19. Ariella

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19. Ariella

       Christmas had always been my favourite time of year. All the decorations, spending time with my friends and family. I loved everything about it, and so did majority of the tenants in Spruceworth.

       All of that seemed to be changing after the most horrific event that could have happened around this time of the year. Lives were being lost, families were being torn apart, and there was so much grief going around.

       While only two people died because of the explosion, there were a lot of injuries and at least a dozen critical conditions. Some of those people might not even survive, so the death tally can still rise.

       "You know," I said as I bandaged up a minor burn on Horatio's side, "you should have gotten this looked after as soon as the explosion happened."

       Horatio sighed. "Yeah. I just wanted to make sure everyone was out of the building first and also stay with my grandpa. I'm just glad he was out of the building when it happened. I still don't understand why someone would want to harm others."

       "I still can't believe that the explosion was actually deliberate," I said. "Spruceworth has normally been such a friendly community. I don't know what's been happening with all the killings and assaults and now causing an explosion. And more people might die from it."

       I finished bandaging up Horatio's burn, and he put on his shirt afterwards. "I'm so glad you weren't even near the building when it happened."

       "Yeah, so I guess something good came out of me avoiding you," I said.

       Horatio furrowed his eyebrows. "You've been avoiding me?"

       "Wow, you can be very oblivious at times," I said. "Yes, I've been avoiding you. Or at least attempting to. It hasn't worked out so well."

       "I don't get it," Horatio said. "Why would you want to avoid me?"

       "Because, dummy, you've been standing me up all the time recently," I said. I guessed fighting fire with fire wasn't going to work, so I had to actually talk things out with Horatio. "We were supposed to meet up so many times for wedding planning, but you kept bailing."

       Horatio was silent before he sighed. "I'm so sorry, Ariella. I guessed it kept slipping my mind."

       "You think?" I asked. "It's because you keep overworking yourself. I get that you want to help people out in Spruceworth and honestly, I love how you're willing to help anyone out with any problem they have and how you're the police officer that everyone turns to and trusts but at the same time, I hate how you're overworking yourself. And not because you haven't been able to spend any time with me, but because you're going to end up exhausting yourself."

       "I know," Horatio said. "I can't help it. A lot of other police officers here are horrible at their jobs and are always assuming things they shouldn't. I want to make sure every case gets its justice. That, and overworking means I get a lot more money, which means we can go almost anywhere we want for our honeymoon."

       "What?" I asked.

       "I've been overworking so I can save up a lot more money for our honeymoon," Horatio said. "The more money I save, the better chance we have of going almost anywhere we want."

       "Great, now I feel horrible for all those things I've said about it," I said.

       "...What have you said about me?"

       "Nothing. It doesn't matter. I was just mad. It's okay though, because I feel guilty now."

       "Don't feel guilty," Horatio said. "I should have told you why I was overworking instead of just expecting you to be okay with it. I promise for the rest of the month, I won't overwork. Well..."

       "Until you catch whoever started the explosion?" I asked.

       "Yeah... Is that okay with you?" Horatio asked.

       "Of course it is," I said. "Horatio, some person tried killing a lot of people, and ended up killing two, one of who was Calvin's dad, and he was the most amazing person I know. He was so accepting and helpful, and he was always willing to help me out with anything that I didn't think I could trust my parents with. I'm pissed that he was killed because of some... I don't even know how to describe the killer." I sighed and leaned back into the couch. "Is there anybody else I know that was there and really injured?"

       "A lot of the Eatons were, actually," Horatio said. "Calvin was in the building, but far from the explosion. Julian just got out of the building with my grandpa when it happened, so he's okay. Just shaken up. Noah and Holden, on the other hand, got really injured. Noah's in critical condition right now, but he's expected to recover, and Holden is temporarily blind because he had a previous brain injury and something got messed up during the explosion."

       "Oh, wow," I said. "I'm glad they all survived though. Well, hopefully."

       "No, they will," Horatio said. "Josh texted me earlier saying while Noah is in critical condition, his health and injuries aren't going to go downhill."

       "That's good," I said. "If Calvin lost another family member... I don't know how he'll be able to handle it."

       I didn't know how any of us was going to be able to handle the explosion. A lot of people were in the city hall when it happened. A lot of people were going to remember that moment for the rest of their lives; the pain, the fear, the loss.

       Spruceworth had gone downhill, and I didn't know what we could do to make things better for everyone, especially at this time of year. It was supposed to be a time of joy and celebration, not fear and mourning.

       "Do you think we're ever going to come back from this?" I asked. "Move on from the explosion?"

       "I honestly don't know," Horatio said. "It took everyone a long time to move on from the serial killer. It can take even longer since a lot more people were involved in it. I just hope we're all able to."


Hollyoaks broke my heart today. I thought the character I hated the most died, but as it turned out he survived. -.- Why would they tease us like that? Not a single person likes the character. I like the actor, though. He's amazing at making everyone hate him.


Don't worry, though. This book will get a bit more cheerful. Probably. Maybe not. It is Spruceworth after all lol oops.

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