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It had been a week since Harry and Ava realized their growing infatuation for the other. It had been one week since they both were given different opportunities that would alter their futures as well as their relationship. During this one week period, neither Harry or Ava have had the time to talk or see one another. Both had become increasingly swamped by their work. 

Ava was growing frustrated with each day that she didn't see Harry. It must be true what they say: distance makes the heart grow fonder. Granted they were not far away from the other, not being in contact due to busy schedules made her worried about the summer. She knew that if they were to continue with their relationship and decided to partaker in a long distance relationship, this was a probability. There was a 80% chance that they would drift a part and possibly eventually break up. She didn't want that to happen. She had made up her mind. She didn't want to lose Harry- at least, not that easily. 

It was finally the week of her interview with The LA times. She had been working herself down from a nervous breakdown all day. She had gone over every possible interview question that they could throw her way. She took in a few deep breaths before she turned on her Skype. 

Five minutes later, an incoming call began to ring. Without giving it any second thought, she answered the call. As it connected, she gathered her wits together. The picture of the incoming caller began to change reveling a middle age woman with her hair pulled up into a salt and pepper coloured bun. 

She looked up into the camera and gave a warm smile. "Good afternoon! My name is Felicia Jennings. I am the head of HR here at The LA Times. How are you, Miss. Hastings?" 

Ava let out a quiet sigh of relief. She had been expecting a stern, old woman but was pleasantly surprised to be faced with a warm, kind face. "I am well, thank you. How are you?" 

She smiled in response, "I am fine, thank you." She looked down at her desk, most likely reading from her list of questions. "Alright, let's get started." Ava straightened her posture and took in a deep breath. "Miss. Hastings, tell me about yourself." 

"I am currently enrolled in my local college taking courses for journalism. I have always wanted to be an editor of a newspaper. Throughout high school, I was very involved with my high school paper. I was the editor for three years. I guess you could say that it triggered my fascination for the news." She was watching Ava intently. She gave her an encouraging smile, nodded, and wrote something down. 

"What would you say is your greatest weakness?" 

Ava took a moment to think before she answered. "I am a perfectionist." She looked down at her fingers before looking in the camera once more. "I have a tendency to make sure everything is perfect and just right. I tend to spend too much time perfecting something. But, over time I have learnt to balance that out." She nodded once more, and wrote something down. 

"What kind of newspapers do you like to read?" 

A simple question. Ava's eyes lit up, "I love reading the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and of course the LA Times. I also enjoy reading local college and university papers." 

Mrs. Jennings smiled at Ava. "Good answer." She winked at her. This gave Ava a sense of relief. 

"Now, your professors have said that you have a lot of talent. I've read some of your sample papers, and I must agree with them. You are a very talented writer." 

"Thank you." 

"Have you ever thought about writing instead of editing?" 

"I have, yes. I do love writing too. I just always dreamt about being an editor in the future." 

"Well, if you were to intern here, we would have you write some small articles. Would you be willing to do that?" 

She thought for a moment. She didn't have much experience writing, but she figured that this would be a great opportunity to improve. 

"Yes, of course!" 

She smiled at Ava once more. "Wonderful. Thank you, Ava. We will be getting back to you soon." 

After exchanging their goodbyes, Ava ended the call. She let out a long breath. It was finally over. She was feeling a mixture of feelings. She knew that this would be an amazing opportunity. Many people would fight to be given an opportunity to intern at a well known newspaper. Yet, there was this gnawing feeling at the pit of her stomach. She couldn't ignore it. 

She walked over to her bedroom and unbuttoned her blouse. She looked down at her pajama pants and couldn't help but laugh. Not many could say that they wore flannel pants with printed pigs to a job interview. 

She looked over at her phone and noticed the time. She had three hours to get ready for her date with Harry tonight. He had texted her earlier in the day, after a week of no communication. Baby, I miss you. Let me take you out. Dress nice, I'll pick you up at 7. The butterflies that constantly erupted in her belly were going hay wire at the thought of a fancy date with Harry. 

She had three hours to get ready. She called Jacey. It had been a while since they had seen one another outside of the cafe. She had missed her friend dearly and knew that she would be the best choice to help pick out the perfect outfit. 

