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Their bare legs were intertwined amongst the ruffled sheets. Their breathing had been balanced by the soft sounds of his snoring. She laid awake, watching him as he slept. She was mesmerized by the way his toned, naked chest would moved in sync with his deep breaths. She couldn't help but admire the peaceful "just fucked" look that was plastered on his face.

She looked down at her naked body. She couldn't believe how easily she had given herself to him. After two months of pure dating, she had easily given the last piece of herself to him. She hadn't regretted this moment. Not one bit. She knew that she had fallen in love with him. That was clear to her. After their night of impeccable passion, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she did not want to leave him. Not now, not later this week, and most definitely not for the summer. She was hooked on the drug that he was.

She leaned forward and kissed his cupids bow. He stirred in his sleep and buried his face against her chest. She let out a soft gasp when she felt his hard member press against her bare thigh. She had forgotten what it felt like to wake up naked and pressed against an equally naked man.

With Scott, she always felt an unnerving feeling in her stomach after they woke up after a night of sex. Perhaps it was their adolescence or the fact that she wasn't truly in love. Whatever it may be, the feeling that she felt today in comparison to those many times before, it was different. She didn't feel sick or regretful. She felt at peace.

Ava leaned in further and kissed him once more. He smiled against her lips. Harry grabbed her body and pulled him against his own. He kissed her with more fervor than she had done before. His strong arms pulled her in tighter. She whimpered as he sucked gently on the sensitive skin just below her ear. His tongue ran against the now sensitive skin and blew softly. She breathed in quickly and slightly flinched. She shook it off and began to kiss down his chest and towards his torso. A low moan slipped through his swollen pink lips. "Baby," his particularly raspy morning voice hissed out. He reached out and stroked her supple breasts against his rough fingers. She let out a loud moan and arched her back. "Harry," was all she could manage to breath out.

She quickly straddled his lap and began to kiss him with as much passion that she could muster up. He held her body closer to his. Her heat radiated against his own. It was enough motivation that he needed to bring her closer than before. She moaned as he rocked her back and forth. Her shoulder length hair falling over her face, tickling his own. His fingers pressed deeper into her hips sure to leave bruising later. It wasn't as gentle as their first night together. It was rough, full of passion and desire. He continued, while whispering words too dirty to repeat. It was all that she needed to be sent to a state of complete euphoria. Soon enough he followed her moaning out a simple "Ava".

Their breathing was erratic.

Their skin glistened.

She looked up at him. His eyes that were once dark and full of lust was now soften and full of undetermined emotion.

She wrapped her arms around his sweaty body. She nuzzled her head against his chest. She couldn't help but feel goosebumps go up her arms. "Harry," she whispered.


"Harry, I..." she stopped for a moment. Was she really going to say those small three words that could alter their relationship forever?

"What is it baby?"

"I love you." She whispered against his skin. He held her tighter to his chest and slowly sat up, bringing her with him. His eyebrows were furrowed together. He opened his mouth but quickly shut it again. She felt her whole body blush.

"You don't have to say anything back." She didn't want to create an uneasy tension between the two lovers. "I just wanted you to know. It's okay if you don't love me back. I know you only said last week that you weren't sure yet. And I sure as hell know that I didn't know either. But... I don't know." She turned around trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

He chuckled against her hair. Ava turned around and was met with an amused smirk. "I love you, Ava." Her heart began to beat erratically.

"Oh. Thank you." Thank you? She mentally smacked herself. How juvenile. Was she sixteen? "I mean, okay." This time she blushed profusely. She groaned embarrassingly as she rubbed her face with her sweaty palms. He laughed even harder this time and pulled her back into his body.

"God, I love you Ava." He laughed again. She just shook her head with a big smile on her face. "And you are also really, really sexy in bed." He winked at her and her face turned scarlet red.

"Yeah, you're okay too."

"At least if all else fails, we know that we're really good at sex." He smirked.

She rolled her eyes once more and turned over. She grabbed one of his t-shirts from his floor and pulled it over her naked body. He couldn't help but inwardly groan at the sight of her. She is damn beautiful, was all that he could think to himself. He ran his hand through his curls and showed her once more his infamous dimple smile; a smile that she had grown to love the most.

He stared at her as she walked out of the bedroom in only his shirt. He stumbled out and pulled on his boxers. He followed her to the kitchen where she started on some breakfast. He sat down on a nearby chair as he watched her in only his shirt with a spatula in her hand. He could feel himself grow just watching her. He couldn't believe his situation. Only months before he had promised himself he would not fall in love again. Yet here he was was, in his kitchen in only a pair of boxers, watching the most intriguing and beautiful women making him pancakes. He was in complete awe.

Minutes later the smell of pancakes filled his senses. Ava fumbled through his fridge in search for something to drink. She settled on an almost expired carton of orange juice. She grabbed some glasses and poured them some each. She then placed the stack of pancakes and the bowl of fruit on the small table he was sitting at.

"Dig in?" He gave her a kiss on the cheek and filled his plate. The ate in a comfortable silence. Harry let out a moan of contentment. "Damn. If I knew you were this good at making after-sex breakfast, I would have had you over earlier." He winked as he took a sip of his almost-expired juice. "I should definitely buy some more juice though." The expression on his face was priceless, and she couldn't help but giggle.

"Yeah, you really should." He joined her as the sat there and laughed.

After breakfast, Ava washed the dishes and made her way to the living room to retrieve her dress. She slipped it back on and grabbed her heels. "I now get to go do the walk of shame." He pulled her into his chest and left butterfly kisses along her neck. "Mmm, but I don't mind after last night." She kissed him softly. They looked at one another before he pulled her in closer deepening their kiss.

"Do you have to go?" He whispered.


"Why?" He pouted, looking like a small child. A giggle escaped her lips as she studied his innocent expression.

"Because I have to go to work." She continued to giggle as he rolled his eyes while saying "work shmerk" against her hair.

She gave him another kiss on his soft lips and a quick one on his cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Harry smirked at her. "Can't seem to get enough of me, can you."

"Says the one who is practically begging me to skip work."

He slapped her bum as she walked to the door. She gave him a flirtatious wink and walked out the door. The fresh February air hit her warm cheeks, sending a wave of goosebumps up her spine. She wrapped her jacket closer to her body as she walked down to the taxi waiting for her.

The drive back to her house was quick. She entered her apartment and let out a high pitch squeal. She couldn't believe that she spent the night over at Harry's. She couldn't believe that they exchanged those three words.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

She squealed once more. She fell on top of her bed and pulled her pillow against her chest.

"Oh mom," she whispered, "It happened. I'm finally happy."


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