✈︎ Chapter Eight

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*•.¸♡Fair Warning♡¸.•*

༻There are false and made up beliefs in this book, I don't suggest to condone it.

༻It is mainly for the plot, not to teach or things like that.

༻I'm just making Satan a better person than what we thought of him as, in this story.

༻So please, I've warned you beforehand multiple times. My stories can be weird, easily misunderstood and not really professional.

༻So I would like for you to not come at me, this won't all be my fault considering the warning I gave.

༻That's all.

*•.¸♡Happy Reading♡¸.•*


Jeno enters the cafeteria with a smile on his face as if he's been here long enough or is experienced. When really, he's not aware of that much of things on earth.

He was about to greet a few people around, befriend them, maybe get to know them, and of course sit with them. Engage with his possible first non-immortal–creature, or otherwise as known as– human friend.

"Don't be too nice around here, blaze. I've been here for millenniums, I know how things work and how humans do. They're as evil as I am, Jeno. Do not give them your full trust, because you're outing everyone with you."

His father's words, a fair warning, last night echoed in his mind. He knows people might think Satan is the most worst, vicious, merciless monster like how the bible was said.

But, they don't truly know him do they? They haven't met him face to face have they? They haven't really gotten to know him have they?

Satan is evil. But, humans can be more evil as they pleased.

Satan is there to lure humans to hell, but most likely to those who deserve it. He knows, especially with the help of Hades himself.

Satan doesn't do the killing most of the time, it's the humans' doings. They either kill themselves or each other. But one thing is for sure, they commit murder.

Satan lures them, trick them, but that's just how he is. That's his way of freedom.

Unfortunately, that was forbidden in heaven, he didn't want to follow the rules and for once have it his way, have his fun in his way.

Not being a puppet of God, to serve him all the time. He just wanted to feel what it was like to... Have it his way, to do something he wanted to try doing.

Well, here he is now. Banished from Heaven and hated by all. Not understood by many yet, cared for those he genuinely cares for. Rules the underworld with much discipline to those who deserves it.

He has many blood in his hands, but not human blood. That's Thanatos' doing.

The blood he has in his palms are demon blood. From slaughtering them if they went too far, hurt one another and such. Because in hell, they're family believe it or not.

If he doesn't have blood, then he either have someone do the finishing yet evil work for him. Or, he pushed them to the lava.

The demons that have their final goodbyes, and final destination, have either went for Jeno or they tried to corrupt hell than it has already been corrupted.

Believe it or not, Satan can be nice. Only to those who deserves it.

With one final shake of his head, Jeno made his decision and went pass the possible cliques in the cafeteria he could be apart of.

Only sending a smile to those who have greeted him, nicely or rudely, he beams.

Carrying his little lunchbox and sitting at an empty table near the vending machine.

He places down his backpack and his English Book (to which he had borrowed from one of his classmates who's already good with the language considering she's from Canada, Son Seungwan, or better known as Wendy.) On the table.

Then, he opens his lunchbox and starts munching on one of the sliced apples that are a bit uneven, thanks to Jisung, before he spots someone.

The person had his eyes scanning the room, hands gripping onto one of his backpack straps while the other was inserted in his pocket, as he stood straight in front of the entrance doors.

Jeno clearly forgetting on what he had just remembered and what Satan had just told him, raised his hand up in the air like he does in class and waves at the person.

Said person soon sees the waving hand and looks back to check if it was actually him the angelic boy was waving at and not someone else. Which would be embarrassing as fuck.

Jeno nodded when random boy pointed to himself before striding up towards him, as fast as he could when he passes by two cliques bickering at each other.

"Hi!" The blue headed boy greeted kindly as if he knew random person.

Random person chuckled awkwardly, "uh... Hey..?" He drawls hesitantly, pretty obvious he doesn't know the blue haired boy who just randomly waved him over like a friend would.

"What's your name?" Jeno asked with a tilt of his head, smile not fading away even a bit. In fact, he was grinning more widely due to excitement.

"I'm Fred... And you are?" Random person, or well Fred, answered still giving a weirded out look at the boy sitting down in front of him.

"I'm Jeno! Nice to meet you Fred!" Jeno introduced himself before reaching his hand out for a handshake.

His smile now fading and turning into a small frown when Fred didn't accept his hand and instead stared at it. "Why aren't you shaking it?" Jeno asked dumbfounded.

Fred blinked before clearing his throat, "sorry... I uhm... Thought you were joking or something," he said scratching his nape.

The blue haired boy giggled, "why would I joke about befriending someone? That's just mean." He shrugged, "wanna be friends?"

Fred pursed his lips pondering in thought for a while before nodding, considering Jeno's request of being his friend. "Are you new?" He asked.

With a small nod from Jeno, Fred took his hand and shook it with a smile. "Then count me as your first ever friend." He giggled.

"Well sit down friend! And here, have some of my apples," Jeno laughed gesturing the seat across from him as Fred sat down joining his laughing session.

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