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A/N: WARNING: This story is rated PG-13/border line R due to the cursing/crude remarks said by characters. When it comes to sexual scenes, I wont go into immense detail because I personaly do not feel comfortable. However, for the sake of creativity and written literature, I will try my best to make anything remotely sexual be tasteful and not be crude/smutty. Thank you for reading! {unedited, bare with me}

He sat there for god knows now long captivated by her thin pink lips. He watched as she breathed slowly completely entranced by a dream-filled sleep. Her hair was spread across his pillow; a dark contrast to the bleach white sheet.

He suddenly had an urge to run his fingers through her knotted locks. He couldn't help but feel pulled towards her. Being carful to not wake her, he wrapped his arm around her naked body and brought her closer to him.

Once his body met her own, a wave of relief washed over him. Harry then felt an indescribable sense of peace. His sleepless state shifted and his eyes began to droop. His rigid body relaxed and he drifted off in to a dreamless sleep.

That was the effect that she had on him. Even in her unconscious state, she had the ability to bring him warmth and safety. She had entranced him.

It had been a week and a half since the news from hell. It had been a week since Harry made the decision to not let Ava go. It had been five days since Harry decided to not go on tour.

She didn't know. He never told her. This didn't dismiss her curiosity- because ever since he made the choice to let go of his own passion, he had been more than attentive to Ava.

She wasn't complaining, however. The more he showed her his love and admiration, the more she was falling even more deeply in love with him. At first, it threw her off guard. His mood change had been a complete one-eighty. A once broken man who was completely against love had changed into a reincarnation of Mr. Darcy.

The following morning, Ava rolled over to an empty side. Her eyes fluttered open and was taken back by the beds vacancy. She slowly sat up and the dull pain from bellow caused her face to flush as she recalled last nights events.

He had given her all of his attention. The way that their bodies moved in synch and how he would moan her name out, she knew that she was cared for. It was passionate, rough, tender, and loving. All of his pent up emotion and frustration pentrated through him and his actions. She didn't mind. It had been one of those nights that brought her soreness, heat and butterflies. 

A breeze from an open window nipped at her bare skin. She wrapped a wool blanket around her and her body became relinquished by it's heat. The coldness of the cold wood floor shot a shiver up her spine as her feet made contact. She pushed the door of her bedroom and was hit by the aroma of fresh bacon and toast. 

Standing in the middle of her kitchen was Harry wearing nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. She suddenly felt ridiculous standing naked with only a blanket to cover her. "Good morning baby," his morning voice caused goosebumps to blanket her arms. 

She looked up at his smiling face and walked over to him. She gave him a shy smile and whispered a good morning back. He bent down and kissed her flushed cheek. She couldn't help but watch his muscles contract as he reached up into her cupboards to retrieve two glasses. She had lost herself by looking at his back and down to his boxer clad bottoms. Heat automatically radiated throughout her body. 

She awkwardly shifted so that she didn't lose her grip on the blanket. 

"You know, I've already seen you naked. You don't have to worry if that blanket of yours accidentally slips." He wasn't facing her, but she knew that he had a cheeky smile plastered all over his face. She rolled her eyes at his remark and turned around. As she began to make her way back to her bedroom to put some clothes on, Harry quickly leaped in front of her. "Oh no you don't. I like this look." His mouth was dangerously close to her ear. "Seeing you naked in the kitchen would be sexy as hell," he growled seductively. 

Automatically, she blushed. Her whole body heating up at his suggestive remarks. He slowly began to kiss underneath her ear, paying extra attention to her sweet spot. She let out an involuntary moan as he began to suck harder. His hands pulled her closer to him as he wrapped around her. He slowly left wet kisses down her neck and across her collar bone. Without giving it a second thought, she reached up and wrapped her hands in his curls. Harry took this as his opportunity to slip his hands through the opening of her blanket and let it fall down, pooling around her feet. 

She didn't even notice, too caught up in the feeling of his lips on hers. It wasn't until she felt his ever growing member that she realized her body had been completely bare. She let out a yelp and bent over attempting to grab the blanket, so that she would no longer be naked. 

"I don't think so!" He grabbed the blanket and through it across the room so that it was now sitting ontop of her couch. Automatically, she wrapped her arms around her breasts not feeling comfortable by her exposed nudity. 

