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He looked at her intently, saying those three little words once more: "Come with me."

Ava was completely dumbfounded. She was shocked. Her throat immediately dried up and her mind began to race. Wasn't this too soon, she thought, two months. We've only been dating for two months. 

His eyes never left hers. He kept searching for any sign of hope. He didn't want to leave her here in the city. He wanted her to join him on this adventure. He had already planned it all out in his head. Sure it sounded crazy- to move together to another country, after only been dating for two months. He didn't care, though. He couldn't see himself with anyone else. Not since he first laid eyes on Ava. 

After minutes of awkward silence, Harry spoke up again. "We can call The NY Times, we can see if they can reconsider their internship. They haven't even met you yet. I don't know how they could just pre-judge that you're not right for the position. We could talk to them and see." A glimmer of hope in his voice.

Ava kept her mouth shut. She was still trying to think of the right way to respond. She didn't want to hurt him. She knew that she didn't want to end things with him this quickly. Yet she had to be realistic. They didn't know where they would be three months from now. Once May hits, they could be broken up. Is this worth the risk? She didn't know. She couldn't think straight. All she could focus on was the green eyed Adonis that was crouched down at her knees. 

She took his hands into her petite ones. She rubbed her fingers along his knuckles, examining the rough skin. His touch felt warm against her icy palms. 

"I don't know," her voice came out no louder than a whisper. "How do we know that this will last?" His eyes immediately dropped. The excitement that was once there had immediately been replaced with a look of sadness. She hated that she was the one to put that there. 

"Do you not have faith in our relationship?" The volume of his voice quiet. It was rough, slightly cracking at the end. He cleared his throat and peeked up through his disheveled curls. 

"It's not that. I'm just--" She paused. 


"I'm just nervous, I guess." 

"About what?" He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. 

"I guess, I'm nervous that you won't like me in a month or two from now. Our relationship is too new. Anything can happen." 

Harry sat up from his crouched knees and took a seat beside her. He pulled her into his arms so that she was now sitting on his lap. He ran his hands through her hair, resting it on her shoulder. His thumb began to trace patterns at the base of her neck. 

"I think that relationships are all about the risk. If you don't risk it, you could be missing out on something great. If you just give up, then you will end up regretting it because you won't know what you missed out on." He paused, taking her hands into his free one.

"From the first moment I saw you, I was hooked. I can't explain it. All I knew was that I wasn't looking for anything but then you showed up out of nowhere and it was like my world got shifted. I knew that from the moment I looked into your eyes,  I needed to have you in my life. It just took me a few months to get my shit together and actually ask you out." 

She let out a small giggle. A small smile fighting to sketch onto her face. 

He continued. "That's why I don't want to give up on you yet. You showed me what it was like to let someone in again. I told myself I wouldn't let a girl get to my heart. Not since everything that happened. You then came and placed some weird voodoo shit on me that made me forget about my problems and grow a pair." She couldn't hold in her laugh anymore. Her cheeks burning furiously. 

"All I'm trying to say, Ave, is that I want to be with you. I don't give a shit what happens in the summer. I don't give a shit if something tries to break us a part. I want you. I want you here, I want you now, I want you later this month. I want you. It's that plain and simple." 

She didn't think twice before she crashed her lips onto his. He was startled at first until his brain processed what was happening. He quickly responded and pulled her into his body. Their kiss deepened. She shifted so that her legs were on either side of him and her fingers curled into his curls - her favourite spot. He let out a soft moan - her favourite sound. 

She pulled away and rested her forehead against his. His eyes fluttered open. "I want you too. I don't know how this happened, but I can't think of my life without you in it. At least not right now. This feels right, you and I." 

He pulled back and kissed her forehead. He then wrapped his arms around her petite frame pulling her into him. 

"What does this mean then?" His voice was soft as he looked up at her. 

"I think that you should take the deal. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'll be damned if you give it up, got it?" He chuckled and gave an "ay ay, captain." 

She rolled her eyes at his mocking tone. "And I'm going to do the interview. There's no harm in that. Then we will wait and see what happens. If I get the internship then we will figure it out. If I don't get it, then we will figure it out. Right now we need to stop over thinking this and just let it be. We need to enjoy the now. Right now." 


