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Happily - One Direction
I Will Wait - Mumford and Sons
Sing - Ed Sheeran

| Fifty-Four |

Ava’s fingers were grasping tightly onto his waist. Her hair was sprawled across the pillow. A few of her loose strands hairs tickled Harry’s cheeks. He chuckled lightly at the frown that was painted across her doll-like features. 

Even in her sleep she didn’t want to let him go. 

Harry’s fingers danced lightly across the exposed skin of her upper thigh. Her right leg had somehow managed to latch itself to his hip causing his t-shirt to ride up. Not that he was complaining. He quite enjoyed this sight of her. 

She looked vulnerable and at peace, yet still oozed sex appeal. 

Even with her frizzy hair and dried up drool, she was still beautiful. She was perfect to him. Nothing could change that for him. 

A few minutes had passed. The clock was slowly ticking away. With each minute that went by, Harry was closer to his departure. It was only five in the morning. It was a Monday and he knew that Ava had to be up soon for work. But he couldn’t find it in himself to wake her from her comfortable slumber. As if on cue, however, a loud beeping flooded the apartment causing Ava to jerk awake. 

“What the hell!” She screamed. Her hair was covering her face making her resemble a more girly Cousin It. Yet even in her frazzled state, she still managed to look good. 

“Good morning sunshine.” He couldn’t bite back low chuckle that managed to escape his lips. 

“What was that?” Ava’s voice was still groggy with sleep. She managed to move her hair out of her face. She looked at Harry, her eyes half open, and gave him a puzzled look. 

“That, my love, would be your alarm clock.” 

“Ugh!” Ava flopped back down and onto the bed. She curled her body back up and into his side, causing Harry to fall into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. 

“Baby, you need to get up.” He cooed into her ear. 

“No.” She stubbornly disagreed and buried herself even deeper into his side. 

“You have to, love.”

“I don’t want to.” She cried out softly. “Because when I get up that means you have to leave. I’m not ready to say goodbye just yet.” Harry could feel his chest tighten. He knew that he had to put up a brave face. For her (and for himself). It’s only a few weeks, his subconscious reminds him. You can Skype and text whenever you want. It’s going to be fine. 

Harry shifted his body so that he was now fully on his side. Ava’s eyes were shut tightly. Pieces of her hair fell down causing a small curtain covering her face. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into him. Ava lifted her legs so that they became intertwined with his. He left a few gentle kisses on top of her exposed shoulder. 

“What time are you leaving?” She kept her voice quiet. She couldn’t trust it to not crack. 

“Ten. I have to be at the office by nine and then we leave from there.” 

“I could probably take my lunch break early and go with you. To the airport.” 

“Baby, it’s fine. I don’t want it to be harder to say goodbye.” His lips touched her forehead gently and left a chaste kiss.

“I um, I think I can go in at nine-thirty and not nine. I’ll drop you off so you don’t have to take a cab or leave your car there. If you want of course. I mean- I just thought I’d offer.” 

His fingers intertwined with her small trembling ones. “Only if you want, love. I’m not one to turn down my girlfriend.” 

Ava could feel her cheeks heat up. “I want to.” 

“Then you will drive me in.” Harry held her closer to his body, not wanting the moment to end. In only a short few hours he would have to give her one last kiss until he saw her again in three weeks. His stomach churned slightly at the thought of it. 


Harry didn’t know when he had become this whipped. Even with his relationship with Delaine, he hadn’t ever felt this anxious about leaving her. But with Ava, it was different. In fact, everything about their relationship was different than Delaine’s. For starters, they were honest with each other. He could trust her with everything. And he couldn’t deny the tingling feeling that erupted deep in his core whenever she was to just look at him. Everything about Ava Hastings- from her paint chipped nail polish to the sparkle in her eye-, set off fireworks inside of him. 

When he fell in love with her, he fell in love with her fast. There was no stopping it. Their friendship - something that he had lacked with Delaine - was the solid base for their romance. From the simplicity of her makeup, the the quirky way that she thought, to how she would give Harry the last egg roll, made his heart explode. 

