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You and I - One Direction || (Harry’s windswept hair brings feelings to my soul that I cannot even describe with words.)

Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey || (Kiss me hard before you go..)

Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High - Arctic Monkeys 

| fifty-three |

The days had been dragging by. With each passing hour, it had felt like a part of their soul was passing along with it. The weather had grown drastically hotter. July had sprig up out of nowhere surprising Harry and Ava with its intense summertime sunshine. Not that they were complaining. The plus-thirty degree Celsius weather had been a major bonus to their lives. It was a massive-and very welcomed-, change to their usual rainy Vancouver days.

With each passing day, Harry was one day closer to his book tour. He had seemingly forgot that the tour had wen the major part of his book deal. With the launch party, Flint Hasting's reappearance, and his mended relationship with Ava, he had forgotten that he'd be traveling California for a month.

"I don't want to go." Harry's slow, raspy voice whined. "Can I pretend that I went on tour and just stay in bed with you all month?"

Harry and Ava were sprawled across her bed. They had spent most of their Saturday inside, naked, and under the covers. The sweat that glistened on their skin had not been because of the hot summer weather outside, but instead a result of their much more pleasurable activities.

"You can't just stay in bed all day." Ava giggled. Her hands were tracing light patterns above his sparrow tattoos- (Ava's absolute favourite marking on Harry's body.)

Harry's hand had found it's way to her matted hair. His long fingers thread it's way through the mess, while his other hand drew circles on her hip. "But I'd much rather do that." His hands make their way to either side of her hips and bring her closer to his chest. Ava's legs sit on either side of Harry's body in a straddling position. "I'd much rather do this than sign a bunch of books," he growls into her ear. His lips find their way towards her neck and begin to leave sweet kisses down to the valley of her breasts.

A loud giggle escapes Ava as Harry's tongue begins to tickle her sensitive skin. "You can't just-" her words struggle to leave her mouth with each flick of his tongue. "Harry! You- god- you can't just not tour." A soft moan leaves her as his fingers make their way to her sensitive spots.

"But this is more fun." Harry flips Ava over so that he is now hovering over her. He bends down closer to her already sweaty body and continues to leave wet kisses down her stomach. Ava's hands find refuge in his curly locks.

With each flick of his tongue, Ava's need for Harry grows. The magnitude of her desire grows every time she thinks about the next month that they will be a part for.

Once his mouth reaches her core, a load moan escapes Ava's already swollen lips. "Fuck Harry." She can feel her insides clench with each flick of his expert tongue. All too soon, Harry's lips part from her. She can feel her insides beg for the release that it desperately desires. "Wha-?"

"Tell me what you want." Harry's voice is husky as it exudes the lust that he feels for her. "Tell me what you need, babe."

Ava's hips buckle with the light flicker of his skilled fingers. "I-" she breathes in deeply as she attempts to create cohesive sentence. "Please. Don't stop." She begs.

"Baby, I'm leaving in a few days. I want to make the most out of this before I go. Please tell me what you want. I want to make you feel so fucking good, baby." His words make her insides drip with desire and need. Her mind is fuzzy as a result of his lustful talk.

"What do you want, baby."

"You." She manages to reply.

"What do you want me to do?" His lips are dangerously close to her ear. The heat of his breath making her heart do somersaults within her.

"Make love to me." She breathes.

"How? How do you want me to make love to you?" He growls. "Do you want it slow? Do you want me to bend you over this dresser and make love to you so hard that you're screaming my name? Tell me, baby. What do you want?"

"Make me scream your name." She doesn't even recognize her own voice. It is low and husky, the desire and love that she has emitting with each word.

A light chuckle comes from his lips as he leans down to kiss her lips and down to her breasts.

"As you wish."


With each passing day, the weather had become hotter and hotter. A melody of joyous birds chirping had become an overplayed song throughout the city. Everyone that walked the laid back streets of Malibu gave off an illusion of relaxation of peace. The residents all seemed to have walked off an Abercrombie and Fitch ad. Their bleach blonde hair had been paired perfectly with their dark tanned skin. Everyone seemed to be content with their lives. It was an all welcoming change from the uptight-busy atmosphere of LA. 

