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Author's POV

"The investigators have come out" The reporter on the spot said and ran toward the investigators with their cameraman.

"Have you managed any important clues?" They asked the investigators who were trying to move away from giving any answers related to the dead couple.

Sanghoon gasped watching the report on his laptop. He paused the video and rewind it. He giggled anomalistically gaping at the background.

"Found you" He mumbled.

Taehyung moved his eyeballs before his eyelids allowed the light to enter them. He cleared his view by blinking a few times.

He studied his surrounding and laid his eyes on the man with a white mask.

"Bear, how are you?" Jin asked the laying boy.

Taehyung kept his eyes on the man without any words before moving them toward the boy siding beside Jin.

"Jimin" The teenage mumbled.

The called name turned his head in negative.
"I'm you, Winter Bear," He said.

Taehyung pulls his hand from inside the thin blanket and tried to hold the hands of his friend but couldn't.

Jin saw the motion of the boy's hand. He held the hand with his big ones giving in the warmth he was searching for.

"The boy you keep calling, Bear" Jin mumbled. " He was never there."

Taehyung stared at his hyung.

"Yesterday, it was just you and me here alone," Jin told the boy.

Taehyung diverted his eyes from the man and on the wall in front of him.

' Was this all in my head....'

'His appearance........his words.....' The boy stared back at the teenager sitting beside his mattress.

'They were all my own words." Taehyung realised.

'Even though I've only just tried to carry on living this way'

"What did you talk with that boy, Jimin?" Jin asked squeezing the boy's hand.

Taehyung turned his eyes back on the real living man.

'The happy time we have left together is........... short' The boy thought to himself.

Mr Kim closed the file after reanalysing it for today's meeting.

He stood up from his table, wearing a navy blue coat.

Mrs Kim stood up took, picking up the office bag of her husband.

"Umm," she said passing the bag to the male.

Mr Kim nodded adjusting his collar and shirt cuff.

"About the divorce..." Mrs Kim said.

"I'm going to do it," Mr Kim said walking toward the main door.

"What about living cost?" Mrs Kim asked hindering her husband's way.

"Manage it yourself, I'm not gonna give a single money," Mr Kim told.

Please, don't do it, where will I go, please I beg you" Mrs Kim pleaded holding onto her husband's hand.

Mrs Kim snatched his arm away, walking toward the door.

"See you soon" He mumbled with a smile leaving his devastated wife behind.

Taehyung was sitting beside the window. His small frame covered in his school shirt and pant. He kept his eyes at the matted floor ignoring the eyes of his hyung who was standing in front of him.

"Surely, what that boy 'Jimin' was saying..." Jin said after hearing what the bear has to say about his 'friend'.

"Is a part of how you truly feel" The elder completed his words.

"Hyung" Taehyung mumbled.
"Even though the games not over yet"

The younger raised his eyes staring at his hyung.
"Shall we have a wedding ceremony" His eyes were glossy. He straightened his legs, standing up.

"And die together here?" He asked.
"Can we not?"

"You should return to your normal life," Jin said with a serious tone.

"What?" Taehyung mumbled his eyes getting heavy with tears.

"That way you would be a lot happier," Jin said and continued his words.
"Jimin is proof that you are fed up with living like this way," Jin said.

Taehyung stare with watery eyes. He noticed Jimin standing beside Jin.

"I'm not fed up" Taehyung mumbled.

"Lair!" Jimin harshly said.

"I don't want to end this!" Taehyung cried out angrily glaring at Jimin.

"Then why...." Jimin said

"Why did you go to that place?" Jin asked, remembering the little stunt of the younger going toward the police and reporters.

Taehyung lowered his eyes at his feet.

"You knew that TV reporters would be there, didn't you. Somewhere in you, you thought of ending this didn't you" Jin enquired.

"Please, just a little longer" Taehyung requested with salty water almost breaking out from his eyes.

"Let's end this" Jimin and Jin said at the same time.

Taehyung started crying.
No, he couldn't face both of them. His legs involuntarily started running toward the main door. He pushed the door open and ran outside the apartment.

Jin sighed he tried to run after him but something stopped his movements.

"Sorry" he murmured.

He walked toward the window watching the cloudy sky.

"I'm the one who pushed you to your limit," Jin mumbled.

'Happiness has nothing to do with money and status. It depends on who you spend your time with'

Jin recalled his father's words.

(Flashback- Jin's past)

Jin walked inside the newly brought apartment. He was delighted with his efforts to finally has a permanent place for him and his father.

He placed the plastic bag with essentials on the table, scanning the room. The sun was about to set, he should go and tell his father about this surprise.

He walked toward the Riverside where people like him live. With a makeshift house which can be removed any moments.

He walked closer toward his destination but was utterly scared and confused seeing the police standing by the river, there were police tapping around the area. The neighbouring people were watching the scene whispering to themselves.

"I heard that the homeless man tried to kidnap the child" he heard the women say.

"I heard he tried to commit suicide with the child," the man said.

Jin was confused, he saw two recognisable faces coming toward him.

"They are lying" The man, who was homeless like he said. He is living beside them so Jin knew who he was.

"He was trying to save the drowning not," The other man said and gave a pitiful look to the young man.

Jin was confused until his eyes fell on a dead body lying wrapped in a blue plastic bag.

His eyes widen starting at his father's lifeless body. His heart widened with fear, his body shivered despite his clothing. He stumbled back before running away in panic.

No tears left his eyes, he just kept running and running.

He ran until his legs gave up and he stumbled down. He breathed heavily trying to regain his sense but all he could see was the bright orange rays of the sunset.

He hated the orange colour of the sky. He hated the sunset.


"Even though I thought my life has lost all meaning," Jin said. He walked away from the window and toward his camera which was kept on the table.

He stares at the recent photo of himself clicked by Taehyung.

"Now, I can't help but feel unnerved when I think of living without Winter bear." Jin realised.

'I've changed. You might not notice it.....but perhaps you've changed too'

He remembered the words of the younger boy.

"Have I changed?" He questioned himself.

He placed the camera back and ran outside the house in search of his happiness.

With wandering steps, Taehyung walked inside the park.

There was no one at this time of the day. He took a seat on the bench watching the distant blue sky.

"Being on the news..." He heard Jimin's voice who was sitting beside him.

"There are definitely a lot of people after us" Jimin continued his words.

"I know it's time for me to let go of hyung" Jimin mumbled sky-gazing with the other male.

"Even so, I want to stay this happy........with the happiness that hyung gives me," Jimin said the unspoken words of his friends.

"Even now, I'm anticipating the happiness that he can give to me" Jimin mumbled.

"Hyung....." Taehyung said with a smile.

Before he can continue he heard the voice he dreaded the most. He never in his life wanted to hear this voice again but his existence didn't give him all candies.

"FOUND YOU!" Sanghoon happily shouted walking inside the park. His hairs were messy like his white shirt and black muddy pant.

A camel coloured bag loosely hung around his shoulder.

Taehyung stood up, terrified. His eyes enlarged watching the disgusting man.

"I have looked for you everywhere," Sanghoon said as if he finally found his lost love.



I'm sorry for any mistake. I didn't recheck it.

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