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After the night at The Lounge, both Ava and Harry continued on with their lives. They both were busy with their separate jobs, neither of which making time to see one another. That was the reality of life. People got busy and continue on with their days. Every once in a while Rose and Ava would meet up for coffee, but the subject of Harry was never brought up.

Harry was intrigued by Ava. He had become captivated by her lightness and beauty. Though regardless of his captivation, it did not seem fit to do anything about it. In his mind, if two are to be in a friendly relationship it would happen naturally. But for right now, Harry had other things on his mind. Things that involved literature and writing- two of his favourite things. 

Penning the great American novel was always an aspiration of his. Ever since he picked up his first copy of The Old Man and The Sea, he knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to write. When his pen met the page, words began to flow out effortlessly. However lately it seemed like it had become more of a struggle. The "American Novel" that he aspired to write was becoming a distant memory with every passing day. He had become imprisoned by writer's block, and hinderance and no ingenuity were his correctional officers. The stories that he once were able to write had been blocked by a lack of creativity and focus. 

"Harry, I really need more from you. You have two weeks to come up with a better story, or you are out. With the increase of romantic novels, we need to come out with the next best one. I'm sorry but there are deadlines and you are not making them. Come back when you have something better. Go out, get inspired. Get drunk. Break a heart or two. Do something. Find a muse. Just, go." 

The words that Harry's publisher said kept playing over and over in his mind. "Find a muse." Find a muse? He would not find a muse. Grabbing his keys and jean jacket, Harry walked out of his apartment and made his way to the local bar. Maybe a glass of whisky or two would stir up some inspiration. He had two weeks to come up with something or he was out. If he was out, then all of his dreams would be ruined. There was no way in hell that he would allow that. 

On the other side of the city, Ava continued on with her every day routine. Her shift was drawing to an end and she couldn't be more relieved. As she turns of the light and locks up, she notices the curly haired man that she couldn't seem to forget stumble past her. 

"Harry?" He turns around quickly, bloodshot eyes staring back at her clear ones. 

"Ava," he slurs.

"Harry. Are you alright?" Concern is heavy in her voice. 

"Yeah. There's a pub over there. I like it a lot. I go there all time." He manages to say, rambling ever so slightly. She chuckles in response. 

"Are you talking about Levi's?" 

"Yes. Good whiskey." Rolling her eyes in response, she grabs onto his jean jacket. 

"You sir, are in no condition to drive home. Let me help you." The cliche of the moment was unbearable. After weeks of no contact, the two met once again. It was as if the universe was out to get them, toying and scheming to bring their lives together.  

Buckling the intoxicated curly-haired man, Ava began the short journey back to her apartment. 

"You know, I've seen you before," he slurs again. 

"I know Harry. With Rose." She couldn't help but chuckle at the situation. 

"No. A month ago. You were being cornered by a pervert. I was at Levi's. I saw you." As Harry recalls the first time he saw her, Ava tries to remember the situation he is referring to. The memory floods back and the events of that night hit her. 

"Ah. I remember that night. I didn't see you though." 

"I was hiding." Again, she chuckles. It wasn't very often that she had an intoxicated men in her small apartment. However, Harry was not being obnoxious or impolite. If anything, he was an entertaining drunk. Grabbing a blanket and a glass of water, she did her best to nurse her boozy new found friend. 

"Try and sleep this off, Harry. If you need anything just yell. Goodnight." He coughs an inaudible goodnight and thank you and falls into a deep slumber. 

If there was one thing that Ava did not like, that would be cliche's. Seeing her before, the pub, Rose- it all seemed unrealistic. But there was no doubt that the universe enjoyed a good cliche every once in a while. Reality had a tendency to create unrealistic probabilities. Harry and Ava's relationship was an example of just that. 

The night quickly came to an end. The morning light began to seep through the thin fabric of the bedroom's curtains. The warm covers become a cocoon while the pitter patter of rain drops hit the windowsill. Ava did not want to leave her safe haven. The smell of freshly brewed coffee immediately hits her nose. What the? Just like a tidal wave, the memories of last night come crashing back to her. Harry. 

Slowly getting out of bed, she makes her way to her small kitchen. Shirtless and only in a pair of skinny jeans, Harry is standing in her kitchen, his back facing her. Letting out a small cough to make her presence known, he turns around ever so slightly. "Morning." His voice still thick with sleep and the previous night's activities. "Thank you for taking me in last night. I appreciate it. It wasn't my intentions to run into you." He ran hand through his mop of curls nervously. It never crossed her mind once that this was all some sick plan to get closer to her. 

