Dandelion taught it, but Fatespeaker used it for introducing classmates at the beginning of the year.

Snowstar was the first to enter the room, in her newfound group that is. When she walked in, she spotted Fatespeaker first, and then she spotted a crimson colored SkyWing, along with a mahogany colored mudwing, a Sandwing, and a seawing.

The Skywing's mind was calm and reserved, and was thinking of the different shades it would take to paint Fatespeaker. The Sandwing was sharp and clever, his thoughts consisted of ways he could take down Snowstar and her group. Much like her uncle Qibli 's mind. The Seawing was thinking about the sea and many different sea plants and herbs. While the mudwing's thoughts where kind, and calm, they where thinking about the warm mud back in the mud kingdom.

The mudwing sighed. They miss their kingdom, their home, Snowstar thought, with a pang of pity. She had never known another home other then Jade Mountain, so she couldn't help this dragon.

Fatespeaker's bubbly mindset interrupted her train of thought and it took a moment to drown it out. Snowstar dissolved the endless thoughts from the other dragons into the internal raindrops and she made her way inside the cave.

"Snowstar! Nice to see you!" Fatespeaker said with a smile and Snowstar replied,"Likewise" as she sat down. Marina sat to Snowstar's left and Lantern sat to her right as Destiny sat down beside Lantern. Snowstar noticed the Skywing intently studying Marina. The skywing's mind was full of slight envy as she wished she could change her colors as well. She wishes to be colorful..Snowstar realized, even though Snowstar thought the Skywing looked beautiful herself.

Snowstar looked around the room, trying to ignore the headache that was starting to form and she realized that they where missing the HiveWing and the SilkWing. A few moments later a light yellow and green with dappled colors of blue and orange SilkWing walked in, and behind them was trailing a HiveWing-SilkWing hybrid. Apollo and Beetle..Snowstar recalled from the scroll.

The HiveWing hybrid had their wings, but their friend Apollo, still had wing buds. They're my age. Snowstar guessed, considering SilkWings didn't get their wings until they where adults.

Fatespeaker clapped her talons together and Snowstar faced her. "Well, it seems like everyone is here now! So let's start with introductions! I'm Fatespeaker, your teacher for the hour, now you go" She said, pointing at the Sandwing," we'll go clockwise" she added.

The Sandwing flicked his venomous tail and grumbled,"I'm Viper" Fatespeaker nodded then said," now, what's a fun fact about yourself" Viper looked at his claws as his black forked tounge flicker in and out of his mouth, "I like to spar"
He muttered. "Good" Fatespeaker replied. Then she pointed at the seawing.
"My name is Crab, and I'm learning to be an herboligest"

That's cool, Snowstar thought, still drowning out he thoughts of others.
Next was the Skywing,"uh, hello..I'm Crimson, and I enjoy painting, and art"
Snowstar nodded slowly, that was uncommon for most skywings, art was usually a Sandwing and seawing thing. But she guessed that skywings did like shiny things.

The mudwing went next,"I'm Oak, and I enjoy wood carving and playing with my sibs" then it was Marina," Oh, uh..I'm Marina, and..I like..well...I guess, music, and fruit picking with my mom" Marina announced, her voice soft and quiet. Snowstar realized it was her turn to introduce herself,"I'm Snowstar..and I enjoy painting and stargazing" Then her gaze shifted to Lantern who said,"I'm Lantern and I like reading scrolls about geography" Destiny curled her tail over her talons and said,"Call me Destiny," Destiny thought about what to say for a moment then finished,"and I like to read to my little sister, Poppy"

Snowstar smiled softly, that's sweet, she thought. Then it was the SilkWing, they smiled and said,"I'm Apollo and I like to make silk tapestries with my mother, Luna" Finally, it was their HiveWing hybrid friend, "I'm Beetle and I like to study with my mom, Cricket"

"Great! That's everyone!" Fatespeaker said, clapping her talons. I wonder if these students like me.. the back of Fatespeaker's mind muttered. Fatespeaker pushed the thought away and asked,"so what would you dragonets like to do?"

Go home. Oak thought. The other dragons thoughts where similar but scattered and different as well. Fatespeaker tapped her claw on the ground, silently she was counting the silent seconds that passed by. Maybe I could have a vision? Fatespeaker pondered then quickly scolded herself thinking, oh come on Fatespeaker! You know you don't have visions! That's just what your younger self told you to make yourself feel better..

