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It had been almost been a full week since Harry and Ava saw each other last. The wet and cold weather of the winter season had finally flown past. The March spring air had grown increasingly warmer. The average spring showers would downpour here and there, but the sunshine overpowered it most of the days. 

It was a blissful Saturday morning. The birds were chirping. The wind was tame and the heat of the sun's rays laid as a blanket on Ava's sleeping face. She was sprawled out on her couch. The remnants of last nights activities were spread out across her living room table. Harry's sleek laptop was perched on the edge of the couch, but far enough into the couch so that it cannot be pushed over the edge. Pizza boxes and used coffee mugs are piled on the small coffee table. Unused paper, scraps of paper, highlighters and open library books cover the floor. 

Her head is buried underneath a mountain of throw pillows, her right arm tucked underneath her head while her left arm hangs off of the sofa. Her legs are tucked under a blanket that some how managed to cover her body. She had stayed up most of the night doing research for her second-to-last paper. 

A loud siren is heard from outside and it startles Ava out of her sleep. She jumps up and falls off of the couch, bringing her throw pillows with her. "Yuck," a string of drool is hanging from her mouth. "Well that's disgusting." 

Sitting on the floor, she looks at the mess surrounding her. She looks for her phone underneath the sea of papers and books. Hidden underneath a textbook titled "Journalism for Dummies" is her scratched up phone. "There you are." 

There had been three text messages from Harry. A smile creeps up to the surface as she reads the  words that he sent her: I'm sitting beside this lady at the doctors who is spitting inside a cup. It's disgusting. 

I'm pretty sure she is drinking it after she spits. 

You're pretty. xx

Her cheeks blush at his last text. She looked at the time; it was already noon. Where had her morning gone? Her body ached from her previous sleep. The couch may have looked comfortable, but in reality it was not. She had grown a large amount of respect for the countless times Jacey had crashed there after a night out. Granted, a few shots of tequila in your system and anything will feel like a California king bed. 

The muscles in her back ached as she stretched her arms up. She moved from side to side hearing the oxygen bubbles crack. Her neck felt stiff and her arms tingled. A hot shower seemed like the perfect solution. 

Stepping inside the steam filled room, the hot water poured down Ava's back. She stood there letting the heat penetrate down her spine. Her muscles began to relax. She grabbed her bottle of shampoo and let the aroma of vanilla fill her senses. She instantly relaxed. 

As she scrubbed the events of last nights studying away, her mind drifted away. She was brought back to a certain curly haired man who had taken over all of her thoughts the past six months. His vibrant green eyes and perfect curls occupied her every thought. She got chills thinking about the way he said her name during their highest moments. His low raspy voice when he would speak sweet nothings in her ear. The way his back muscles would clench when she would wrap her tiny arms around him. 

She was in love. 

She was in love with everything that he was and who he was. 

He had been a mystery to her from the start. Yet an undeniable pull brought them together constantly. She couldn't stop herself from falling for him even if she tried. She thought about that day when she met Rose at the cafe. Who would have thought that would be the same day she would meet Harry. It felt like years ago since their first encounter. 

She didn't want to fall in love but it happened. Suppose that was how love worked; it snuck up on you when you least expect it to. And when it hits you, it doesn't go easy. No - it hits you hard and fast. It sucks you into a deep abyss and doesn't show you mercy.

Taking love away is like taking away oxygen. Without it, you are unable to survive. 

The water began to grow cold against her prune-like skin. A sudden shiver brings her mind back to reality. Every corner of the small bathroom is clouded by a thick layer of steam. The mirrors are foggy making it difficult to see any reflection. Her body shivers with the sudden change of temperature. The fuzzy housecoat that covers her naked body brings the temperature back down. A delayed shiver goes down her spine as she wraps her hair in a towel. 

The rest of her apartment is the arctic. It almost feels like icicles should be forming at every corner of her apartment. She turns on the small heater in her room and leans her shivering toes against it. Automatically, her body warms up. She shuts the blinds that cover her bedroom's window. The room goes dark. This then leads Ava to turn on the floor lamp that leans against the floral wallpaper of her main wall. A iridescent light fills the small space. 

Her closet seems cramped. Every piece of laundry from the week before is still scattered across the floor; she never felt the urge to put them away. She picks at each item, throwing them back to the ground. 

Procrastination has hit her like a ton of bricks. Her papers seem like a distant memory as she starts to put different outfits together. There is no real event or reason for Ava to make up different outfits. It's not like she is going on a vacation, or even a weekend getaway. It's the mere fact that she has to write a paper that her worn out clothes become suddenly interesting. 

After an hour of sorting out her wardrobe (and three piles later titled: keep, donate, trash), Ava finds herself sitting in the middle of her bedroom floor still wrapped up in her oversized housecoat. She looks at the three piles that she had just finished organizing, and crawls towards the "keep" pile. Coincidentally, it is the largest pile of the three. Some say she is a clothing hoarder, but she will deny it. 