So maybe that was why this was so hard for him. Maybe it was all of these reasons and the undying love that he had for her was the reason he didn’t want to leave her today. That was the reason that he regretted the decision to go on tour. He had hoped that she could come with him. That she would drop everything that she was doing and join him on this crazy adventure he was about to endure. But he couldn’t ask her to do that. He wasn’t selfish enough. As much as he wanted to spend every waking moment with Ava, he couldn’t stop her from fulfilling her dreams and passions. What kind of man would he be to not cheer Ava on in her dreams in life. What kind of man would he be to make her leave everything that she worked hard for to run off with him. 

He had once hoped that she would do that. He once wished that she would just run away with him and follow him in his life passions and pursuits. But he knew that was selfish. That wasn’t love. 

Love was sacrificing your own desires for the desires for your love. It was standing back and cheering them on as they reached out for their goals and passions. Love didn’t pull them away from that. Love ran alongside them. 

That was what Ava was doing for him. By letting him go on this tour and not begging to take her with him, he was showcasing love. And by not asking her to leave with him, Harry was showing her his love. His trust. 

He trusted Ava. That was something he would never deny. 

Trust brought vulnerability. She made him vulnerable, but he knew that he did the same for her. Perhaps that was why they worked so well with one another. They trusted each other, they humbled themselves with the other. They didn’t allow their personal demons from stopping them from showing one another their true love. Perhaps that was why they worked. 

They were a team after all. 

The drive to the publishing office was quiet. Neither Harry or Ava said a word. The silence was filled with the sounds of the Arctic Monkeys and the bustling wind from outside her open window. 

Ava’s fingers were intertwined with Harrys on top of her lap. Harry had decided that he would be a gentleman and drive them. (Ava also argued that it was his rental car and she wasn’t going to risk crashing it. Harry then countered that she would be using it for three weeks anyways so she should get used to it now. However, Ava still won and Harry was now driving them.) 

“This really, really sucks.” Ava groaned. 

“I know love. It’ll be okay. Three weeks isn’t that bad.” His voice was hopeful. He didn’t want to reveal to Ava how down he was actually feeling. He hoped that by keeping his voice light she would not feel as sad. It wasn’t really working, but it was the thought that counts. 

As the pulled up to the front of the building, Ava began to unbuckle her seatbelt. She jumped out of the car once they were parked and walked over to the trunk. She pulled out Harry’s duffle bag and swung it over her shoulder. 

“Baby,” Harry chuckled, “I can carry that.” 

“No!” She argued, “I am being a good girlfriend and carrying this up for you.” She stubbornly walked past Harry and into the lobby. Harry was not far behind her. They walked over to the elevator and made their way up to the top. 

Once they made their way to the the main floor, Ava could feel her eyes start to prickle with unwanted tears. Don’t cry, she scolded herself. 

“Harry! Good you’re here.” Adam’s cheerful voice welcomed once the elevator doors opened. “Oh! Ava, I didn’t see you there.” He chuckled lightly. “Saying goodbye to your boyfriend, I see?” 

“Yes.” She giggled. “Thank God he is finally leaving! Good riddance I say.” She teased, poking Harry’s side as she joked. 

“Ouch! That hurts.” Harry placed his hands on top of his heart gawking mock hurt. 

“You’ll be fine.” Ava leant in and gave him a quick kiss. 

“You two are cute.” Adam laughed interrupting the couple. A fierce blush coursed through Ava’s body and made it’s way to her cheeks. She hid her face against Harry’s chest completely embarrassed that she got lost in their moment. 

“Are you ready to go kid? We should get going soon.”

“I thought we were leaving at ten?” Harry asked. 

“We were, but I wanted to stop and get breakfast first. Plane food is shit.” He laughed. 

“Alright.” Harry’s body slumped against Ava’s. 

This was it, she thought to herself. This was the moment that they had both been dreading. It was hard for both to believe that they were going to be separating for the next month. 

Even though neither Harry or Ava said it out loud, they were not looking forward to this moment. 

“What about I meet you downstairs. Give you two some privacy to say goodbye.” Adam walked towards the elevator and gave Harry a knowing smile. 

“I’ll text you when before I get on the plane, alright?” Harry’s voice was quiet. He slipped his finger under Ava’s chin and lifted it up gently. 