"Baby," he purred, "you do not need to cover up. You are beautiful." He gently wrapped his hands around her wrists and pulled her arms down. She stood there in front of him completely exposed to him. She knew that she was safe in his hands. He had made that clear from the start. But she couldn't help the small insecurity that she felt standing before this beautiful Adonis. She felt unattractive when she looked at his god-like appearence. She was in awe of his perfectly sculted arms (especially covered by a variety of  black inked tattoos).

She lifted her hand so that it was carefully placed ontop of his chest. Her thin fingers delicately traced the two sparrows - her favourite of all of his tattoos. She used her other hand to grip on to his upper bicep. His voice hitched as her fingers danced above her chest, feeling every crevice and dip. She then began to leave kisses all along his chest and down his stomach. Her hands rubbing down his arms as she made her way down. She couldn't help but blush at the growth that was occuring behind the black fabric. Her tounge danced above the band of his briefs. 

On impulse, Harry's fingers reached for her hair. It entangled between the knots of her brown locks; a moan escaping her lips. This only caused his member to continue in its growth. 

Her trembling fingers reached for the hem and slowly slid the fabric down. If she was going to be naked, she wasn't going to be alone in this. With one sift movement, they both were bare. Her breath caught in her throat at his erected manhood. As much as they have spent together, she still felt shy at the sight of him.  

"Baby," he moaned out. His eyes were dark, the rim of his iris lustful. It had given her the confidence boost that she needed to carry on. She began to place small kisses on the inside of his thigh making her way over. She could hear his breath be caught in his throat as she made contact with him. He jerked as she began to kiss every part of him. 

"Ava." His voice was full of passion and pent up sexual tension. Her eyes twinkled up at him as she looked from her spot on the ground. His eyes were shut and his eyebrows had scrunched together. 

She wrapped her soft lips around him and began to take him whole. She bobbed up and down paying close attention to his reactions. She enjoyed learning what he reacted to the most, paying attention to those pleasures especially. 

His breathing became erratic as his fingers pulled her hair harder. He rolled his hips hoping to reach the right spot. She hummed as he pulled extra hard on her hair. The vibrations bringing him to his brink. 

"Come on baby, harder." He panted as she went along with his dirty words of encouragement. A few seconds later he moaned her names as he flew into his release. He was left panting as she kissed her way up to his mouth. 

She nipped at his jaw and up to his ear. Her breathing was hot on his now sweaty body. "That is what you get for stealing my blanket," she purred into his ear. This only sent him over the edge once more. He grabbed her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder. He ran into her bedroom ready to go for a round two. 

An hour and a half later they made their way back out of her bedroom. She had a towel wrapped around her body. His hair was dripping wet leaving small spots on his grey sweats. "Well, our breakfast is now cold," he smirked up at her. She rolled her eyes and went into her closet to grab her blow dryer. 

"I guess you'll be re-heating it as I go get changed?" She gave him a wink and a kiss on the cheek as she sashayed back into her bedroom. 

Harry smirked and shook his head at the closed door. It was playful mornings like these that he was certain that his choice to cancel the tour was the right one. He knew that if he had chosen otherwise, their days to play would be limited. He mentally shook his head at the thought and walked over to the cold bacon and dried up toast and throwing it out. He grabbed some cereal and milk and filled some bowls with it instead. Nobody likes re-heated bacon, he thought to himself. 

Later that day, Ava would bombard Harry with little questions about his book tour and publishing. He would successfully weasle his way out of answering her by successfully changing the subject. It had bothered her that he wouldn't answer her, but she didn't want to push him. Even if he would deny it, she knew that he was still sensitive from the news of his unborn fetus. 

IT had still bothered Ava to no end knowing that this wretch did this to him. She knew that if she was still alive, she would be ringing her neck. Even though she was a general sweet and passive aggressive woman, she didn't like to take shit from anyone. Especially from a woman who hurt her true love. No - she had expetions, and Delaine would have been one of those. 

"Are you okay?" Harry whsipered into her ear. She hadn't realized that she was balling her fists. The thought of what he was going through was making her angry. 

She took a deep breath. "I'm fine." She replied, her voice coming out strong. 

"Okay." He didn't believe her but he chose not to push it. 

