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A week has passed since Ava and Harry confirmed their relationship. Over the course of teh week, they have found themselves caught up in the business of their every day lives. 

Work hours for Ava had been cut down since the rainstorm. At first, it was something that she had to quickly adjust to. She was a workaholic, something that she had to come to terms with. By cutting her hours in half, she went through a season of "relapse". She didn't experience headaches, nausea, or irritability- the usual withdrawal symptoms of an addiction. However, she dida feel an overwhelming sense of fatigue. It was a sudden shock that she had in fact run herself dry and her body was in desperate need to rest. 

So rest was what she did. 

For the past week she had only worked Monday through friday for 4 hours each day; 8AM to 12PM, leaving Ava with her afternoon and evening off. This gave her time to read, watch an unhealthy amount of relatiy telivision, and go to bed at a descent hour. It also gave her time to think endlessly about the new man in her life. 

She sat at her kitchen table with her freshly made salad in front. She was picking at each piece with a large beam on her face. She couldn't help but be completely distracted by the large boquet of peonies on her coffee table; a gift from the curly haired god. Ava let out a sigh as she oggled at the boquet in front of her. She couldn't believe that those were hers. 

They were a beautiful rose colour, complimenting perfeclty with her beige pillows and gold accents. He knows me too well. 

The note card fit perfectly in between her fingers. She kept reading over his words, You're pretty much my most favourite in the history of ever. -H x His words were ridiculous but brought the most butterflies to her stomach. His writting was messy. The way his y's almost went off the tiny note card showed the same amount of personality as he did. She was still awestruck by him and he wasn't making it easier by sending her flowers.  

Placing the card down, she turned to her laptop. Her screen had been open to a blank page. She was starting her first assignment. Since she had more time on her hands, Ava decided to take a few online courses at the local college. She was thankful that she didn't have to go to class physically, but was able to do work on it when she had the time. 

As she looked at her computer screen, attempting to write her paper for her communications class. It had only  been a few weeks since she started her classes, but she had definitely fallen back in love with school. There was something about writing a paper that brought Ava so much excitement. 

Her teachers were in complete awe with her work. Her English teacher has been trying to convice her to take consider an internship that upcoming summer at the New York TImes. Her teacher had a friend that was worked there who had read her paper and an edit that Ava had done. She was completely impressed with her work. It had always been a dream of Ava's to intern for either the Washington Post or the New York Times. It was completely surreal that she was already offered an internship at one of her top newspapers. It had been validation that this was something she wanted to do with her life. She wanted to write and edit. 

Ava found herself looking at the NY Times website. She was scrolling down the articles, completely fastinated by everythign she read. To work there would be a dream come true. 

She knew, however, that if she were to move down to New York that would mean leaving Vancouver. And by leaving Vancouver, she would be leaving the best thing that had happen to her in a while- Harry. 

Harry didn't know about her converastions with her teacher about New York. She didn't know how to tell him. Their realtionship was so new. She didn't want to change anything by telling him about the possibility of a summer internship. She would only be there for four months. Yet, she didn't know if she was ready to be in a long distance relationship. She knew that if she were to do this, she would have to end things. That in itself brought a level of anxiety that Ava did not need, or want, at the moment. 

Instantly, Ava clicked out of the website. She didn't want to fill her mind with possibilities. New York and the newspaper was something she needed to put aside. Her dreams could wait. Couldn't it? She knew that putting her dreams aside for a man was ridiculous. When did she become the kind of girl to even consider that as an option? 

She let out a loud sigh. This had been to much for her brain to take. 

She stood up, bringing her arms above her head, and allowed her body to stretch. She let out a loud sigh, releasing all of the anxiety that had built up in the last half hour. Shaking it all off, she quickly grabbed her coat and purse and left her apartment. 

The air outside was less chilly than it had been for the past few weeks. The air was lighter and a bit warmer. The sun was peaking through the clouds, covering Ava in a blanket of heat. She took out her Lennon-esque sunglasses walked over to the nearest bus stop. 

The bus rolled up letting out a gust of exhaust. She entered the musky box, showing the driver her pass, and made her way to the nearest empty spot. 

The ride downtown was quick. Before she even knew it, she was outside a familiar apartment building. 

The walk up the stairs was short. She had been extremely envious of his third floor room. 

His hallway was enveloped in a scent mixture of cigarette smoke, curry, and moth balls. It had not been the most pleasant of smells. 

After a few short knocks, the door opened to reveal the green-eyed, curly haired man that she was slowly falling for. 

