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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Groggy and half awake, Ava stumbles to across her room to find the annoying beeping sound. "Where is it!" 

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"God. Where is that damn clock?" Clothes were dispersed all throughout her cramped bedroom as she searched frantically for the clock.


It was six in the morning and the bright chirping of brids could be heard. Being up at this ungodly hour was not Ava's ideal saturday morning. However money was needed and work had to be done. If she wasn't drowning in bills she would have taken the day off. But that was not an option.  In fact, days of never was an option.Ava worked seven days a week. She would always dream of a day off. A day where she could sleep in, have brunch, take in a matinee, and end the day with a long bath whilst listening to the sweet sounds of Sinatra. Nevertheless, it didn't look like a day of self care was in her future. This had been something she accepted. She was in a season of work and she was okay with that. She had to be. 

There was something soothing about being up at six am. The city was quiet. It was at rest. Only a few cars were out on the road as well as the random six-am-runner. That was one thing that Ava could never understand. People who would go out for early runs. It wasn't that she did not enjoy running, but there was something that irked her about getting up before the sun to go for a long winded run. She would much rather go for an evening at the gym. At least when she had time. That was another thing Ava didn't seem to have time for anymore. Exercise. Ever since the passing of her mother, Ava hasn't been able to enjoy the little things. Baths, matinee's, a good book, and the gym. This is just a season was what she kept telling herself.

Regardless of others her age, Ava was not in school. This didn't disqualify her, however, from dreaming about one day gracing the halls of her local university. Her heart was set to become an editor. Not a book editor but a newspaper editor. There was something thrilling about putting out a newspaper every week. Being able to provide the daily news to eager readers. When Ava was still in high school, she was the editor of her high school newspaper. It was well known and everyone in her district was impressed with her writing and editing skills. But, since her mother was unable to work and then passing away, school was not high on her priority list. That didn't mean she didn't want to go to school eventually. Right now though, it was something she had to wait for. 

Many of her friends were already done school and working for amazing companies. When you are twenty-three years old, it was unheard of to not have your bachelor degree. But for Ava, it was something she was unashamed about. It wasn't her time yet. Soon. But not right now. And again, she was okay with that. 

There were a lot of things in her life that she learnt to just accept. No days off, having to work full time work at a small bakery so she could pay her bills, no post secondary, and being an orphan. These weren't the things many people her age had to worry about. Unfortunately Ava didn't have the luxury to "enjoy life" and "live up her 20's". She had to grow up fast, and again- that was something she had to learn to accept.

She had only one close friend; it was okay.

She had to pay bills; it was okay. 

She was not in love; it was okay.

She was alone... and it was okay. 

When Ava walked inside of the small bakery that she called work for the past five years, she noticed that it was busier than usual. It was 7 AM and the bakery was already packed. Pushing passed the customers Ava made her way to the back. 

"Excuse me."


"Excuse me." 

"I just need to get through-"

Finally making it to the back she saw her co-worker and her only friend, Jacey White. Her long blonde hair was tied up into her staple top knot bun. Jacey was only a year older than Ava, and was honestly her best friend (and only friend). Maybe it was because they worked together every day, or it was because they both lost a parent. There was something that bonded them together, and Ava knew that she could trust Jacey with her life if she needed to. 

"What took you so long? It's crazy this morning." Jacey looked exasberated. She quickly passed Ava a steaming mug of black coffee. "That girl right there with the purple hair ordered this. She also wants a cannoli. Why she wants a cannoli at 7:30 in the morning is beyond me." Nodding her head, Ava quickly grabbed a warm plate and placed a freshly baked cannoli on top.

"Hello! I believe this is your order" she says with a warm smile. If there was one thing that Ava learnt while working at Mita's is that you need to always smile. A smiling waitress meant a happy customer which in turn meant a  happy boss. Luca, her bos was the sweetest 70 year old you will come across. However, he was someone you didn't to to make disappointed. 

"Yes, I did. Thank you! My name is Rose by the way." Rose had a very amiable essence about her. Maybe it was her warm green eyes and lilac-grey hair or her soft british accent. She seemed close to Ava's age, but she was not one to ask. 

"'m Ava-" she replies with an equally warm smile. 

"I don't usually do this, but I'm new here. I just moved from Cheshire, UK. You seem like you're close to my age, and maybe you wouldn't mind hanging out sometime? I know that seems so odd, but I figured I might as well throw myself out there." She giggles. Ava was taken by Rose's forwardness. Ava was not one to make new friends. It was something that she told her self when her mother passed away. The more people that she let into her life, the more chances she had to lose someone. That was not something she wanted to set herself up for. However, there was something about Rose that she couldn't resist. Maybe Jacey would like to join. 