It was the weekend before Harry went off for three weeks for the first part of his tour. Ava was already dreading the moment she’d be saying goodbye to him. Her palms began to sweat just thinking about it. 

They had decided to take the weekend off and go into hibernation. Just the two of them. Malibu had seemed like the perfect destination for their lovesick getaway. 

Ava couldn’t be any happier. 

The wind of the ocean had picked up and began to bluster through the open window. It was a welcoming breeze. The air conditioning unit in Adam’s summer home had been broken causing a layer of sweat to form on everything that set foot inside. All of the windows had been open and fans were on constant. 

Ava looked down at the lace overlay that she had that had done a subtle job at covering her bright floral bikini. A piece of thread had seemed to be making a getaway from the semi-expensive throw that she was wearing. She reached over for a pair of scissors and cut off the small piece of thread. “Are you ready to go?” 

Harry was standing at the front door with his bright yellow swim shorts and white tee. His unruly curls, that had grown out on the sides, had been pushed back in a snapback. “Hun, did you steal those shorts from a small child?” She teased. 

“Very funny. These make my ass look exceptionally great.” His hands flew to his hips and his lips automatically pouted. 

“That is very true.” She couldn’t stop the giggles that came out. 

“Let’s go! It’s fucking hot in here.” 

Ava rolled her eyes at her impatient boyfriend and followed him out the door. The sunshine had kissed her skin causing a wave of warmth to course through her body. An involuntary sigh escaped her. She slipped Harry’s aviators on- the ones she managed to steal when he wasn’t looking-, and intertwined her fingers within his own. 

“This is nice.” Harry looked over at Ava with a small smile on his face. 

“What is?” He asked. 

“Being here, with you. It’s nice.”

Harry pulled his hand out of hers and instead wrapped it around her body. He bent down and placed a small kiss onto of her head. “It is.” 


The walk to the private beach was short since the house was situated right in front. Harry unfolded the blanket that he had brought down and laid it across on top of the sand. Ava slipped her feet out of her sandals and pulled her dress off. 

“Shit.” Ava looked over to Harry to see what was wrong. His eyes were raking up and down her body with his jaw slacked. 

“Everything okay?” She asked innocently. 

“When did you buy that?” 

“What? This old thing.” She looked down at her bikini clad body and give him an innocent smirk. “Are you just going to stare at me all day or are you gong to go in the water with me?” 

“Can’t I do both?” He smirked back. 

“Last one there is a rotten egg!” She childishly screamed at the top of her lungs and bolted towards the water. She could feel Harry hot on her tails and she looked over her shoulder briefly. He had a large grin plastered on his lips. His white shirt long forgotten. 

Damn. Ava thought to herself. It was moments like these that she couldn’t believe he was hers. 

The water was chilly, something they had not been anticipating. But their bodies soon warmed up to it. 

Ava dipped her head underneath the salty waves. She could feel her hair automatically going into a wave. She ran her fingers through it and pulled it into a high bun. While her arms were in her hair, Harry took it as an opportunity to slink his arms around her bare torso. He began to leave soft kisses along her neck and down to her arm. 

“I like seeing you wet.” He breathed into her ear. 

“Harry!” She smacked him in the arm at his innuendo. “There are kids around.”

Harry let out a boisterous laugh, “Where?” 

“Somewhere in the city there are kids so keep your dirty comments to yourself.” She jokingly poked his dimple. 

“God, you’re cute when you’re flustered.” He leaned his head forward and left a short kiss on the side of her lips. 

“I am not going to miss those comments when you leave.” 

“You say that now.” He smirked once again. 

“Trust me.” Ava wrapped her arms around Harry’s neck. Her fingers made their way to the nape of his neck and began to intertwine themselves with his curls. “Don’t cut your hair.” She exclaimed whilst pulling at the end of his curls with her fingers. 

“You like?” 

“I love.” She gives him a soft kiss. Her lips linger just above his own. Harry’s hands made their way down from her hips and to the bottom of her bum. She squealed at the sudden contact in which caused Harry to laugh. 

