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Ava was confused. She scrunched her eyebrows together attempting to understand his news. She knew that Harry had been nervous about a possible long distance relationship. But to go ahead and cancel it all seemed a bit extreme.

Harry looked down at his feet and nervously tugged at his hair. It was worrying him that she was being so quiet. This was the exact reason why he had chose to not say anything in the first place.


Many explanations to the simple one worded question swirled in his mind.


His answer was simple. Everything that he did from here on out was because of her. He didn't want to lose what they had.


His stomach was doing back flips. His anxiety growing with each minute that passed. She didn't say anything else- still processing everything.

Anxiety turned into frustration. He couldn't help but think that maybe this was all a mistake and that women were in fact all the same. He got up quickly. The park had been deserted and with the darkness that had fallen around them, he wouldn't leave her alone. Granted, he knew she could fend for herself. That was the first thing he learnt about her when he first saw her.

However, he was a gentleman and would not leave her alone- regardless of how frustrated he has grown.

"Let's just go." She looked up at him, eyes still confused, but listened anyway.

"We need to talk about this Harry. I get that you're hurting but canceling your tour could possibly jeopardize your whole career." She kept her voice calm. She didn't want to fight over this.

He sighed, "I'm still being published."

She quickly looked up at him; her expression surprised.

"Wait, what?"

He chuckled lightly. "I'm going to lose extra money by not doing a whole country tour and it won't be as publicized, but it's still going to be published."

She was releived. If she had been the reason for his book not being published, she would have never forgave herself.


He sat backdown beside her on the cold bench. They remained silent, Ava continuing to process the news. "Wait." Her voice squeaked. "We are still going to be separated come May when I move to LA."

His face turned into an expression she couldn't quite decipher. It quickly shifted back to normal leaving her quickly attempting to catch up.

"Don't worry about that right now." His voice was low but smooth. It automatically soothed away any uncertainties that she was starting to feel. Little did she know, that Harry was hiding something from her. A secret that he had been keeping from her.

She nodded her her head as he wrapped his arms around her petite frame. He picked her up so that her legs straddled him on either side. She laid her forehead on his chest as he began to rub small circles on her backside.

"It will work out," he spoke softly in her ear. She nodded in response. His soft touch lulling her into a dream-like state. "We should get going," he chuckled, "before you fall asleep. You're to heavy to carry back," he joked.

Ava rolled her eyes but got up from his lap. She stretched her arms above her head and felt her jacket drag her shirt up. He took the opportunity to wrap his cold fingers around the exposed skin. The sudden coldness against her warm skin shocked her. She let out a high pitched squeal and giggled aloud. He wrapped her body close to his, and placed a gentle kiss on top of her forehead. She shut her eyes enjoying the moment.

Ava couldn't help but drift her thoughts back to her trip to LA. As she thought more about the opportunity, they more she was starting to dread it. Yet, she knew that if her mom was here, she would scold her for putting a boy before her dreams. That was the one thing that kept her going. Her mother. Everything that she did, was to honor her.

That night, Ava layed in her bed alone. It had been the first night in a week where Harry was not laying beside her. This feeling in the pit of her stomach was a feeling that she did not want to endure. She felt alone. She felt sad. If this was what her life would be like in a months time, she wasn't sure if she was ready for it. 

Harry had become second nature to her. For the course of the six months that they had known eachother, he had quickly become a routine. She wasn't compalining. He was an enjoyable routine that she did not want to lose once May hit. She was dreading it already. 

The next morning came quickly. It felt like she had just shut her eyes and her alarm was already going off. Grudgingly, she rolled out of bed and walked to her kitchen. A knock sounded from her door. Who could be here at 9 in the morning on a Sunday? The knocking was quick and persistent. On the other side of the door stood a boquet of peonies. Behind the boquet stood a short man with vibrant red hair. 

"Hello there!" He was a cheerful older man. His eyes were a piercing blue hiding behind large gold rimmed glasses. "I have flowers here for a Miss. Ava Hastings?" 

"That's me." He gave her a toothy grin and handed her the boquet. 

"These are for you, missy! Whoever these are from must like you a real ton." 

"I think so too." She bid him a goodbye and shut the door behind her. 

