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"Hi, I'd like a-"  Harry stops mid sentence. His eyes widen with shock. He couldn't believe that she was standing right in front of him. The girl from that night. The feisty brown eyed woman who knew how to stand her ground. Here she was.

Ava smiles at him warmly, ready to take his order. "Hi. Can I get something started for you?" Harry mentally shakes himself out of this strange state that he found himself in. 

"Yeah, I'll just have a large peppermint tea and a muffin. Blueberry. Please." She nods and walks over to the counter to grab a muffin. 

Harry finds himself observing her actions. The way that she bites her lip as she carefully places the muffin on the plate. The way she tries to not spill when she hands him the scolding hot mug of tea. "That will be $4.50" Taking out his wallet, he gives her a 5 dollar bill. 

"You can just keep the change," he musters out. She gives him a friendly nod and throws the loose change into the tip jar. 

As Harry is about to turn around, Ava musters up the courage to speak. "You're Rose's cousin, yeah?" Harry turns his head and returns her warm smile. 

"Yeah. Harry," He pulls his hand out to give her a small shake, "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I'm Ava". There was something comforting and familiar about the way Harry looked at her. But at the same time, distant. 

"Rose mentioned that you two were going to hang out. I'm glad she made a friend. I don't want to babysit her" he jokes. To Ava, Harry did not come across as like the others. He didn't seem to be like the usual arrogant men that came into the bakery. He was kind yet had this edge to him. 

"Don't worry about it! My friend Jacey and I were thinking about going to a local club tonight. We have the night off. A rarity! If you and Rose want to join, you are more than welcome to." Harry was not one to go out but it was Rose's first night in Vancouver and he wanted to make sure she enjoyed herself. There was no harm in going out and there was something welcoming about Ava. Maybe it was her smile or the way she carried herself. Even though she seemed to have haunted his dreams, he couldn't help the words that came out of his mouth. 

"I'll let her know." She nods her head and turns to help the next customer. 

"Took you long enough." Rose smirks while her cousin takes a seat on the chair across from her. 

"I met your friend Ava. She invited us to join her and her friend tonight at some club." Excitement fills Rose's eyes. She couldn't believe that her stubborn cousin actually agreed to go out with two girls he didn't even know. Canada was changing him, but she was not going to complain. If this meant that some how Harry's cold and stubborn heart was warming up, she was going to let it flow. Anything that would bring her old cousin back. 

Later that afternoon, Ava returns home after a long day at Mita's. Tonight was her first "break" in what felt like an eternity. She couldn't believe that she had agreed to go out tonight. This was her only chance to have a 'self-care-night-in', full of Ryan Gosling movies and chinese take out. Except, as usual, she let Jacey convince her otherwise. She wasn't going to complain though. She was well aware that she needed this. Plus, it meant she would get to know Harry a bit more. Which wouldn't be a bad thing. Regardless of the rules that Ava set for herself, she decided that she needed more friends and was willing to give Rose and Harry a chance. 

An hour later, Ava heard a knock at her door. Outside is Jacey with her overnight bag in tow.

"I figured I'd crash at your place after. If that's okay? I don't want to go across town late at night." If there was one thing that Ava was always sure to do, that was to keep her friends safe. No matter what the time or situation, if a friend was in need of a place to stay she always had her door open. "Now, let's get ready. I realize it's only a small club, but I figured there's no harm in looking cute tonight." Nodding her head, Ava steps aside so that Jacey could make her way to the bathroom. 

An hour later, both ladies were done and ready to hit the town. Ava looks at her mirror and tries to rack her memory of the last time she put this much effort into her appearance. Her usual straight middle parted brown hair was done into loose waves, just hitting her collar bone. Her make up was kept natural with the exception of bright red lipstick in which complimented her dark framed wayfarer glasses. She wasn't one to go all out when she went out on the the town. Her outfit was classy yet with a hint of sexy. They were only going to a lounge to listen to music and have a drink. Nothing crazy, nothing fancy. 

Grabbing her clutch and phone, Ava waits for her blonde haired friend. "Does this look okay?" Ava looks up and smiles. Her friends usual top knotted-blonde hair was  let down and her blunt bangs were let loose. Her porcelain white skin was darkened a tad with bronzer. It never ceased to amaze Ava the power of makeup.

"You look gorgeous." Both Ava and Jacey were not one for dressing too extreme. Maybe it was their age. Being 23 and 24 brought an air of maturity when it came to the way they presented themselves. However, that didn't stop them from wanting to look sexy from time to time. "Let's go, I'm sure Harry and Rose are already there." Jacey gives Ava a smirk when she notices the slight smile when Ava says Harry's name. 

The one thing that Jacey's heart desired, was to see her best friend happy. To love again. To allow the  cold and bitterness of her heart to melt away and to let someone love her again. But she knew that it would probably never happen. Ava was stubborn when it came to love, to friends. When Ava agreed to go out tonight, she didn't push it. She deserved to go out and have a break. Tonight was going to be a good night for all. Jacey was determined to make sure of it. 

As they walked up to the lounge, they took in the amicable and intimate room. It wasn't stuffy like a club, which is what they liked most about these types of places. They didn't have to worry about being grinded on. Instead they were able to listen to good music and enjoy a drink or two. In the corner they notice Harry and Rose seated on a two cozy red couches. 

Ava quietly gasped when she looked at Harry. He was wearing the same jeans from earlier, but instead of a button up shirt, he was wearing a loose black t shirt. Tattoos. She didn't realize he had had tattoos. Looking away quickly, she made her way over to the red couches. 

Harry looked up and had to stop himself from staring.

Ava was beautiful, he could not deny that. Regardless of how he felt about relationships and how hard his heart may be towards love, he could not lie and say that Ava was not beautiful. The way that her dark hair complimented her porcelain skin. The way she smiled as she took a seat next to him on the couch. Everything about her was inviting.

"Hey," she says while taking a seat.

Harry lets out a husky hey in return, thick with his accent. He coughs to get rid of the roughness of his voice before his cousin could catch on, but it was too late. She gives him a knowing smirk and turns to look over at Jacey. Jacey takes a seat beside Rose and light conversation ensues.

Harry and Ava mentally stop themselves from staring at one another. There was no denying the connection that they felt when they looked into each others eyes. There was one thing that was for certain: they were not going to fall in love.

Their past prohibited it.

The bitter cage that surrounded both of their hearts was stopping them before it even had a chance to break open. The winter air was thick in their presence, and there was no denying the harm it could cause.

They continued to converse, learning more about one another.

Whatever the universe may have in store for these two was unknown. One thing was for certain. This was just the start of their relationship and the start of something foreign. In their subconscious, they were ready for the journey that was about to come.

Whatever it may be.  

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