A knock at her door startled her out of her thoughts. She walked over and opened it up. "Ava!" The blonde shrieked, and engulfed her into a bone crushing hug. She had missed her best friend. That was inevitable. "I missed you." She breathed out after they pulled apart. 

"Ava, we saw each other yesterday at work." Ava giggled and rolled her eyes. 

"That's not what I meant. I missed hanging out with you."

"Me too. Now, we have to get you hot for your boyfriend." Jacey pulled Ava over to her closet and began to search through her piles of clothes. "You really need to go shopping. Your closet looks like a thrift store." 

"Gee, thanks." Jacey rolled her eyes and continued to look through the heap of clothes. Ava took this time to walk over to her vanity and began to pull out her best make up. 

"You know," Jacey's voice perked up, "I still can't believe you have a boyfriend." Ava turned around and looked at her friend. She blushed at her words. 

"I know, me too." 

"Especially someone as sexy as Harry Styles." 

She rolled her eyes at her ridiculous comment. "Are you trying to say that I'm not sexy?" She teased.

"No! I'm just saying. You lucked out, woman." 

"I like to think he lucked out getting me." 

She turned back to her make up and began to apply her foundation to her face. As she applied her make up, she couldn't help but think about Jacey's words. Was it really that surprising that a man, as attractive, good natured, and well... sexy, as Harry, would want to be with someone like her? Yes, she wasn't exactly the most exciting woman. But she knew that she was confident in herself, ambitious and well, beautiful. She thought she was at least. She didn't want to come off across as insecure. However, she couldn't help but let those words get to her. Someone as sexy as Harry Styles. You lucked out. No- he was the one to luck out. 

"Woah! What is this?!" Ava jumped at the sudden outburst. 

She turned around quickly to see what the fuss was all about. 

"Ava, this is sexy as fuck. Why have I not seen you wear this before? Harry will not know what to do with himself." She looked over to see what she was talking about. She couldn't help but laugh at her friend's surprised expression. She was holding up her off the shoulder, deep blue romper. It wasn't that sexy. She wasn't sure why she was over exaggerating. 

"Oh, that? I bought it a few months ago. I just never had a chance to wear it. It's really not that sexy." Jacey's eyes widened. 

"You’re kidding right? It's like, innocent sexy. Especially with your shorter hair and do some gold accents. You'll look hot! Go change." With a roll of the eyes, she followed her friends instructions. She grabbed the romper and made her way to her bathroom. She quickly changed and grabbed her nude shoes. She slipped on a gold bracelet and applied a coat of nude lip gloss. 

"What do you think?" She twirled around. 

"Perfect. Now, you said he was going to be here at 7?"

Ava nodded. She went to grab her purse when she heard a knock at the door. "He's here!" She walked over to the door. Before she opened, Jacey quickly grabbed her hand. 

"Have fun tonight. And remember, be careful. I don't want to be an auntie just yet. I'll talk to you tomorrow." She winked and opened the door before Ava had a chance to reply. 

"Oh! Hello, Jacey." She could hear his raspy accent behind the door. 

"Hello, Harry. Be good to my girl." She couldn't hear what he responded but knew that Jacey was gone. She grabbed her coat and reopened the door. She heard a small gasp. She looked up and was met with pure green eyes. They were wide and his mouth was slightly open. She giggled at the sight. Harry coughed and straightened up. 

"Hi baby." He bent down and gave her a quick kiss to the lips. "You look beautiful." He whispered in her ear. She wouldn't lie. She missed him, she missed this. She looked up at him and noticed his hair. It was pushed back. She looked down at his shirt and let out a loud giggle. "Hearts? Really?" 

He blushed and looked down. A smile creeped to his face showcasing his infamous dimple. "Well, I thought that since we didn't go out for Valentines day last week, this could be our date." Valentines Day. She had completely forgotten. 

"Shit." She mumbled. "I forgot it was Valentines Day last week. I'm so sorry." He laughed and shook his head.

"Don't be sorry. I forgot too." He grabbed her hand with his own. "I guess we really are shit at relationships." She smiled up at her boyfriend. She couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. Yes, Jacey was right. She did luck out. 

