20. Kenny

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20. Kenny

       Milkshakes from the 50's diner was one of my favourite things to drink; apart from eggnog during the holidays. However, sitting in the diner, I was unable to drink the strawberry milkshake I ordered for some reason. Something was just off.

       It probably had to do with the explosion that happened and how the whole village was impacted by it. So many people were injured, and all they were doing was helping out with the charity ball.

       The worst part, for me, was that my husband's father was one of those who passed away. He was such an amazing person, and his life was taken away because of some selfish person who decided to cause the explosion.

       Not to mention both Calvin and Ace were having a hard time getting through it. Ace had been staying with me and Calvin ever since he was told his grandfather passed away. We all figured it would be easier for him to get through it with his dad.

       Josh walked into the diner and after he ordered some coffee, he noticed me sitting at a table so he walked over and sat across from me. "Hey," he said. "How's Calvin and Ace doing?"

       "Not well," I said. "Calvin's up all night because of it, and Ace is up crying, then they both sleep during the day. Ace hasn't been to school, but I guess it's fine since he is only in kindergarten and winter break starts next week. They just need to be together right now."

       "Yeah, I can imagine," Josh said.

       "How are you?" I asked. "I mean, he was your uncle after all."

       Josh sighed. "It's hard. He was so amazing and hilarious. If we were going through something and felt like we couldn't turn to our parents, he was the one we went to. And as much as I hate that I lost my uncle, I'm really glad both of my brothers survived."

       "How are they, by the way?" I asked.

       "They're getting better," Josh said. "Noah's still in the hospital, but he should be out in a few more days if he promises to rest at home, which is a promise he'll definitely keep because my parents will be very overprotective. And Holden... Well, physically he's okay. His eye sight is getting a tiny bit better. It's not clear, but he can see shapes and figures."

       "That's good," I said.

       "Yeah," Josh said. "The only problem is he refuses to talk to our parents, and Christmas is right around the corner. I don't think we'll have a proper family Christmas this year. Or ever until they get over their differences. Anyway, do you think I can come over and see how Calvin is doing?"

       "Yeah, of course," I said. "We can head over there now since I'm not really doing anything but staring at my milkshake."

       Josh and I got up and left the diner to head to my place. Calvin was awake when we got there, but Ace was fast asleep, curled up on the chair by the fireplace. 

       "Hey," Calvin said when he saw Josh. "How's Holden and Noah?"

       "They're doing good," Josh said as he sat down on the couch. "Noah's still in the hospital but he will be released soon. He can't stop complaining, though. He just wants to go back home. And from what Holden told me, he's doing good. Shaw's kids have been basically taking care of him, giving him food when he's hungry, telling him stories."

       "Yet your parents think it's a bad thing for him to be with Shaw," Calvin said. 

       "They're just trying to look out for him," Josh said. "But they're going on about it the wrong way. He's almost eighteen and they treat him as if he's the youngest in the family. I can honestly see why he moved out. So... How are you?"

       Calvin sighed and leaned back into the couch. "Words can't even explain how I feel. My mind still isn't totally wrapped around it. Sometimes, I just reach for my phone to call my dad but then... I realize I can't."

       "Yeah, I know how you feel," Josh said. "Well, not fully, but he was my uncle. And this time of year is even worse. How's Ace doing?"

       "Worse than me, believe it or not," Calvin said. "Then again, he's five and it's harder for him to control his emotions."

       Ace took that time to wake up and he still looked very sad, so I walked over to the chair. I sat down beside him and he immediately sat down on my lap and snuggled into me. Not even a few minutes later, he fell back asleep.

       I wished there was something I could do for him and Calvin; for all the people impacted by the explosion and all the family members of those who passed away. It wasn't fair for them to lose their lives so suddenly, especially when they were helping out with something so important.

       ...Maybe there was something that could be done about it. After all, my grandpa was the mayor. It would be very easy convincing him to hold something special. I didn't know exactly what it would be, but I'm sure there were a lot of people out there that knew what could have been done.

       I just didn't want everyone hurting this much during the holidays. It was supposed to be a time of celebration, not mourning. I wanted to bring the celebration back to Spruceworth somehow, but it was going to take a lot of work.


Aw Kenny my little cinnamon roll. <3 So precious and pure.

The third death still hasn't been revealed. :o It should be happening soon. DUN DUN DUN.


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