"Don't worry about it. Fate?" She lets out a small laugh, hoping to make light of the situation. Returning the favor, Harry chuckles. 

"Maybe. I was just having a rough night. Work is hectic." Work being hectic was something that Ava knew all to well. 

"You don't need to explain yourself. Everyone has a bad night. I need to get going to work though. If you want to stay a bit longer, that's fine. You can just leave the key under the mat when you go." 

"Actually, I need to go too. Thanks again, Ava." He replies. Giving a quick nod, Ava turns around to make her way back to her bedroom. "Wait! I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but would you like to grab a coffee sometime? As a thank you for letting me crash here. Nothing more." He runs his hand through his hair again while giving her a reassuring smile. 

"I don't know. I have a pretty hectic schedule." It was not that she did not want to get to know Harry. It was true, her schedule was hectic. What with work every day, she was lucky she even had time to sleep. 

"You must get a coffee break here and there?"  

"I do. Only for good behaviour though," she jokes. "I get off at 4. Swing by then and we can go from there." And with that, she turns around to get ready for her day. 

There was nothing unusual about going for coffee with a new friend. The question that kept coming back was how did this all happen? It seemed as if Harry came out of nowhere. But again, the universe was funny like that. One moment you are serving biscotti to old italian men, the next moment you have a twenty-something half naked god in your kitchen. 

The day goes on like normal, and 4:00 approaches quickly. As Ava hangs up her white apron and grabs her jacket, the soft sounds of a British accent could be heard. "Ready?" She looks up and sees him leaning against the counter, hair pulled back in the familiar grey beanie from before.

She nods and follows Harry out into the Vancouver rain.

"I just parked over there." He says. Hot air hits her face as the car starts up, relaxing her right away. "There's a small coffee shop just on Main street. I thought we could go there. They have great hot chocolate." The ride to The Grove is short and full of small talk. 

After their orders are received, they make their way to a small table. 

"I love this place. It's not very known, which I like." He explains. Sipping on their drinks, Ava makes the first move to start conversation.

"When did you move here?" She asks. 

"When I was 18, almost 3 years ago." He replies. She nods her head in response. 

"Why?" He shifts uncomfortably in his chair. 

"Life. I needed a change and England wasn't doing it for me. Vancouver seemed like a good choice. I have a friend that works at a Publishing office here so they gave me a job right away. Since then, I've stayed." She nods her head again, unsure of what to say next. 

"So, you write then?" 

"I'm trying to pen the great American novel," he jokes. "But my boss is bugging me to give him a story idea in two weeks."  

"I'm sure you'll come up with something. You seem like a pretty smart guy." He gives her a shy smile and looks down at his hot chocolate. 

"What about you?" He asks. 

"I would like to be an editor."


"News preferably. Right now, I'm just working at Mita's to save up for school." He listens intently as she explains her passion for journalism. He watches as her eyes flicker with excitement. "I just really love the news, as dorky as that sounds." 

He gives her a smile, "It's not dorky at all." Together they look down at their hot chocolates, small smiles plastered on their faces. 

The rest of their time goes by quickly. They share small bits about their lives and he talks about his family back in England. The conversation was light. Friendly. 

"Well, I should probably get going. Thank you for the hot chocolate." She cleans up their mugs and brings it to a small tray in the back. 

"I can give you a ride back to your place if you want," he offers. Accepting his kind gesture, they make their way back out. The rain has subsided but the wind chill as dropped tremendously. Pulling her jacket close to her body, she quickly jumps into his car. The ride back to her apartment is pleasant. The sounds of James Vincent McMorrow is the only thing that can be heard.

"His voice is beautiful," she says. He hums back in agreement. The words linger as the song comes to an end, and the next one begins. Each mowing over the link the song had to their own personal lives. 

If there was one thing that both Harry and Ava shared in common, that was the need for change. Each of them needed to move on from the past that still managed to haunt them. 

"Well, this is it. Thank you again." As she gets up to go, she looks over. Their eyes connect and a smile creeps to her face. "I'lll see around, Ava." With a soft smile and a gentle nod, she leaves the warm confines of the beat up station wagon. 


Thank you for the votes and reads! This story may seem slow at the start but it will pick up soon enough. 

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