Fatespeaker sighed and Snowstar couldn't deal with the silence. She opened her mouth to speak but then a NightWing burst in. They looked like Fatespeaker, but had slightly bluer scales and green eyes. "Mother! Father is looking for you!" Mother? Snowstar thought, then it hit her, oh! That's Starseeker!

Starseeker looked at the room full of dragonets and blushed. Woops.. She thought. Snowstar realized that Starseeker had a faint star shape on her forehead, I forgot she was a seer. "Sorry for interrupting your class mother." She muttered. Fatespeaker smiled and patted Starseeker on her head,"It's okay Star, go back to class. I'll get to Starflight soon"

Starseeker nodded and left the class. Fatespeaker turned to the winglet and announced,"I am needed at the moment so uh....I'll get a substitute" Then Fatespeaker bounded out of the classroom.

"Well that was odd" Marina muttered. "I wonder what Starflight needs Fatespeaker for" Destiny replied. Lantern shrugged, "well it was important enough to stop a class" "I wonder who our substitute will be" Snowstar spoke up, slightly dazed.

"Maybe Clay?" Destiny suggested, "maybe" Marina muttered. Snowstar heard talonsteps and looked to the entrance of the cave. She spotted familiar dark green scales and teardrop scales. The substitute sat down with her tail neatly curled over her talons. It was her mother, Moonwatcher.

"Greetings dragonets" Moonwatcher said, her her calm, soft voice.
"Mother?" Snowstar called. Moonwatcher looked in her direction with her emerald green gaze. "Yes, Snowstar?" She replied with a soft smile. "It's nothing" Snowstar muttered. Moonwatcher nodded and raised her voice slightly so that the class could hear her. "I am Moonwatcher, and I will be the substitute until Fatespeaker returns. Any questions?"

A talon shot up in the air, to Snowstar's surprise, it was Destiny's. Moon nodded her head allowing Destiny to speak. "Is it true that you met and helped defeat The Darkstalker?" Moons.. Moonwatcher thought with a sigh. "Uh, y-yes it is. That's true." So it is her! Destiny thought with excitement.

Then Viper's talon went up, Moonwatcher nodded, though both Moon and Snowstar knew what he was about to ask. "Is he really gone? And if so, how did you defeat him?" Moonwatcher tapped her claw on the stone floor. Breathe mother. Snowstar thought. She knew the 'Darkstalker' subject was still a little sensitive to Moon.

Moonwatcher took a deep breath and said,"yes he is gone, I saw him defeated with my own eyes. And the other classified information."
Viper thrashed his tail,"Liar! I knew he was never defeated! Mother says that you lied and the NightWings are planing to use him to cause all the other tribes' downfall!"

Snowstar was slightly shocked even though he heard him think it. Snowstar narrowed her eyes,"She certainly is Not lying" she hissed, frostbreath climbing up her throat. Snowstar, calm down. She heard her mother think, though Snowstar could tell Moon was slightly upset and slightly angered, but she kept her cool.

"Well I hate to inform you, but your Mother has sand for brains!" Destiny snapped, "They defeated him, and I'm sure I would know if my tribe was up to anything!" "Yeah sandsnorter! If you forgot, Darkstalker was a threat to everyone, why would the NightWings keep him alive!" Lantern added.

Viper opened his mouth to speak, then closed it and looked away. "Well" Moon exhaled, "now that that's over with, It seems like class time is over with. So class dismissed" 

Glad that's over, Moon thought with a sigh, she was still slightly uncomfortable. Then she left the Classroom with a few dragonets doing the same. "So what should we do?" Lantern asked, keeping her wings and tail neatly tucked in.
Destiny shrugged,"We could go explore" She suggested.

"Sure! I mean, at least it isn't reading...I don't like to read" Marina huffed, though bursts of pastel yellow grew along her scales, signaling excitement. Destiny stretched and stood up, shaking her wings to get the dust off. "Well then lets go"
She said with a smile. Lantern nodded and stood up with Marina doing the same.

Snowstar looked out of a sky hole, the light blue sky bright with white fluffy clouds, but Snowstar could sense that rain was bound to come. I wonder how Blackdrift is doing..she thought. "Snowstar?" Destiny said, snapping her out of her train of thought. "Are you coming?"

"Oh, yeah! I'm coming!" She answered, standing up. Then she followed her friends out of the cave.

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