“You better, mister.” She forced a small smile to surface. Her eyes stayed focused on his chest, not wanting to look him in the eye. His plaid shirt all of a sudden had become more interesting. 

“Babe, look at me.” Reluctantly, Ava looked up at him. That was a mistake. Once her eyes made contact with his, she broke into a soft whimper. 

“Baby,” he cooed. “Please don’t cry.” He pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her holding on protectively. “It’s going to be fine.” Her arms slinked around his waist and she held onto him with all of her might. 

“I am going to miss you.” She managed to say; her voice quivering with each tear that flowed down her cheek. 

“I’m going to miss you so fucking much baby.” One of his went from her waist and up to her chin. His thumb guiding it up so that they were looking at one another. His lips pressed against hers like a feather. It was soft and so gentle. She savoured the simplicity of the moment. It wasn’t forceful or fervent but it was what she needed. It screamed their love louder than any overly passionate kiss every could. 

His touch was tender. He touched her like she was a china doll, nervous that any fast movement would break her. 

His lips pressed down on hers a bit more eager. Ava’s fingers made it’s way to the base of his neck and intertwining themselves with his loose curls. His wandering hands made their way to the base of her bottom urging her to jump up. Her legs wrapped around his torso and he leaned her against a nearby wall. The chemistry of their kiss emitted into each movement of their lips, each crevice that her hands touched or each dip his fingers grazed over. 

He bit down on her lip slightly causing her to gasp. This created an opening for his tongue to enter and deepen their kiss. His hands slipped underneath her shirt and began to massage each piece of skin that he could touch. Her voice was caught in her throat. Involuntarily, her hips pushed up into him. A low moan escaping his lips. 

They were lost in one another.   

His lips touching her soul with each kiss. 

Harry released her lips slowly. His forehead rested against hers. Their breathing low and heavy. “Fuck, I am going to miss you.” He growled, his voice dangerously low causing Ava’s skin to develop a new skin of goosebumps. 

She leaned in once more and gave him a few more soft kisses along his jaw, neck, and back up to his lips. 

“We can do this.” She smiled. 

“Damn right we will.” He kissed her one more time before he let her feet touch the floor. 

“Let’s get you to that car, shall we?” Ava smiled while lacing her fingers with his. Harry nodded in response and they made their way to the lobby. 

“Text me before you get on the plane okay? And call me when tonight. Don’t forget!” Ava’s fingers were laced with Harry’s as she leaned inside the window of the black town card. 

“I will, baby. Don’t worry!” He laughed. 

“Just... don’t forget. Okay?”

“I won’t.” He gave her one more kiss leaving a small smile on her lips. 

“Alright kid, we have to get going.” Adam spoke from the front seat. 

“Watch out for him, okay Adam?” Ava smiled teasingly. 

“Will do. Don’t worry!”

“Okay.” Ava bent over and gave Harry one last kiss. “I love you.” She whispered so that only he could hear. 

“I love you, Ava Hastings. So fucking much.” He gave her a small smile before leaving one last kiss on her cheek. 

“Bye.” She whispered one last time before she walked to the side. 

“Bye baby.” He gave her an infamous smirk before the car began to drive away. 

He was gone. This was it. Three weeks without Harry. Ava could already feel herself miss him and it had only been ten seconds since he’d drove off. 

Her phone began to buzz in her pocket. A big smile made its way to her lips as she looked down at the screen. You look sexy, by the way. I like you in my sweaters. I love you! xx H. 

She rolled her eyes at her boyfriend before sending a reply. You’re a dork. Don’t expect to get this sweater back by the way. I love you more!!! xxxxxx 

This was going to be okay. She knew it was. 

Ava sat in the drivers seat of Harry’s rental car. They had been texting for the past ten minutes. Harry and Adam were at a local diner grabbing some breakfast before they made their way to the airport. She giggled at the story Harry was telling about how Adam had been shamelessly flirting with the waitress. 

A sudden knock came from the drivers window, causing Ava to shriek. She looked over and was shocked to see Mack at the window. “What the hell!” She yelled as she rolled down the window, “You gave me a heart attack! Don’t sneak up on a girl like that.” 

