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Fingers intertwined. His lips on hers. His body fits perfectly with her own; their movements fluid. He has become intoxicated by her scent, a mixture of peonies and expresso. Her hair is soft against his hands. The hair that he missed from shaving scrapes against her soft cheek. They are lost in eachother. Moaning and explicitness are the only sounds that fill the room.

With every push they grow closer until-

"Ava! Snap out of it!"

Her heart is racing. This was the second time that morning she had been caught daydreaming. Since their earlier confession, Harry has consumed all of Ava's thoughts even the intimate parts of her mind. She couldn't help it. All she could imagine was what it would feel to become one with him.

"You are in a season of drought, Ava. You need to get out there and get some." Jacey had told her this once. A few vodka tonics and dirty pick up lines later, they had found themselves discussing their (lack of) sex life. "Seriously. When was the last time you even made out with someone?" Her words were slurred and Ava could no longer contain her giggles.

"Too damn long."

Perhaps that was why Harry's unattained naked body was all she could think about. Maybe it was time that her "season of drought", that Jacey had so kindly put it, was about to be over.

"Okay, what is going on with you?" Jacey grabbed her hand and pushed her into their staff room. Luckily Mita was in and had been watching over the bakery. "Spill."

A ferocious blush began to spread throughout Ava's cheeks. She couldn't help but think about Harry's plump lips against her dry ones. Or the way he held her close to his chest all night after their confession.

"You look like a love sick puppy." Her smirk was plastered all over her face, and her left eyebrow perched up. "If you don't talk now, I will have to result to tickling. And we all know that you can't handle that."

Ava rolled her eyes at her best friend. She knew the power that Jacey held over her. She would be putty in her hands if she began to tickle.

"Fine." She couldn't help but smile. It wouldn't seem to leave her lips all weekend. "Harry and I may have confessed that we are into one another."

The expression on Jacey's face had been priceless. Her jaw was hanging open and her eyes were wide. "What?"

The blush that seemed to be all over her cheeks grew even deeper. "Last week Harry and I were talking and then one thing led to another. He basically told me that he wanted to know more about me and then he kissed me." She looked up at her friend who was completely doubfounded. "And I kissed him back."

Jacey let out a high pitched squeal. "You're kidding!"

"No," a smile spread across her face. "I don't even know how it happened to be honest. But I like Harry, a lot."

"This is amazing! You haven't expressed an interest in anyone. Not ever since Scott-"

At the mention of her ex, all previous excitement vanished.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry Ava, I'm a moron." Jacey placed a hand on her shoulder squeezing ever so gently.

A few tears escaped. She quickly brushed it away and stood up.

"It's fine."

"Are you sure? I can be a complete air head sometimes."

"No it's fine." Ava straightened up and looked at Jacey. "Honestly, it's fine."

She looked deep in her friends eyes, trying to judge if she was truly okay. After only meeting expressionless eyes, she chose to simply shrug it off. "Well, I'm glad you found someone to love you. You deserve it."

Ava let out a small, slightly uncomfortable laugh, "Thanks. We should probably get back out there." Jacey nodded and followed Ava back out to the cafe.

The rest of the day was slow. The rain outside had been downpouring all afternoon which caused business to be slower than usual.

Ava had been cleaning tables for the last half hour, completely immersed by her own thoughts. After her talk with Jacey, she found herself thinking about her past. She could feel herself begin to drown in a sea of bitterness and low dignity.

Scott was her first love, her only love. They went to high school together. It was because of Scott that Ava went to her junior prom. It was that night that she experienced her first hand hold and first kiss.

If you were to ask sixteen year old Ava to describe Prince Charming, Scott Peterson would be the definition. His light, perfectly coiffed brown hair and piercing blue eyes. The way his teeth sparkled when the light hit just right, or the way his skin was perfectly tanned. He showed Ava what it meant to be loved and to love. Ever since the passing of her father, she was never shown what it meant to be properly loved by a man. That was why she believed in her heart that Scott loved her.