She let out a sigh and pulled him closer to her. They had decided to have a lazy day - full of take out pizza, movies, and endless kisses. It was these days that she enjoyed the most. The sun from earlier had finally set leaving the city with a cool, clear night. 

"Do you want to go for a walk?" She asked him, hoping that he would agree. 

"Yeah, sure." 

She got up and and walked over to her bedroom. She pulled off her shorts and replaced them with a pair of acid wash skinny jeans. She pulled over an oversized jumper that she snatched from Harry's closet and was enveloped in warmth and the subtle scent of his cologne. 

She walked back into the living room and grabbed her boots. They locked up the apartment and began their walk. He laced his fingers with hers and she leaned into his touch. The air above them was pleasant. It left them to enjoy eachothers company and the beautiful night air. 

"I love this weather," she began. "It's not too cold but it's not too warm. It's the perfect weather for a night time stroll."

He hummed in response as they continued to walk. The streets were busy with the hustle and bustle of saturday night partiers. Ava had not one for the club scene - only going here and there. She knew that Harry enjoyed a night out, but was thankful that he would much rather spend his nights with her snuggled in a blanket and a movie. She squeezed his hand and he turned to her with a smirk. 

"I really love you, ya know that?" 

He laughed, "I love you, Ave." She nooded happily. 

They made their way to an open bench at the nearby park. She sat on his lap as he wrapped his arms around her. He rested his chin ontop of her head as she began to fiddle with his fingers. 

"Tell me about your mom." She whispered, "Your real one."

Harry froze. He was not expecting her to ask him that. He knew that he had let it slip that his biological mother left him when he was younger, but he didn't want to actually go into detail about it. But knowing Ava, she would be persistent in asking. 

"Nothing much to say." He was being honest. He had pretty much summed Jannette Styles in his drunken state. "She was great when I was younger, but got bored and became a worthless mother. A worthless woman." 

"That's a bit harsh, don't you think?" 

"What she did to me- what she did to my dad! Ave, she wasn't thinking about us. She was only thinking about herself and her selfish desires. She chose to slut it up with some random dick than be with the man she had a life - a son with!" He kept his voice calm, but he could feel his body tense. 

"I understand that," Ava's voice kept calm. "I'm sure she regrets it."

Harry scoffed. "I doubt that."

"What's your step-mom like?" She quickly switched gears, not wanting to start a fight. 

"Lydia? She's great." 

"You don't call her mom?" 

He chuckled, "Not really. It's still kind of weird. I consider her my mom though. She was more of a mother than Jannette ever was." The tone of his voice shifted at the montion of his mother. 

"What about your dad? What's he like?" 

Harry's face lit up at the mention of his father. "The old man? Jonny boy is pretty great." He smiled as he thought about his dad. "He's the one that really dragged me out of my depression. He was the one that kicked my ass out of the house and told me to go after my dreams. I'd be a royal fuck up if it wasn't for him."

"I like him already," she said softly while playing with his fingers. He smilled up at her. 

"You'd like him a lot."

"I want to meet him some day. And your step mom!" 

His eyes lit up - "We should go to England! Before you move." 

She rolled her eyes  but couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "We can't. I wont have money for that. Besides, you will be moving too you know."

His smile faltered at the mention of his tour. He knew that she should know about his cancellation. But he wasn't ready just yet. He could only imagine her shock and disappointment when he told her that he chose her instead. She would get frustrated and tell him to not choose her over his carreer.  He could feel his guilt eat away at him and he knew that he had to tell her. 

"Yeah. About move-" 

She looked at him funny before shaking her head at him. 

"Don't be nervous about it babe!" The guilt in his stomach built up more and more. 

"But I-"

"You're going to be in New York! And like I said, we'll skype everyday." She squeezed his hand. 

"Ava, listen." He took a deep breath.

"What is it?"

"I cancelled the book tour. I'm not moving to New York." 

She dropped his hands and looked at him shocked unable to speak. 


A/N: Another chapter anyone?

Vote + Comment! I can't express to you how thankful I am for each and every one of you that has took the time to read my story and vote. Please, if you like what you read press that vote button. It makes my day! 

Also, check out the story "Hannah" By my girl sarahkakonyi! She has been one of my first and faithful readers and  her story is great! Give it a little read. Girl- this chapter is dedicated to you! :) 

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