“Would you jump already?” He joked. Ava rolled her eyes at his demand but obliged. “That’s better.” He playfully pinched her bum once again earning a smack at the back of the head. 

“You’re such a pervert.” 

“A pervert for you.” 

“God, you’re cheesy.” 

“Cheesy for you.” She loved it when Harry was being playful. There was a sparkle in his eye whenever he would make a, usually crude, comment or joke with her. Most of the time she didn’t care what he was saying as long as that spark glimmered behind his vibrant green eyes. 

“Just kiss me already.” He obliged and gave her a soft kiss against her nose. “Not there.” She pouted. 

“Oh sorry,” Harry kissed her eyes instead. 

“Harry!” Ava wined and purposefully grinned her hips with his which caused a loud moan from Harry. 

“Keep doing that and you wont get just a kiss.” He warned. 

“Do what?” Her voice was high with mock innocence. She grinned her hips once again with a innocent look still on her face. 

“That’s it.” Harry lifted her up smoothly and threw her into the water. 

“Harry!” She screamed as she flew into the cold ocean water. As she reappeared, Harry’s face was contorted due to the heavy laughter that was escaping his plump lips. She couldn’t even find it in herself to be remotely annoyed with him. His dimples were on full display and his eyes squinting. 

Instead, Ava swam up to him and placed her hands on either side of his hips. “You’re a dick,” she joked. She ignored his continuous laughter and silenced him with her lips.  

The rest of their weekend had consisted of a simple routine: get up, eat, swim, kiss, exploring the town, kiss some more, eat, and watch a lot of movies. They were content with their routine. They were content with being in one another’s arms for a span of forty eight hours. Neither one wanted the weekend to end. 

The drive back to Los Angeles seemed to take forever. The roads was hectic - a strong case of bumper to bumper traffic. Add that to the mixture of long-distance anxiety, Harry could feel his heart speed with each stop and go motion. 

He was anxious. That was inevitable. 

He didn’t want to leave Ava for the next three weeks. Not when their relationship was back to where they had it before their first major fight and breakdown. 

His hands were sweaty against the steering wheel. His knuckles were white. Ava couldn’t help but sneak a few glances his way. Her heart lurched at the sight of his nerves. She knew that this was eating him up inside. She knew that his own personal demons were haunting him once again. All she wanted to do was to kiss his forehead smooth and to ease his anxiety away. 

Without giving it any second thought, she placed her hand softly on his own that was holding the gear shift. His muscles automatically relaxed once her skin made contact with his own. She could physically feel his heart ease away the tension. 

“Did you want to stay the night tonight?” Her voice was a loud contrast to the soft music that was playing from the radio. Harry looked at her from the corner of her eye. 

“I can stay. Yeah.” He didn’t want to leave her. Not yet. The more time that he could spend with her, without overstepping his boundaries, he would gladly accept it. 

Ava give his hand a tight squeeze. He looked over at her, once they had reached a red light, and give her a gentle kiss on the cheek. “I love you.” His voice was strained; it was clear that the nerves were still there.

“I love you more.” Her smile lit up the whole car. Her smile alone was all that he needed to feel one percent less anxious. 

“Debatable.” He gave her a quick wink and continued with their drive. 

Ava had fallen asleep in his arms. It was a feeling that he would not once get tired of. The way her chest rose up and down with each breath was a rhythm he had memorized. She looked at peace in her dreaming state. He couldn’t help but stare at her. With each glance that he took at her, he memorized ever flaw, dip, crevice, mole, dimple, wrinkle and hair that kissed her porcelain skin. 

This was his definition of beauty. 

His definition of perfection. 

Nobody else could convince him otherwise. No other woman could compare to the beauty that Ava Hastings possessed. He knew that he would never be able to look at another woman and feel the same feeling of longing and desire that he does when he looked at her. 

She was it for him. He knew that. 

As if the universe had decided to spontaneously play a cruel joke on him, Harry’s phone began to quietly buzz. He quickly answered the unknown number. Who calls at three in the morning. He thought to himself. 

“Harry?” The high pitched voice screamed into the other line. Automatically, Harry felt his stomach plummet. 