Mack chuckled. “Sorry ‘bout that.” He gave her a small, yet awkward, smile. “What are you doing here?” He asked. 

“I was dropping Harry off.” She answered him bluntly. 

“But didn’t they leave already? Why are you still here?” He laughed. 

“I was just texting him. Didn’t want to text and drive.” Mack only nodded in response. 

“I was wondering if we could talk,” he asked her hesitantly. Ava looked away from her phone with a confused expression. 

“We are talking.” She answered curtly. 

“I mean, like, talk-talk?” Ava only stared at him. She didn’t want to talk to him. He had deliberately tried to kiss her even when she told him that they were only friends. Even when she said that she was dating Harry he still didn’t care. But, she was raised to be a woman of second chances. He had been nothing but a good friend to her previously. Regardless of how Harry had felt about Mack, she didn’t want to be a complete bitch. 

“Fine.” She leaned over and unlocked the passengers door. Mack walked over and opened up. 

“I didn’t know you had a car here.” 

“It’s Harry’s.” Mack hummed in response. “Well.... talk.” 

“Right.” His eyes were focused on his hands. Ava felt awkward having him sitting here, in Harry’s rental no less. But she knew that he deserved a second chance to explain and that was what she was going to do. 

“I’m sorry about what happened a few weeks ago.” He began. “I shouldn’t have done that. I got caught up in the moment and I was jealous that you got back with your ex boyfriend. I guess I thought that you maybe liked me back.” He laughed awkwardly. 

“You’re forgiven.” Ava turned so that her body was facing his fully. “It was super inappropriate, but I forgive you.” She gave him a small smile. 

Mack looked over at her surprised but quickly smiled back. “Thanks.” 

“No worries.” She looked down at her hands. 

“Can we start over? Just go back to how we were before the whole incident? Friends?”

“I don’t know.” Ava knew that if Harry found out that they were hanging out, she knew that he would fly back and kill Mack. But, she couldn’t help but miss their friendship. He was a good friend to her. And with Harry gone for the next few weeks, she need friends to hang out with. Stevie and Jax were great but it was nice to have more than two friends. 

“No funny business! I promise.” His hands rushing up to his chest, palms facing her. His lips tugged into a small smirk. 

Ava stared at him for a bit, going through a mental pro/con list. Pro: good to talk to, movie buddy for the next month, can provide the best pizza. Con: Harry, Harry, he liked me and oh yeah- Harry. 

She looked over and their eyes met. His were full of sincerity and hope. She knew that she would be making a huge risk in being his friend again, but she was willing to take the risk. 

“Fine.” She answered quickly. 

Mack’s eyes lit up at her response. “Really?” 

“Yeah, sure. I need a movie buddy and you are the only friend that owns all three Lord of The Rings movies on DVD.” 

“I’ll take it.” He laughed. 

“Okay. Cool. Well- I have to go to work.” 

“Right! Sorry. Sweet, well. I’ll call you later? We can grab dinner or something?” He asked, “Friendly of course” He quickly added. 

“Uh. Sure.” She answered. “Yeah that sounds good.” Ava gave him a small smile and gave his shoulder a small pat. “Well, see later then.” 

Mack gave her a quick nod, his lips curled up into a big smile. “I’ll see you later, Ava.” With that, Mack opened the car door and stepped out. After he shut it, he gave her one last wave before Ava drove off to work. I hope I didn’t make a mistake, she thought to herself. 

She didn’t want to do something to jeopardize her relationship with Harry. What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. 


A/N: Oh Ava. Silly, silly, silly Ava.
BECAUSE the last chapter got such a QUICK and awesome response, I thought I’d update early. If you guys can give this chapter a good ol’ 50 votes, I will update Monday.
Good trade off? I think so! :) 

Vote+Comment+Follow because it honestly makes me so happy. Some of the things you guys say make me literally laugh out loud. They make my day. 

But a few questions- what do you think about Ava giving Mack a chance at being friends (while Harry is off on tour)? Do you think Mack is only do it because he knows that Harry is gone? What do you think will happen between #Mava? 

PS: that moment when you and your favourite Youtuber have a twitter conversation. Well.. sorta-conversation. Ah! I love essiebutton-- haha, she’s my spirit animal. 

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