11. Ariella

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11. Ariella

       Maybe I should actually talk things out with Horatio, but I was having way too much fun fighting fire with fire. He kept standing me up, so now, I was standing him up and ignoring all his calls.

       I was just waiting to see how long it would take for him to realize what was actually going on.

       I really wished he would just stop overworking at times. I understood why, because a lot of the cops here in Spruceworth were idiots and couldn't see evidence if it hit them in the face, but still. Our wedding was soon and I was getting way too stressed planning things on our own. It was supposed to be for the both of us, and I needed his opinion.

       At least I still had my best friends to hang out with. Well, one of them. Destiny had been quite busy every time I wanted to hang out, but then again, she and Dan were working on the 50's even to promote their diner even more.

       Whenever I felt down, all I had to do was turn to Calvin, because he definitely made me feel better with his knack for drama and updating me with everything that was happening in the village.

       "So, what's new in the drama land of Spruceworth?" I asked as we walked through the village with hot chocolate in our hands.

       "Well, the love triangle that is of Josh, Cleo, and Cassidy is still going strong," Calvin said. "Unfortunately. I just wish Josh will realize that the obvious choice is right in front of him."

       "And who is the obvious choice?" I asked.

       "Cleo, duh," Calvin said. "He loves her a lot more. He's just blind because Cassidy is the mother of his child."

       "What makes you so sure of that?" I asked.

       "Easy," Calvin said. "One, the way he looks at Cleo. And two, one time, he was describing why he loved both of them, and by the way he described Cleo, it was quite clear that it's her. She said things like she's sweet, amazing, and the most beautiful girl he ever met. All he said for Cassidy was the he liked her for years and never thought he'd get a chance with her."

       "Why don't you tell him that?" I asked. "To end the drama?"

       "End drama?" Calvin asked. "Are you kidding me? No way."

       "The whole triangle is only going to hurt someone in the end," I said. "And it will probably hurt all three of them if it drags on."

       "I know that," Calvin said. "And I honestly would say something, but for five years Josh had to deal with everyone telling him what to do. To move on from Cassidy or to take his time. He got really annoyed from that, so Julian, Noah, and I are making sure Josh figures things out himself. Besides, all it's going to hurt in the end is Cassidy and that's a good thing. She shot Joel."

       "I thought you'd be happy by that," I said. "He's your very annoying ex."

       "No, he was my very annoying ex," Calvin said. "Obviously he's still my ex, but after he started dating Jett, he's not annoying anymore, and we're friends. Besides, I would never wish for anyone to get shot. I'm a lover, not a fighter."

       "You're telling me, Mr. I Once Cried From Stepping On A Spider," I said.

       "Hey, it was a very small and innocent spider," Calvin said. "Anyone who doesn't cry for stepping on a spider is a monster."

       "Calvin, nobody cried for stepping on a spider," I said, right as my cell phone rang. It was Horatio, so I ignored the call and placed my phone back in my pocket.

       "Honey, you're going to make things a lot worse with your fiance," Calvin said. "Just talk things out with him."

       "I will," I said. "Once he apologizes. But until then, I'm ignoring him. So, how's it being a married man?"

       "Horrible," Calvin said. "I love Kenny and everything, but he has been getting mad at me for no reason. Well, for very stupid reasons. A few days ago, he texted me to tell me he wasn't going to talk to me until I buy more eggnog because we ran out."

       "You know, that actually sounds like something I would do once Horatio and I get married," I said. "If we get married."

       "Don't say that," Calvin said. "Of course you'll get married. You have to. I married a Simms, now you have to marry a Simms so me, you, and Destiny will all be a Simms somehow."

       I raised an eyebrow. "Uh, Destiny is a Goldsworth now."

       "Yes, but she's a Simms by blood," Calvin said.

       "And you're not a Simms," I said. "You're an Eaton. Kenny took your last name."

       "I still married a Simms," Calvin said. "What's in a name, anyway? It's just a label placed on everyone so we can know who's who."

       "Right," I said, not even trying to argue with Calvin. It rarely worked.

       Someone suddenly called my name, so I looked over just in time to see Horatio walk over. "I've been trying to call you," he said.

       "Oh, you have?" I asked. "My phone must be on silent."

       "Okay, well, we were supposed to meet at the diner forty-five minutes ago," Horatio said.

       "Really?" I asked. "Oops. I must have forgotten. My bad."

       "Alright, I can sense you're mad at me for some reason," Horatio said. "What did I do?"

       "Horatio," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. "As my future husband, it's going to be your duty to figure out why I'm mad at you for whatever reason, because us wives normally don't say what's wrong."

       Horatio sighed. "Things would be much easier if you told me what's wrong."

       "Yes, and things would also be much easier if you realize you're doing something wrong right away instead of me getting mad at you for you to realize it," I said. "Now if you'll excuse me and Calvin, we have some drama to discuss."

       To confuse Horatio even more, I gave him a kiss on his cheek before Calvin and I walked off.

       "You're going to make things worse," Calvin said.

       "Oh, relax, he'll figure things out soon," I said.


Or more drama will come soon. But yeah, same thing.

And speaking of drama, I'm probably going to end up spam updating this tomorrow and Friday to get to a very big chapter. It starts Julian's next chapter (chapter 16) and will carry over to the next chapter. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

Any guessed what will happen? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) Hint: It's not Spruceworth without some...

And now I shall insert a gif because I start work tomorrow and I'm going to cry because I'll have to be around people, and gifs make me feel better: 

^^Shaw @ Holden's parents

I have a lot of gifs that are basically Shaw @ing Holden's parents lol oops

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