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Author's POV

"What about school?" Taehyung asked the boy.

The teenagers were wandering by the renounced seaport. The port was small, very small. The concrete floor was covered with green and black algae, by the ignorance of the people and harsh treatment of the tides. It looked like a destroyed structure standing by my shore.

Jimin walked upon the small terminal path. "There's nothing for me at school. I have stopped going"

Taehyung was standing by the joint of the terminal road and the land. He wasn't sure if he should go toward Jimin.

"What about your parents? Don't they say anything" Taehyung questioned.

"My parents don't care about me like that." Jimin turned around and smiled at the other boy.

"The place I fit the least is at home," Jimin said and walked forward. Taehyung took a few steps closer.

"Do you want to die?" Taehyung asked which made the schoolboy smile.

"Why?" Jimin said.

"Living in these conditions...." Taehyung mumbled the sentence. He ducked his head down, keeping his eyes on the cemented road.

"Is there any meaning to living..." Jimin said which made the other look at him instantly.

"What?" Taehyung gave a confused look.

"Death is the end, you know..." Jimin said.
"Winter Bear, do you know where you will be in three months?" He questioned but didn't get any reply from his companion.

"Did you imagine you'd be where you are now three months ago?" Jimin asked again.

Taehyung didn't respond. He walked toward Jimin and took a seat beside him. Both the boy sat on the edge of the uplifted surface, legs hanging down.

Taehyung smiled, which, the other caught on.

"You've had good things happen to you right?" Jimin quizzed with a smile.

"Good things...." The questioned boy smiled thinking about good things.
"But, you see, I have run away from my parents and I am living with a man," Taehyung told the boy.
"This life is weird isn't it...." He muttered.

"Why? Anybody would want to escape from the cruel environment" Jimin said with an assuring smile.
"You choose to escape, you're not wrong at all" Jimin said walking beside Winter Bear.

The sun was about to set under the ocean. It was already sunset and both friends were walking home.

"Hyung....." Taehyung mumbled.

"What?" Jimin said and stopped walking.

" 'Hyung', that's what I call the man l live with," Taehyung told with a wide smile.

Jimin smiled at him too and nodded. He watched the boy heartily walking by him.

"Hey, hey" He called out for Taehyung and tap on his shoulder.

The called boy stopped walking and turned around.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" Jimin said which made the other dumbfounded.

"What?" Taehyung said.

"I want to see...." Jimin smiled seeing the shocked state of the boy.

"I want to see the place you two are living at," He said but the other boy didn't answer.

Taehyung remained quiet staring at his lovely friend.

Taehyund sighed glancing out of the kitchen window of his home.

He saw his friend, Jimin walking toward the sea and sitting on the shore. The sun was half under the water. The night would come soon.

He kept watching Jimin for almost half an hour but the male didn't move from his place.

Taehyung sighed and walked out of the apartment door.

"I'm home," Jin said as soon as he entered the apartment. His hands carried two full plastic bags from all the essential items.

"Welcome back," Taehyung said and jogged toward his hyung.

Jin nodded and tried to enter inside the room but younger hindered his way.

"There's a boy called Jimin, who wants to stay over, is that okay?" Taehyung informed about his friend.

"What?" Jin questioned.

"Don't worry! I'll make sure that he keeps us a secret"

"Okay?" Jin said and moved toward the kitchen to keep of the things on the counter.

"Wait a minute, even though I told him about us there's no report about it," Taehyung said following his hyung.

Jin turned his head inside the room as well as the younger.

Jimin waved at them.

"So please" Taehyung pleaded and gave a smile to Jimin.

"Fine" Jin mumbled taking out all the things from the bag.

"Yay!" Taehgung cheered and hopped inside the room.

Mr Kim and his wife were having dinner together, in absence of their son.

"They don't seem to found him yet, that boy" Mr Kim said digging his chopstick in the rice and taking a bite.

Mrs Kim looked up at him from her food.

