✈︎ Chapter Nine

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Jeno closes the main door to his house and places his bag on the couch as he passes by the living room before heading towards the kitchen.

He grabs a cup and fills it up with some cold water and gulps it all down in a minute, he smacks his lips afterwards then puts the empty used cup in the sink.

Not really having any idea what else to do, he decided to finish up his homework early even though some subjects' due date is on Wednesday or Friday.

He could've sworn he could hear Haechan's voice saying, "we've got all the time in the world. Come have fun instead of doing that boring shit." To which he just chuckled at.

Few minutes later, he checks his work and shrugged, if he got it wrong then it's fine. Atleast he answered it than not.

He stands up stretching his limbs and checks his phone, laughing to himself when Fred sent him messages of how to do their Math homework since he was too busy doodling in class.

Fred was nice, he was awkward at first but nice later on. He knew how the school works and how people can be there, though he still looks and acts more like the new kid than Jeno is.

They walked home together, and Jeno couldn't be more happier than today. He made a new friend, did his homework, and survived his first day.

Thinking about the minor yet still impressive accomplishments he did, he packs up his things and arranges everything for the next day.

Before proceeding to head to bed and get some rest so he'll have some energy for tomorrow unlike anyone else who stays up and falls asleep in class suffering the consequences, he heads to his studies.

He closes the door and makes sure the curtains are closed as well, walking over to a small chest box on the table, opening it with the key on his necklace.

He carefully grabs the candles and the bottle of sacrificed blood before walking back to the middle of the room.

He made sure the alignment was accurate and recited the spell in his mind beforehand just in case. Taking a deep breath, he finally recites the spell aloud with his hands gesturing along as his eyes glows a light shade of red.

After finishing his spell, the area of the little thing with candles and blood he placed in the middle of the room began to smoke in black.

The smoke wasn't too strong or big, so he guesses it sort of worked. He brought his friend, even though he wanted to see his father, it was still close.

Summoning a demon isn't as easy as it seems anyway.

Coughing was heard before a familiar figure appeared clearly after the smoke cleared out thanks to Jeno's small spell blowing it away.

"Jeno!" Said boy chuckled at his friend and stood up from his kneeling position on the ground before accepting the tanned male's hug.

"Hechannie~" the blue haired boy grins as he pulled away.

"What did you summon me for? And how was your day?" Haechan asked helping Jeno clean up the ritual area in the room and placing the candles back in the chest.

Jeno shrugged, "it was okay, not much happened... Yet I suppose," he replied to one of the elder's question nonetheless.

Haechan hummed, "humans will begin to act their way once you get to know them, just keep watch." He stated before ruffling Jeno's hair, "now answer my other question dummy."

Jeno giggled and wiggled his eyebrows, "do you have a duty tonight?" He drawls with a knowing look.

Haechan couldn't help but smirk, "wanna watch and score me while at it?" He asked with the same look and tone playfully.

The blue haired boy grins with a nod, "I'll be your second coach while you're here." He shrugged.

With a laugh, Haechan then gave a stern look for a moment, "don't tell Jisung if my score is bad and definitely don't tell Ten as well."

"Oh please, they'd never leave you for it." Jeno said with a reassuring and promising eye smile.

"Then let's have fun."


"How was your day?" Jaemin screeched slamming the door shut in his home as he turns around to stare at angel-form-Taeyong who rolled his eyes at him.

"Calm down, atleast it's not Renjun or Jeonghan." Taeyong stated standing up from sitting on the couch. "Now, how was it?"

"I thought you'd know since you guys are watching me, right? You fucking stalkers." Jaemin muttered earning a scowl from his words.

"Just answer it dumbass," the archangel said sternly as he helps Jaemin place his bag down before going through the boy's notes... Empty.

With a sigh, the black haired boy answered anyway, Taeyong wouldn't leave him alone if he didn't. "It sucked," he briefly said.

"Oh? Please elaborate."

"I was late, then I got lunch detention for it, some girls tried to talk to me even when I said to "back off I'm not interested". Then I was late again because some idiot took too long in the bathroom." Jaemin recited perfectly like it was normal.

Taeyong groans at him, "Please explain the empty notes." He points at the black haired boy's notebooks to which Jaemin just shrugged.

"Our teacher got mad at someone because they were apparently "not listening" even though they were while taking notes of the lecture," he said while quoting his fingers.

"So you didn't write anything?"

"Oh I did."

"Then where is it?"

"It's on my phone's google notes."

Taeyong face palms but sighed afterwards, "atleast you listened and did well." He mumbled glancing at the time and changes back into his human form hiding his wings and halo.

"How did I do well when you're like stressing out as if I did shit." Jaemin sneered crossing his arms scanning Taeyong's human-form figure.

The archangel shrugged at him, "well you passed one test." He paused, "you answered me truthfully and didn't made any stupid pranks...yet atleast."

"So? What now?"

"I'm giving you back three feathers and one power," Taeyong said and rolled his eyes when Jaemin sulked at his rewards. "Either take some or none, I can minus them if you want."

With a blink, Jaemin quickly nodded his head and accepted the three feathers before Taeyong made some hand gestures as the black haired angel felt a small energy surge through him.

"Congratulations on your first day, now go eat." The elder smiled this time as he opened the door.

"Don't I have–"

"Chenle and Joshua ate all your groceries good for a week two hours ago, that's why it's just me here." Taeyong cuts him off with a tsk.

Jaemin laughed before grabbing his phone and wallet along with his house key, "then let's go buy some food."

He then paused turning to Taeyong as they walked on the sidewalk, "also tell Winwin I didn't lose my key." He smirked only earning a laugh from the elder.

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