She smiled and gave him a chaste kiss. She pulled out of his embrace and walked over to his bedroom. She grabbed his old chunky quilt and walked back into his living room. When she entered the small space, Harry was no longer on the couch. 



She walked over to the couch and dropped the quilt on top. She looked around the small room and couldn't find her boyfriend anywhere. The bathroom door was open, showing that he was not there either. She walked over to the kitchen. 

There he was, back facing her, making a cup of tea. He was singing to himself quietly. His voice was low with the melodious sounds of his raspy voice. She could hear his accent slightly and it sent a wave of shivers down her spine. Some days she couldn't believe that he was hers. 

"Babe?" She quietly asked.

Harry quickly turned around. His cheeks slightly pink due to the fact that he was caught singing. "Ha," he coughed, "I figured I'd make us a cuppa." 

"A cuppa? How British of you." She smirked. 

"Well, I need to keep my lady some how. Figured I'd charm you with not just my good looks, but my exotic accent." He walked over to her side of the room, a cocky smirk plastered onto his face. 

"Good idea. I was starting to get bored of you." She quipped back. 

"Well, we should change that then." His voice had grown tremendously lower as he flirted back. Before he could bring his lips to hers, the kettle went off.

"Damn it," he hissed out. 

She let out a carefree laugh as she looked at her flustered boyfriend. "Go be a good boy and get me my cuppa. Okay baby?" She winked and walked over to the couch. She turned on the television and flicked on to a random station. 500 Days of Summer was playing - a personal favourite of Ava's. She settled back into the couch as she pulled her blanket closer to her neck. 

Harry made his way back into the living room and placed her mug onto the coaster on the coffee table. He walked over to the couch and let the bag of cookies drop from his mouth onto her lap. "How classy," she giggled. 

"I aim to please, sweetheart." Harry put his mug down on the side table as he scooted closer to Ava on the couch. He wrapped her into his arms as he pulled a cookie from the bag. 

They sat there in silence. The only sounds that could be heard were the munching of cookies and the quirky banter from the tv. 

She felt extremely hot. Her body temperature had skyrocketed. She struggled to move, a large boulder holding her down. She opened her eyes but was blinded by darkness. She shifted slightly and realized that Harry was laying on top of her. She looked over at the television. An infomercial for a device that can cut your vegetables in twenty different ways was playing. "Harry-" she nudged him. He let out a grunt. "Harry, wake up." She nudged him again hoping that he would wake up. 

He let out an annoyed grunt and opened his eyes. They were foggy with sleep. "What is it?" His voice was groggy. 

"We fell asleep." She whispered, "I also can't feel my arm." 

He nodded and quickly rolled over. He sat up and ran his hands through his hair, messing it up more than it already was. "What time is it?" His voice was raspier than usual - caused by his deep sleep. 

Ava leaned over and grabbed her phone. "2 AM." He got up and walked to his bedroom door. 

"Unless you want to sleep on that couch..." He trailed off. She quickly nodded and followed him into his room. 

He tore off his shirt and unzipped his jeans. She was constantly mesmerized by his toned physique and dark inked tattoos. The sparrows that were inked onto his chest was her favourite of them all. 

She looked down, embarrassed, when he caught her staring. He smirked as he made his way under the blankets. "Well?" He teased. 

She unzipped her jeans and began to unbutton his plaid shirt. "No." She looked up at him confused. "Keep it on. It looks good on you." She could feel the blush creep up to her cheeks. She shyly nodded but unclasped her bra. She was then standing there in only her panties and his loose plaid shirt. He smirked at her. Even half asleep he was still cheeky. 

"Come to bed, baby." He lured her in with his husky voice and bedroom eyes. She got under the blanket and scooted closer to him. He wrapped his arm around her and brought her closer so that her head was resting on his chest. She could hear his heartbeat against her ear. It was a sound that she loved to listen to. It brought her into a peaceful sleep where dreams of a green eyed sex god and her future danced. 


An early update because I love you all.

What do you think about their relationship? I'd love to hear your thoughts on their relationship, the book tour, and Harry's relationship insecurities.
Those two make me believe in love. 

Vote + Comment!! 

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