"Now that I think about it, I've remembered something," Mr Kim somewhat leaning his upper body on the table.

"What is it?" Mrs Kim asked doing the said action as the male.

Mr Kim smiled. He placed his chopsticks down and pulled a pen and papers from his bag.

"Fill it in," He said and placed the paper on the table.

"Divorce Registration Paper" Mrs Kim read and her face drowned all the colour out. She glared at her husband with eyes full of anger and worry.

"Relax, I'm not going to file it, just yet" Mr Kim smiled. " Quickly just fill it"

Taehyung slowly lifted his eyelids taking in his surroundings. He held up his blanket and look around the room with sleepy eyes.

"Jimin?" He mumbled. His eyes landed on the bright screen of the TV.

"Hyung, Where's Jimin?" He asked Jin who was watching the morning news.

Jin turned around looking at the confused sleepy boy.

"Good Morning Bear" Jin greeted and walked inside the kitchen to prepare the breakfast.

Taehyung eyed his hyung. His brain finally registered everything in. He turned around looking for Jimin but there were no signs of him.

He stood up from his mattress and turn toward the TV.

'Moving on to the next news, we have a reporter at the scene of the stabbed married couple discovered in the early hours yesterday' Taehyung heard the news anchor say before the scene changed to the crime scene.

He immediately recognized the area, it was on this island. He knows this neighbourhood. when they were exploring the place he has seen it. 

"The policeman first called to the scene has started that the couple died in the attack. The elder son has also been reported missing. Police are searching for anyone who may have information around these circumstances" The female reporter said on her mic. Standing in front of the police tape.

"What if....." Taehyung thought.

"My parents don't care about me like that."

"Has something happened?" Jin questioned hearing the boy mumbled.

He got frightened and confused the very next moment when the teenager ran past him and outside the apartment.

"Yaaa" He shouted.

Jin hastily picked up their jackets and ran out of the apartment.

"Shit, Winter Bear!" He shouted at the running boy.

Taehyung ran as fast as his legs can carry. He could hear his hyung running behind him but that didn't stop his steps.

After a few moments of running, he saw a hurdle of people, whispering among themselves.

He stood on his toes, watching the police and reporters with the camera.

He ran past the crowd, going to cross the line but was forcefully pulled back.

Jin carried the struggling boy away from the cameras, all while putting on his jacket.

Luckily nor the police or media seem to notice them.

He pulled the boy from the scene but Taehyung was still struggling to go to the scene.

"Calm down. What are you trying to do?" Jin placed his hands on the boy's shoulder firmly holding him in place.

No words came out of the boy's mouth. He lowered his eyes in embarrassment.

Jin signed taking the boy back home.

"I'll check the surrounding. You should return home" Jin announced as soon as they were near the staircase.

"Okay," Taehyung said and climbed up the stair.

"Winter Bear" Jin called out.

"Yes," The called name turned around, standing in the middle on the stairs.

"You shouldn't leave the house" Jin warned.

"I understand" The younger smiled climbing the rest of the steps while Jin walked away.

"Hey, Winter Bear!" Taehyung stopped in his steps and swiftly turned around.

"Jimin!" He exclaimed.

"Jimin, What happened?" Taehyung asked the boy. They were back again on their recent hang out. The narrow path built from the land and finish off in the sea.

"Does leaving the house without telling hyung makes you excited?" Jimin asked as he strolled on the wet path.

"It was the same when I met you," Taehyung said.

"Really?" Jimin chuckled.

"There is something I'm curious about," Taehyung mumbled.

"What is it?" Jimin said and turned to face the direction of the sea breeze.

"That stabbing incident that's just been on the news..." Taehyung whispered.

"Ah....." Jimin nodded and turned around laughing.
"There's no way that was me. Do you think I could do something like this?"