The summer before 12th grade was when Ava's life turned from good to bad. It had been the night of Scott's 18th birthday. The night had been planned out perfectly. They were supposed to have dinner and then meet up with close fiends for a bon fire. But from the start, Scott had been off.

With the help of two pre-dinner beers the beast within emerged.

She could still remember the scent of stale beer that lingered on his breath. She could still feel the way he forcefully pushed her against his bed taking away ever ounce of innocence she had left. Instead of being the gentle man that she fell in love with, he became a raging monster. The nights prior that they became one were long in the past. They had been replaced with distaste and cruelty.

Because of that night, Ava forgot what it meant to feel worthy, beautiful, loved. She had lost herself.

However, everything was changing. What was so different now was that Harry had broken those walls. He had showed her that she could be able to love again. He had given her that extra push to let go of her past.

She couldn't help the smile that replaced her broken expression. He had that power over her. He somehow gained the ability to make her feel (and act) like a love sick school girl. She felt bi-polar.

The rain continued to pour. People everywhere were rushing to take cover. Mita decided to close up for the night, allowing Ava to go home early. Yet, she has no desire to go outside.

As if he had heard her cries, Harry pushed through the door. His curls were soaked and stuck to his forehead. The umbrella that he had been carrying was inside out, proving to be completely pointless.

"You look like a wet dog." She was fighting so hard to not show the smile that was fighting to surface.

"Hello to you to." He shook his hair violently causing a spray of rain water to fall to the ground.

"Gross Harry." Ava grabbed a handful of napkins and threw it his way. "At least dry up before you get our floor dirty." Harry looked up at her with a mischievous look in his eye. Without giving her a second warning, he quickly grabbed her and swung her around. His wet clothes causing her own to become damp.

"Ah! Harry! Let me down!" She tried not to laugh as he continued to swing her around. He began to laugh as he placed her back down. Her whole back had become imprinted with his wet body. Her beige bra was slowly showing through the light pink fabric of her tshirt. "You are such a dick!" She slapped his arm, causing Harry to laugh more.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The laughing causing Harry's voice to crack. He quickly took off his wet jacket and stretched out his arms. "Come here." Ava slowly walked over and into his embrace. The hug was warm; a complete contrast to what she was feeling.

"Why are you here", her voice muffled.

"It was raining and figured you'd need a ride."

Ava couldn't help the smile that quickly formed or the butterflies that errupted. She could feel her cheeks flush.

She slowly pushed back and looked up. Harry had a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"You didn't have to do that"

"Yeah, but I heard that's what boyfriends do or some shit like that."

"Boyfriend. That means I'm your girlfriend."

"You got that right, doll."

She let out a small giggle and shook her head. Looking into his eyes she couldn't believe her situation or how this happened.

"Harry, your umbrella is broken."

"Damn it, I already fucked up."

"I guess this relationship is over."

"It was great while it lasted," he retorted, trying desperately to keep his face straight.

Ava shook her head while pulling away. "Let me go grab my stuff."

Boyfriend. The sweet man with the messy curls and raspy accent. The gorgeous Adonis that would wrap her up in a sweet embrace wanted to be with her. She couldn't help but shake her head.

If her mother was here, Ava knew how thrilled she would have been. She could still remember the words her mother spoke to her after she broke things off with Scott: "You deserve to be treated like gold and rubies. A man that will protect, love and support you. He will listen when you speak, cheer you on in your passions, and never let you go."

Ava couldn't help but wish that her mom could see where she was now. That she was trying to move on. That she was fighting for her own happiness. She couldn't help but smile and let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Harry looked at Ava with curiosity.

"Your hair looks like Alfalfa." She pushed her fingers through his curls attempting to settle the mess.

He smiled and shook his head at his girl. Harry grabbed Ava's hand, fingers intertwined as they walked over to his car, both completely content.

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This was a quick filler chapter!

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