"Oh, Okay. I don't mind. You know, my friend Jacey would probably like to join. She's my only friend here." Ava wasn't sure why she said that about Jacey. It slipped out and regretted it right away. 

"That would be wonderful. I'm actually meeting my cousin here. I'm staying at his place until I can move into my own. Which, fingers crossed, will be this week!" Rose was a talker. Ava picked up on that right off the bat. "But hey, could I grab your number? Maybe we could hang out after you get off work?" There was a hint of hope in her eyes. 

Tomorrow was Sunday, and Ava didn't have to work until later that day. There was a switch in shifts, something unusual, but she was not going to complain. It was her chance to sleep in and she was going to take full advantage of that. "Alright." After exchanging numbers, Ava hurried back to the front to help Jacey with the rest of the customers. 

"Took you long enough. What happened?" Jacey looked over at Ava with curiosity in her eyes. 

"The girl with the lilac hair. Her name is Rose. She just moved here from the UK and asked if we wanted to hang out. I told her sure."

Jacey looked at Ava with her jaw slightly agape. "You actually want to hang out with someone? What happened to you this morning. You never want to make new friends." She was right, but again there was something appealing about Rose that she was willing to take a shot. 

"She seems nice. Besides, my shift tomorrow got switched which never happens. I figured I would take advantage of it and go out. It's no biggy." Jacey smiles and grabs another mug. 

"I'm glad, Ava. You deserve to go out.  I don't mind hanging out tonight. Besides, I hear there's a new club that just opened up. I wouldn't mind checking it out if you don't mind joining." Ava and Jacey were not big on the club scene. However, they didn't mind going out for a drink here and there. That was when Ava actually had time to go out, which was very rare. 

"That sounds good. I'll be sure to run it past Rose." 

A few minutes later the bell above the door lets out a small ring indicating a new customer.

"Damn." Ava looks over to Jacey who's mouth was practically salivating. 

"What is it?" Ava followed Jacey's gaze and her eyes noticed a dark haired man. He wasn't bad looking, that was for sure. His face was down but his green eyes were not hard to miss. His curls were pushed back and were being held by a grey beanie. He was wearing a denim button up paired with a grey unzipped hoodie and denim jacket. His dark washed skinny jeans and brown boots completed his"I'm a hipster but not quite" look. To say he was attractive was an understatement. 

"Harry! Over here!" Rose squeaks. 

"Of course he's taken. They always are." Jacey mumbles. Ava looks over to her friend with a small smirk on her face. 

"That's her cousin." She retorts. Jacey looks up surprised and laughs.

"Shotty!" Jacey's smile turns into a teasing smirk.

"Go for it. I don't date anyways." Another rule that Ava made for herself when her mother died. She would not date. After her year long relationship in the 10th grade, Ava promised herself that she would never let a man get to her heart again. Maybe that was also why her heart had become so bitter after her mother passed away. Maybe it was already bitter, and the death solidified it. Either way, love was out of the question. Period. 

Meanwhile on the other side of the cafe, Harry walks up to his energized cousin. "Hey Rosie. I've missed you." He smiles at the lilac haired girl.

Rose and Harry have always been inseparable. If there was one person that Harry could say knew him better than he knew himself, that would be Rose. They were the same age and grew up as neighbors. Their mothers are sisters and are even closer. When Rose informed Harry that she was moving out of Holmes Chapel, he leaped at the opportunity to have his cousin come and stay with him until she moved into her own place.

"Hey Harry," she gives him a warm smile- the same smile that she gave to Ava. "Try this cannoli, it's to die for." 

"How did you find this place? I've lived here for two years and never even heard of Mita's." Rose smiles while he takes a bite out of her dessert. 

"My taxi driver. He was this sweet Italian man and said that this place had the best cannoli's and biscotti. I had to try it out, obviously." Rose could never say no to a food adventure. After spending a year in Italy studing, she became accustomed to having the sweet dessert as a breakfast treat.  

"I'm going to grab a coffee. Want anything?" Harry asks. 

"No. But hey, there's a girl up there. Her name is Ava. The brown hair girl. She's very sweet and we exchanged numbers. You should go and talk to her." Rose was well aware of Harry's past. Ever since the accident, she had tried her best to help her cousin move on. However, Harry was not ready to move on. In fact, he wasn't sure if he ever could. He rolls his eyes and gets up, making his way over to the counter. 

"Hi, I'd like a-" as Harry looks up his eyes make contact with the brown eyes that have haunted his dreams. The girl from the street. The girl who summoned up the memories that he has tried his best to bury. 



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