Taehyung chuckled, of course, Jimin won't do it.
"You're right, I'm sorry"

"I wouldn't do that......" Jimin mumbled. Taehyung moved toward his friend standing just a few feet away admiring the crashing sound of waves.

"Fifteen-year-olds. We are powerless" Jimin began to talk.
"We can't do anything. And we can't live without depending on others. But you know what?"

Taehyung stare at the boy standing with him. " what?"

" In a few years, when we can finally live by ourselves. I think we will definitely be happier than we are now. " Jimin moved closer to his mate.

"So, no matter what's happening right now, we have to carry on living, Winter Bear" He smiled at the other boy.


"Bear?" Jin called out but accept the silence he got no reply nor even the patter of footsteps running toward him.

He jogging inside the room but there was no one. He searched everywhere inside the small apartment but there was no younger boy.

Jin cursed underneath his breath and run out of the house searching for the teenager.

"Hey, Jimin,"  Taehyung said.

"Yes," Jimin answered. They were still on the deserted port, standing on the algae-covered path.

"I never thought about anything other than, whether I was happy, at a time" Taehyung mumbled.

"I know" Jimin smiled and walked away from the other. Moving freely on the path.

"But since seeing you......" Taehyung said still standing at his place.

He lifted his eyes and smiled at Jimin.
"I realised there's another way to live"

Jimin smiled stopping on his walk and turning behind.
"Honestly, you know it don't you?" He said.

"what's that?" Taehyung asked.

"That you can't keep living as this" Jimin said.
"And if so........You've got some things you need to do, haven't you?"

"What do you mean?" Taehyung questioned.

"You need to end this" Jimin smiled and continue his words.
"Testify for hyung's innocence. Tell the police about your parent's abuse. Even if you are charged with a crime. If you get a suspended sentence, you will be able to live with him again"

"No way" Taehyung whispered. His heart pumped blood at rapid speed. His hand shivered.
"I'm not changing this. There's no way I'm going back to how it was" Taehyung shouted, tears swelling in his eyes.

"It won't be the same" Jimin smiled.
"That's too bad. in that case, I'll end it for you" He sighed.

"Jim-" Taehyung yelled but stopped when Jimin showed him the phone.

"I'll report this to the police for you," Jimin said showing his phone.

"Don't!!" Taehyung screamed running toward the other. He tried to reach for the phone but Jimin jumped back.

"Jimin" Taehyung screamed his eyes red with tears. He attempted to take the phone but couldn't.

Taehyung tried to pull Jimin hand but Jimin flinched away and Taehyung did something which he didn't want to do.

He shoved the boy off the elevated surface.

"JIMIN!" Taehyung exclaimed and frantically started howling, seeing the dead body of his friend.

Jimin lay still eyes wide open with blood soaking the ground beneath him.

Taehyung crawled away from the edge still in the aftermath of the incident. His body was shaking badly, he sobbed and screamed on the ground.

"Winter Bear!" He heard someone yell and saw his hyung running toward him.

"Hyung!" Taehyung called out.

Jin ran toward him holding the boy in his arms.

"Hyung, thank God you are here. Ji-jimin" Taehyung whimpered in between his cries.

"I-i pushed him and ....and he fell and ......i-i don't know what to do hyung" Taehyung cried the words out.

"Help me hyung please please pl-" He kept chanting the same line over and over. Until Jin hugged him.

"Bear, calm down, listen to me," Jin said. He made Taehyung stand up and patted his head.

"Who is Jimin?" Jin asked once the boy was somewhat calm.

Taehyung look with the confused eyes.

"Where is that boy?" Jin asked again but the younger didn't answer.

Taehyung moved over the edge again looking down but there was no one.

He stepped back, horrified.

"Where is he?! He was here hyung and the blood!!! Jimin was here" Taehyung shouted out.

Jimin was here dead! There was blood! But why there are no signed of it.

The younger began to hyperventilate. Black dots started to appear in his vision. His mind shut down his body making him go unconscious.



So, any thoughts?

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