Chapter 5

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"Do you guys wanna go outside, maybe?" Lantern suggested as the four walked.
"Sure, I haven't been outside since I got here" Destiny replied. Marina added something, but their voices and thoughts began to muffle as Snowstar's went deep in thought. Is he okay? Probably. Then why do I feel uneasy?
Snowstar wished she had foresight like Blackdrift so that she could see what would happen.

Snowstar sighed and her wings fell. Then she realized it went silent. Her friends were all looking at her. Expecting an answer. Snowstar thought. "Oh, uh" She said, clearing her throat," It's about to rain, so I don't know.." Marina tilted her head,"it is? Why didn't I sense it?"
"It's because your senses are muffled from the earth around you. I grew up in this mountain, so I grew to sense when rain and storms are coming despite the earth" Snowstar replied and Marina nodded slowly. "Oh.." she muttered.

Marina yawned and stretched. "Sun time is soon.." she muttered. "Marina" Destiny started, her voice was calm and soothing,"why don't you go have your sun time. We'll meet up in an hour or two back at the prey center. Okay?"
Marina nodded and replied, "sounds good!" Then she padded away.

"What now?" Lantern huffed, a little annoyed. We got nowhere. Her mind complained. Snowstar rolled her eyes and Lantern raised an eyebrow.
What was that for? She thought. Snowstar sighed and sat down, her wings tucked neatly at her sides.

Lantern sat as well, with her claws tucked neatly under her chest. "This is going nowhere" Snowstar hissed softly. She stood up and announced," I'm going to go see my brother." "okay?" Destiny replied, her green gaze fixed on Snowstar.

Snowstar then left, leaving Destiny and Lantern alone who began to walk away.
Blackdrift! Her mind shouted. Hopefully there wasn't any Mindreading Nightwings nearby, because she didn't want to disturb them with the sudden outburst. She looked around. Is it break time for them aswell? She wondered.

Snowstar's black and white wings twitched as she searched. After a few minutes she saw a blue-moon colored dragon with navyblue wings. There he is. She thought with a smirk. She padded up to him. "Hey Blackdrift!"
He turned around, his attention away from who he was talking to,"oh, hey Snowstar!"

She sat down next to him and asked,"How are you?" He shrugged,"I'm doing fine, I'm just glad we aren't far apart." "Same here." Snowstar replied. Blackdrift turned his head towards a certain area, and his tail twitched. He's it at me? Snowstar noted. His tail always twitched when he was agitated. Blackdrift shook his head, I'm fine Snowstar, he thought. Snowstar nodded then in the corner of her eye, a certain dragon caught her eye. Not necessarily in a good way. Snowstar got a better look at the dragon, a little shocked. She had overseen some of Blackdrift's visions through Mindreading and this dragon featured in at least one of them.

They were a SilkWing, HiveWing, RainWing tribrid dragoness, the SilkWing was highly dominant with her looks. She was pink, with blue and green scales running through her back and high sides, she had golden forelegs with yellow scales on her underbelly, face, and the scales on her front shoulders and back legs. She had the same goldden colored horns and this yellow-golden earring.
She had blue antennas and four green and white butterfly shaped wings.
She could only tell that she was part RainWing because sometimes a few of her scales would change color. But Snowstar only sensed that she was part HiveWing.

The dragoness walked along looking like she was on a mission. The tribrid glanced at Blackdrift then to Snowstar and quickly looked away. Snowstar found it hard to read this tribrid's mind. Snowstar guessed she had skyfire - the comet rock that blocked Nightwing abilities - somewhere on her body. Snowstar blinked and as soon as the tribrid appeared, she was gone.

"Snowstar? Are you okay? Your mind silenced again" Blackdrift said, breaking Snowstar's train of thought. When Snowstar got lost in deep thought, or she felt strong, worry-like emotion, her mind subconsciously put up walls around her thoughts keeping other dragons from reading her mind. "Oh sorry, just thought about something" She muttered, deciding she wouldn't bother him with the dragoness she saw. Blackdrift nodded with a sarcastic hum.

"So, how are you?" He asked, "I'm doing fine!" She replied with a smile. "I made some new friends" She added," oh really?" He muttered.
"Yeah! So, of course, there's Marina"
Blackdrift nodded.
"And my new friends are Destiny and Lantern"
"Are they now?"
"Yeah, plus Mom taught my class this morning...sorta" Snowstar said.
"She did?" He muttered, tilting his head. "Yeah, she just substituted for a bit" Snowstar answered, not bringing up the argument that had happened in the class.

"So what about you?" She asked. "Um, I'm doing fine. Though... you know what, don't worry about it." He replied.
A flash of a vision happened too fast for Snowstar to catch.
Blackdrift looked uneasy, but he forced a smile. He blocked off his mind and said, "Snowstar, you should go." "why?" She replied. Why are you acting unusual? She thought. Blackdrift shook his head. "I need to go, see you later Snowstar."
Before she could reply, he swiftly got up and left. Goodbye then... She thought, feeling uneasy.

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