“Harry! Baby, are you there? Ba-a-a-by, answer me-e-e.” Libby’s high pitched voice slurred on the other end of the phone. Harry wanted to end the call and not say another word, but his mouth had another idea. 

“What do you want.” He kept his tone harsh and blunt. He didn’t like that she was calling him, obviously drunk, at three in the morning. He had made it perfectly clear to her that he was done with her. He never truly liked her. She was a good fuck and that was all. 

“I miss you! I miss your dick.” She giggled. Harry’s body physically cringed at the neediness that slurred with each word that she spoke. 

“I told you that I was done with you.” He whispered. “Stop fucking calling me.” 

“Why? Are you with that bitch, Ana?” 

Harry could feel his fist tighten. Nobody spoke about Ava like that.

“It’s none of your business. Go back to your fucking boyfriend.” 

“But he doesn’t fuck as well as you do. Come on! Ditch her and come here. I’m wearing that bra that you like. You know, the floral one. I know how you feel about florals.” She giggled. Only on Ava, he thought to himself. Nobody can make floral look sexier than Ava could. 

“Are you fucking drunk?” 

“No!” She giggled once again. She was clearly intoxicated. 

“You’re drunk.”

“Just a little bit. And in desperate need of sex.” Her laugh brought bile to the back of Harry’s throat. He still couldn’t believe that he slept with her. He was kicking himself at the thought of her touching him. 

“Then sleep with your boyfriend. I told you this before and I will tell you this again. I don’t want you and I never fucking did. I was lonely and you were desperate enough. But I never, and will never again, will fuck you. So stop calling me and go back to your damn boyfriend who is stupid enough to still stay with your cheating ass.” And with that, Harry ended the call. 

In his arms, Ava stirred. Her eyes fluttered open and she squinted up at him. “Who was that?” Her voice was groggy with sleep. He couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she was when she first woke up. 

“Just a drunk dial.”

Ava rolled her eyes and gave a quick nod. She got up and pulled him up with her. “Let’s go to bed.” She whispered as she began to walk backwards and towards her bedroom. 

Harry followed her into her room. He pulled down the blanket that was neatly tucked in. Ava pulled off her jeans and blouse leaving her in only her matching floral bra and panty set. “Damn it.” Ava looked over at Harry with a high awake-confused expression. 

“You okay?” 

“Yeah,” he coughed. “Yeah, I’m fine. Here.” Harry pulled of his shirt and begrudgingly threw it to her, knowing that she would much rather sleep in his clothes instead of her underwear. (Even though Harry would have much rather her sleep in that damn panty set.) He couldn’t help but smirk at the irony of the situation. 

“Thank you,” She groggily responded before crawling into bed. “Our last night for three weeks.” 

“Don’t remind me.” 

“It’ll be fine.” She comforted him as wrapped her body against his now half naked body. Her petite figure moulded perfectly against his. A clear sign that they were the old puzzle pieces that were made for one another. 

“I love you.” Harry whispered against her hair. But she was already asleep, her slow breathing a clear sign of that. 

Harry pulled Ava even closer to his body. As he felt his body slowly fall into slumber, he couldn’t help but think that this was too good to be true. That something bad was going to happen. Because good never happens to him. His demons always reminded him of that. But tonight, he wasn’t going to think like that. Instead, he cleared his mind of any negative insecurities and fell asleep peacefully with the girl of his dreams tucked under his arm. 

A/N: I am sorry that this took forever to upload. It’s like.. 4 AM and I am wide awake. I drank some tea at 11 which was clearly a terrible idea. And then I got completely side tracked by 90’s hip hop music videos and BBC 1 Radio covers. Ha!

Anyways. We have 11 chapters and an epilogue left. Eek! This story will have a total of 65 chapters. :) 

Vote + Comment + Subscribe Because it makes me happy when I see it! PLEASE don’t be a ghost reader. 

Also, if you haven’t already taken notice, I have been updating once a week on my other story ADORE. If you are interested, be sure to give that story a read, like, comment, and add it to your libraries. I’m excited to see where that story goes. 

J. xx

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