On top of the pile is a floral printed dress. The straps are thick and the background is black. Large bundles of pink and white roses dance across the fabric. She holds it in between her red painted nails and remembers the first time she wore this dress. It had been the second "real" date Harry and her went on.

She remembers the date like it was yesterday. It was a late night near the end of January. The air was still cold, but she didn't mind. Winter was not going to stop her from wearing this dress. Ava had her eyes on this particular number for weeks. She had saved up some extra cash and bought it on a whim. 

Harry's jaw drop when he first saw her- wearing nothing but the dress, a sheer lace cardigan and high black pumps. Her lips were painted a simple nude, but her hair had been tousled (the way that he liked it). 

She remembered the feeling in her stomach when he let out a low groan as he slowly looked down her body and back up. He pulled her close to him, his eyes not once leaving hers. "You look sexy." He growled in her ear. "I would much rather stay here and fuck you on the floor." His crude and blunt words bringing heat to her cheeks (and many other places). She smiled up at him and stepped closer to him whispering "Nice shirt- it'd look better on the floor." She smirked up at him, grazing her hand against his chest, while turning to lock the door. She walked straight past him towards the stairs while casually dropping her keys. She bent over slowly to pick them up, keeping her eyes on his dark filled eyes. 

Her heels clicked as she walked down the stairs. He was suddenly at her side holding her extremely close to his body. She remembered the way he pushed her against the wall and ran his hands up her arms and back down. The way he pushed up against her, feeling every inch of her body on his, sending her mind into a frenzy. Her heart was pounding as he began to kiss her neck, up her jaw, and along the side of her lips. His soft lips leaving kisses up to her ear and nipping at the spot that leaves Ava weak in the knees. She remembers the way her body craved for him and the growing sensation in the depths of her being. He continued to leave wet kisses along her neck and back up to her ear, biting down gently on the spot that he sucked. A small moan leaves her lips and he pulls away quickly with a knowing smirk on his lips. He leans in once more. She was hoping he'd kiss her with the passion that she longed for. Instead, he whispered the words she knew she deserved "That's what happens when you are a tease.

Ava snaps back to reality, her palms sweating at the memory. An ache begins to grow in places that she didn’t expect. Her heart is beating erratically. She missed him. She missed his touch, his voice, his kisses. The way that he would touch her and moan out- She stopped her thoughts before they went in a completely dark and rather dirty place.

The night of the date had been sexual agony. The subtle touches, lingering kisses, and "accidental" gropes. They had been flirty all night. It was one of the most fun and flirty dates they have had. 

An idea pops into her mind and she quickly puts the dress on. She reaches for her phone and sends Harry a text of her in the dress. Her hair is tousled and her lips are pursed slightly. 

Her phone automatically rings back signaling an incoming text. His words read: Fuck.  With another following. Don't tease me like that. You know how I feel about you in that dress.

She giggles and sends him a response. Care to recreate that date? At least...the end?

He doesn’t respond but her phone begins to ring. 

"Well that took you long enough." She giggles into the phone. 

"Ava, do not send me things like that. Especially while I'm in a meeting. I had to step out because I couldn't handle myself." His voice is low and raspy, lust evident in every word he speaks. She can feel her cheeks redden as she can only imagine how dark his green eyes must be. 

"Instead of being in a meeting, maybe you should come here and help me get out of this dress." 

Harry lets out a low groan. "Ava..." he warns. 

"Oh no! The zipper is stuck. What ever shall I do?" She fakes an innocent voice. His breathing becomes heavier. She holds in the giggle that wants to escape her lips. "Remember when we got back from dinner, you couldn't wait so you took me on my entrance floor, and then my kitchen counter, and then my be-"

"Fuck. Ava, don't tease me. Not right now. I'm in a meeting with my publishers."

"I guess since I can't get this dress off, I'll just have to go out! Can't waste a good dress like this inside and all by my lonesome." 

"No. Ava, I swear to god. If you leave your apartment in that dress and other men see you, I'll-" 

"Or you'll do what? You're in a meeting right?" She keeps her voice innocent, enjoying the frustration and jealousy that is clear in his voice. "Hmm, it's a good thing I'm wearing my new push up bra. It really helps fill in this dress. And my white lace underwear that I bought-"

"Fuck it. I'll be there in fifteen." He hangs up the call and a huge grin is plastered on Ava's lips. 

Now to actually put on those new undergarments... 


A/N: I love their relationship! Even when they are going through some issues, you can't help but love their playfulness. 

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All of you SERIOUSLY make my day! I can't believe Winter Air is at 5K reads and 300 Votes. Seriously! I know that may not seem like a lot, but honestly, NEVER would I have expected to people to actually read this book let alone LIKE it. Thank you for your faithful reads, votes, and comments. They mean a ton to me! It makes this little hobby worth it for me. 

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