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His breath was caught in his throat. The words had slipped before his brain realised what he had said. He wouldn't deny what he felt. He knew that he was falling in love with her. He also was aware that by telling Ava how he felt, he was risking his heart.

She looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed. She was completely taken back. She began to recall the many conversations they had about his unability to fall in love. She knew that by getting into a relationship with Harry, there was the risk that he would never feel the way that she would feel. She knew that there was the risk that he would not fall in love and leave her broken. However, it had been a risk that she was willing to make. There had always been something about Harry that lured her back. It wasn't just his cheeky smile, his low, rough voice, or the way that he made her feel special. No, it was something that she couldn't describe. It was as if the universe was always pulling them together, that in the in, it was inevitable that they got together. Yet- in the back of her mind, she didn't think he would actually be the first to admit love.

He quickly, and rather awkwardly, cleared his throat and let go of his grasp around her waist. He stepped back and walked to the other side of the kitchen counter. His hold on the paper bag was tight, his knuckles white.

"Harry--" Her voice was quiet. She reached over, placing her hand on his own. He pulled away quickly.

"Don't." The tone of his voice was harsh. He looked up at her, his expression hardened. "Just forget it, okay Ava?" He reached into the bag and pulled out the take out boxes. "I'll grab some forks." She was frozen. Her body had completely forgotten how to function, her throat dry.

She tried again, forcing her voice this time to be audible. "Harry, stop." He ignored her and continued with grabbing the necessary cutlery to eat. She walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. He stopped and became completely still. He didn't look at her. That didn't stop her from rubbing his arm softly. "Harry, please don't overreact, okay?"

He jerked away from her touch.

"Fuck, Ava. Just drop it okay?"

She took a step closer. "No. Just, please, look at me." He didn't step back but allowed her to grab onto his other arm. "You just took me off guard. I wasn't expecting you to say that. Especially since you have been so adament about being against love." She lifted his head with her finger, "Please look at me." She pleaded, her voice fragile.

Harry looked back at her. Her eyes were glossed over. He suddenly felt bad for his sudden mood swing. He sighed and wrapped his arms around Ava. "I'm sorry for being a pussy."

She let out a light hearted laugh. "Harry! You're not... that." He couldn't help but smirk at her innocent expression. Harry wasn't one to make crude remarks around Ava, but sometimes he would let them slip. Her expression each time was priceless.

"I get what you mean though. I haven't been too happy-go-lucky about realtionships and love."

"It's okay, Harry. Neither have I."

"I guess we are both shitty at this, hey?"

She giggled, a sound that was sweet to his ears. "I guess we're shitty at relationships and love." A non-awkward silence followed. She let out a small breath before she spoke. "Just because I didn't say that I was falling in love with you doesn't mean that I'm not." He lifted his hand and ran his fingers through her loose curls. He leaned in and took in her scent- vanilla and lavender. They were both broken. They were both scared. Yet some how they had found one another. It was as if their stars were alined. "I'm just scared." If he wasn't so close, he wouldn't have been able to hear her. "Let's just eat, okay?" He nodded and pulled her into him for a much needed embrace.

They stayed that way for a bit longer. They were both aware that they were head over heels for one another. Their relationship was still fresh, but their friendship was not. Over the months that they had grew as friends, their love for one another was always an underlining and growing emotion.

The rest of their night consisted of chinese take out, witty commentary, and Remember the Titans - a personal favourite of Harrys. As they were cuddling, Ava's phone began to ring. "An unknown number. Hold on a sec." She got up and walked over to the kitchen.


"Is this Ava Hastings?" A soft female's voice spoke on the other line.

"Yes, this is she."

"Hello, Ava. This is Anabelle calling from The LA Times. We had received an email of reccomendation from your professor at UOV. We would love to interview you for our summer internship program."

"The LA Times? I wasn't aware that my professor sent you a recommendation." This had been true. She was told that the NY Times had been interested. She had her heart set on it.

"Yes. It was actually forwarded from our New York office. They thought we would be of better suit for you." Her heart dropped. She had been hoping and wishing to go to New York. She knew that this would be a great opportunity, regardless. It was just not what she had been dreaming about.

"Okay. Um, how would you interview me?"

"We would like to set up an online interview via Skype. Would that be possible?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Perfect. Would Saturday, February 22nd at 3pm work?"

Ava quickly checked her schedule and confirmed that she was not working that day.

"Yes, it will be."

"Wonderful, Ms. Hastings. Mrs. Jennings will be emailing you for further information. Have a great day."

"You too. Thank you." Ava hung up her phone and was completely dumbfounded. She had an interview for a real newspaper. A summer internship.

"You know, this movie get's me every time. Babe?" Harry looked at his girlfriend who was standing in the middle of the kitchen, eyes cloudy and eyebrows furrowed. "Is everything okay?" He placed his hand gently on her back. She turned her head and looked at him.