She took in a deep sniff from the soft blush blooms. Her heart fluttered as she thought about the boquet in her hands. The familiar rush of butterflies errupted within her stomach. A giddy squeal escaped her lips. She layed the flowers on top of her counter as she searched for a vase to hold them. 

At the back of her lower cabinet she found a dusty clear vase. She ran it underneath the warm water. She filled it to the middle and placed the peonies inside. As she placed it inside the vase, a small card escaped to the ground. 

She picked it up. Inside was a small card and scratchy writing. Ave, My love for you is deep. I'm sure even the pacific ocean is jealous. Have a good day. -H 

Harry had a way with words. She couldn't deny the feeling that she felt when he would tell her those three simple words: I love you. She knew that she was head over heels for this man. However the more she thought about their relationship, the more real it felt. 

She lifted her phone and dialed the numbers that led her to the husky voice she had loved so much. 

"Baby." Even with that one simple word, she was putty. 

"Thank you. For the flowers - they are beautiful." 

"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady."

He could almost see her blushing. The way she would grow red when he would compliment her or say something a bit too crude, she would grow the same shade as a tomato. It had been the cutest, yet sexiest, thing he had seen. 

"Thank you, Haz." 

"What are you doing today?" 

"I was hoping to get some homework done. I have been falling behind. I have the day off so I was going to do that and maybe stop at the laundry mat. I'm running dangerously low on underwear." 

"You could just go commando." 

"Harry!" He chuckled at her scolding. 

"I wouldn't complain." He continued. 

"Okay, I'm hanging up now." She lightheartedly threatened. 

"Babe, I'm just teasing." He tried to stop his laughing, but a few chuckles slipped out. "I can go with you, if you want. I don't want any guys seeing your underwear. That's for my eyes and my eyes only." His voice grew dangerously low. 

"Ye-" She coughed, trying to clear her nervous tone. "Um, sure." 

He chuckled again. "Besides, I have to do laundry too. I've been going commando the past few days." 

She spat the water that was in her mouth and began to cough. 

"Baby? Ava? Are you okay?" He was now laughing fully. "I'm just kidding!" 

"Not funny," her voice coming out raspy. She coughed again and took another sip of her water. "God, warn a girl next time when you're about to attempt at a joke."

"Very funny." He smirked. "I'll pick you up at six, okay?" 

"Yeah sure, see you then." 

He was still laughing as she hung up the phone. She knew that she was going to miss days like these: joking over the phone and dates to the laundry mat. The more she thought about it, the more she was beginning to regret her summer plans. As much as she didn't want to go, she knew that Harry would be frustrated if she chose not to go. She knew that deep down she would regret it too. 

The day went by quickly. Ava sat on her couch for majority of the afternoon staring at her computer screen. Her computer was going slower than usual. She was quickly typing the last few sentences in her paper. There was an uneasy feeling dwelling deep down that was influencing her to finish fast. Just as she clicked saved and sent it to her professor her old Acer shut down. 

"Shit!" She cursed out loud. Everytime she would click a button it would still remian blank. It was dead. Her old and faithful computer had finally kicked the bucket. She should have expected this sooner or later. Harry was always teasing her, telling her that it was a "pice of shit computer" and that she should "really invest in a Macbook." Even though it annoyed her to no end, she now regretted ignoring him. Thankfully, all of her stuff had been backed up on a hard drive, but she was now stuck. There were two more papers that she needed to write and hand in before the end of the semester. But now with no computer, she had no idea how she was going to get those done. 

It wasn't untill her phone went off, that she was reminded of a certain curly haired boyfriend that had told her countless times that she could use his Mac. "Harry!" She yelled into the phone.

A lower, raspy chuckled responded on the other end. "That is one way to be greeted." 

"I need to borrow your comuter this week. I have two papers that are due and my computer just crashed."

"I told you already that you need a new computer."

"Can you please just bring it with you tonight?"

He laughed lightly on the other end, "Sure." She let out a sigh of relief. "I'm leaving here now." 

"Thank you! I love you!"

"I love you, Ava." She smiled brightly as she hung up her phone. 

She really didn't know what she would do without Harry. The more she thought about it, the more nervous she was growing to leave. 


A/N: I feel like this chapter isn't the best. I was stuck writing it so I hope it's okay! It was pretty much a filler.

Vote + Comment please! All of your comments and votes have been super encouraging. It honestly brghtens up my day. 


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