"Hey," his voice was laced with his usual husk. 

"Hi. I know I didn't call before hand, but I hope that's okay." She suddenly felt embarrassed over her impromptu visit. 

He shook his head and opened the door wider. "No. Don't apologize. You are always welcomed here. God, Ava. You are my lady." He sent her a cheeky wink and moved to the side, giving Ava space to walk in. 

With a deep crimson flush on her face, she walked into his homely apartment. The room smelt like him- a mixture of smoke, mint, and vanilla. A scent that she was hopeless for. 

He closed the door and walked over to Ava. He grabbed her hands in his and looked up at her. Her eyes met his. A small smile met her lips. This had been the first time that she had been at his apartment and it was nice. "Hi." Her voice was small but confident. 

"Hi." He had a cheeky smile on his lips. He gently pulled her in closer to his body, while wrapping his arms around to her back. She put her arms around his neck- their faces inches from the other. 

"Thanks for the flowers." 

His smile grew wider and into a grin. 

"Did you like them?" 

She gave a shy nod. "They were beautiful." 

He kissed her cheek which sent a chill down her spine. 

"I especially liked your corny message. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere before."

Harry laughed and pulled Ava closer to him, if that was even possible. 

"I may or may not have stole it from a Valentines card." Ava giggled and rolled her eyes. 

"For a writer, that's pretty embarassing." 

"Shh, don't tell my publisher." 

They both laughed; a comfortable silence followed. They were both looking at eachother, completely lost in one another's eyes. 

Harry began to lean in placing his lips gently on her own. "Hi," he whispered as he pulled away slightly. 

Ava pushed her hands into his curls enjoying the reaction she got from Harry. She pulled him closer, reconnecting their lips once more. Harry began to walk back so that he was leaning against the door. Their kiss was slow and intimate. Neither one of them rushing. They were enjoying the moment and the feeling that they each brought. 

Harry couldn't believe that Ava was here with him. He was still in shock that she felt the same way that he felt. 

Before Ava came to his appartment, Harry had been working on the final draft of his story. Since being with Ava, he had found inspiration to finish the novel. No longer was his character lonely and depressed. He was able to rediscover love. 

This wasn't to say that Harry too rediscovered what it meant to love, and be loved, again. However, he was slowly being able to remember what it felt to feel again. He was reminded what it felt to get nervous around a woman. He was reminded what it felt to get sweaty palms, a nervous twitch, and goosebumps when she touched him. He was reminded what it felt to want again. 

Ava's fingers pulled tighter at Harry's hair. It caused a deep moan to escape his lips. This encouraged her to explore more. She went on the tip of her toes and began to make her way down to his jaw, leading down to the base of his neck. She began to suck causing another moan to escape. She could feel a burning sensation at the pit of her stomach, and a slight hardness against her thigh. Soon enough a battle of tongues ensued. Harry turned around so that Ava was now against the door. 

He lifted her arms up so that they were above her head. He began to lick down. This sent goosebumps all over her arms. He loved the reaction she was giving him. 

He continued to kiss her neck finding the soft spot against her collarbone. Ava let out a gasp as he began to suck, marking her. Once he was finished, he began to father down her chest. He let go of her arms and ran his fingers down her bare arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps. He could feel her shiver at his touch. This only encouraged Harry to keep going. 

He could feel her shirt slowly lift leaving her stomach partially exposed. His fingers were cold against her bare skin, but burned with an indescribable fire. Harry began to explore her body with his touch. 

"Harry," she breathed out. 

He was hypnotized by her. Her smell, her touch, her voice, her lips- everything she did left him in a trance. 

Suddenly, the sound of birds and vibrating rang throughout the apartment. 

"Damn it." He breathed. 

"Ignore it." She countered. 

The ringing stopped, much to their relief. However, it began once again. 

"Fuck." His voice was raspy and agitated. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

"Go." She said, her voice coming out raspy and soft. 

Harry walked over to his table retrieving the pestering device. 

"What-" Harry could care less at the moment if he was being polite or not. The voices on the other line were loud making it difficult to hear.

"Harry-" A man's voice was on the other line, barely audiable. "Harry!" The person tried again, attempting to be louder than the background voices. 

"Who is this?" 

"Harry, I'm Marcus. Rose's boyfriend. There's been an accident and I need you to come to the hospital. Quick."  

In that moment, everything stood still. 


Oh golly! I wonder what happend to Rose!

Comment and Vote if you'd like. It'd make me smile! 

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