"Oh! Before I forget. These are for you." He handed Ava a bouquet of pale pink peonies. She smiled at the kind gesture. 

"You didn't have to."

"But what kind of boyfriend would I be?" She giggled once more and made her way to her kitchen. She quickly grabbed a mason jar and filled it with water. She placed the flowers into the water and brought the jar to her coffee table. 

"Perfect." She breathed out. She looked over at Harry once more and walked over to him. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed his hand. "Ready to go?" She asked. He nodded, with a cheeky smile on his face, and led her out to his car. 

The drive back from the restaurant was filled with the sweet sounds of John Mayer. She couldn't help but think about their date tonight. Their conversation was full of everything and anything. They talked more about their families and their past. As she thought about their date, she couldn't help but feel her heart pound. This past week without Harry had made her realize something. She was in deep. She didn't just like this guy. She had fallen for him.

Harry broke the silence by turning down the music. He coughed, clearing his throat before he spoke. "You know, Ave. I've been thinking this past week and I realized that I really, really like you." 

She giggled at his words. "Well, I really, really like you too." 

He smiled back at her, placed his large hand on her bare thigh, and continued his drive to his apartment. The walk up to his place was quiet. Their hands were interlocked. Palms were sweating due to the heat of the stuffy building. 

He fumbled for his keys. He was nervous. She was unsure why. He finally unlocked the door and pushed it back so that Ava could walk in first. She slipped off her jacket and shoes. She walked over to his couch and sat down. He stood on the opposite of the room, far away from her. She furrowed her eyebrows. 

"What's wrong with you?" She teased. He looked nervous. He fumbled over his feet and sat down on the couch. Judging by the distance between them, you wouldn't have believed that they ever kissed. "Okay, I don't have a disease. You can sit closer to me you know." She giggled. Harry nodded abruptly and slid closer to Ava. 

"Seriously, what is wrong with you? You're acting like a teenage boy who has never seen a girl before." 

Harry took in a deep breath and turned around to face her. He grabbed his hands in her own. They were still sweaty. Maybe it wasn't the heat after all. He lifted her head so that their eyes were interlocked. 

He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. They were soft. He went in for the kiss once more. This time it wasn't as soft. It was fueled by passion and lust. She wrapped her fingers in his curls. He moaned at her touch - something she had grown accustomed to. He pulled back and began to suck on her sweet spot. His breath felt like fire against her now sore spot. He kissed up farther so that his lips were above her ear. "You are so sexy. You have no idea how fucking hard it is for me to not take you here and now." She gasped at his words. She looked up at him. His eyes were dark. 

She pushed him back so that she was now straddling him. She began to unbutton his shirt, leaving wet kisses down his chest. His breath hitched. She threw his shirt off of his body, throwing it without a second thought. She returned to his mouth and began to kiss him harder. 

"God, you are beautiful." His voice was rough. She would lie if it didn't turn her on. She began to kiss farther down until her hand was just above his v lines. She got up and began to unzip her romper. "What are you doing.." He no longer sounded gentle. His voice was deep and husky. His breathing had dropped. 

"Giving you your Valentines day present." She winked and began to unbutton his tight jeans. Harry shifted so that he was now sitting up, helping her with taking off his jeans. She bent down in front of him. He was prominent. It had been a while since she had been in this position. She could feel her confidence begin to seep away. He grabbed her chin so that she was looking at him. "Baby, you are making it so hard for me to not fuck you." His voice was laced with lust. It was all she needed to hear to gain her confidence back. 

Moans and profanities filled the room. His breathing became deeper. He pulled onto her hair as she went deeper. "Fuck." He could feel his body clench. "Fuck, you are so sexy." She continued with what she was doing. A wave of electricity went through Harry as she lets out a low moan. " Baby, that feels so good." Ava squeezed her legs together, clearly being affected by his dirty talk. Minutes later, she pulled away leaving a panting Harry. His eyes were blazing. 

"Fuck." His breathing was still heavy. She smirked up at him as she walked over to the bedroom. He got up and quickly ran after her, shutting the door behind him. 


Now, I am not one for writing sexual scenes, but here is a belated valentines day update. #Hava

Vote + Comment!! +5 votes and I will update tomorrow.

- J 

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