"You look like someone told you your cat died. What's up? Who was on the phone?"

She shook her head and sighed. "It's nothing."

Harry searched her eyes for any indication as to who it would be. "Baby, tell me."

Ava let go of Harry and walked over to the couch. She wasn't sure why she didn't want to tell Harry about her possible internship, but there was something in her that was telling her no. She wasn't sure how he would react, given that he had basically confessed his love for her merely an hour previous.

"Baby. Look at me. Who was on the phone?" Harry was worried. He didn't know what was going on, but an unsettling feeling was developing in his chest. Ava knew that she had to tell him. If this was to be an honest and open realtionship, she had to be open about her dreams and carrer opportunities.

"It was a phone call from the LA times."

He was confused. She had never once mentioned the LA Times before and wasn't confused as to why they would call.

"Okay? Why did they call you?"

She brought her knees up to her chest. She couldn't understand why this was so hard for her to explain. Maybe it was because this was the first time in years something good was happening in her life and she didn't know how to react. First she found Harry, and now an amazing opportunity was practically being handed to her. Things like this didn't happen to girls like Ava. It was unheard of.

She gathered up her wits, and began to speak. "You know how I've been taking those courses at the local college?" Harry nodded, singaling her to continue. "Well, my profs say that I have an amazing talent and a ton of potential. They've been pushing me to do an internship this summer to boost up my credits so that I can graduate earlier. Basically, I thought I was going to be doing an internship in New York but it turns out that LA is more interested in me. Something about how I'd fit their paper better. Anyways, they want to interview me for an internship."

Harry was shocked. Yet, he wasn't completely suprised. He knew that Ava was talented.

"Baby, that's awesome! Why aren't you excited?"

"It's four months and I'll have to move to Los Angeles for the summer."

Harry didn't speak. Four months away. He suddenly remembered his book deal. He knew he had to tell her about it. This was probably the best time if any.

"I actually have something to tell you."

Ava looked up at Harry, confusion written on her features. "What is it?"

"Remember the story I wrote?" She nodded. "Well, they want to sign me to a book deal. "

Ava squealed in her seat. "Harry! That's amazing!" Harry let out an awkward chuckle and ran his hands through his hair. "Yeah. Well, they want me to move to New York in the summer and then do a tour next year." Ava quickly quieted down. She looked away, casting her eyes to her fingers. They had suddenly became extremely interesting.

"Oh." She didn't know what to say. Neither did Harry. They both had been given amazing opportunities in the matter of hours. It had seemed like the universe, that was so adament on setting them together, had suddenly decided that it was time to mix things up. To throw them into another country, in two different states, on two different coasts. This must be a sick game.

"Well, you should do it." She whispered. "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Harry. You shouldn't pass this up."

"I don't want to leave you." She looked up and gave him a small smile.

"I don't want you to either, but I'd be selfish to tell you otherwise. Besides, maybe it's fate. We would both be busy this summer doing our own things."

"You don't get it. I'll be gone for a year."

"Harry, it's really not that big of a deal. We will make it work."

"I don't want to lose you, okay?" She was confused.

"You're not going to lose me."

"I just... I just got you. I can't lose you."

She grabbed her hard in her own. "Harry, you can't think that way."

He pushed her hands out of his. "Fuck, Ava. Don't you get it? My stars are never in my favor. I can't ever be happy without something fucking it up."

"Harry, calm down." She cooed, hoping to calm him down. "Talk to me."

Harry quickly stiffened. "Just forget about it. Drop it."

"No! No Harry, don't do that. Don't shut me out. You always do that when you don't want to talk about something. Don't do that." She cried out.

"Drop it Ava. I don't want to discuss this anymore."

He quickly got up and started wailing to his room. "No! Damn it Harry! Not this time. Tell me what is going on in your mind right now. Why are you freaking out." She grabbed onto his arm at an attempt to get him to talk. "Please," she whispered. "Don't shut me out."

Harry sat down at his bed, putting his head in his hands, tugging his fingers through his curls.

"This is why I don't do relationships. Something always has to fuck it up."

Ava sighed and took a seat on the bed. "You do realize that we have this thing called the telephone, right? And the computer. We'll be fine. Don't give up on us yet." Her voice came out a lot more confident than how she was currently feeling. "We have five more months until the summer. Our relationship will only grow stronger with time."

"You're coming with me."


"To New York. You always said that it was your dream city. Well- let's do it. Move with me, Ava."


"We will get you an internship there, rent an apartment, eat bagels, roam around Central Park, and be all rude and New Yorker. Come on, baby. Move with me."

"Harry." Her hand was intertwined with his. Her eyebrows furrowed and her mind racing.

"What do you say?"

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