24. Julian

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24. Julian

       Noah was starting to get really annoyed with our parents and because he was getting annoyed, I was getting annoyed. They were being way too overprotective with him, even when Josh, a doctor, told Mom and Dad that Noah should actually be getting some fresh air right now.

       Kenny asked me and Noah if we could meet up with him and some others at the diner because he wanted out help with something, and when we told Mom and Dad, they refused to let Noah go.

       He had been laying in bed for such a long time and Josh said he was good enough to get some exercise and fresh air. Apparently, his advice wasn't good enough, even though Josh knew what he was talking about.

       I was tempted to help sneak Noah out of the house anyway, but Mom was home and she was in the living room. The only way out of the house that wasn't dangerous for Noah was through the front and back door, both of which involved going down the stairs and into the living room.

       So unfortunately, I had to leave my twin brother at home but one day, I swear I was going to sneak him out of the house when Mom and Dad wouldn't let him. All I had to do was agree with them and say that Noah really should be laying in bed resting, that way they would trust me enough to watch over him while they go out somewhere.

       It was so easy to outsmart Mom and Dad at times.

       I didn't really want to leave Noah home while I got to go out, but Kenny really wanted a lot of people's help with something and if Noah couldn't make it, the least I could do was go for the both of us.

       When I got to the diner, I sat down at the table Kenny, Destiny, Holden, Ariella, and Horatio were out. "Sorry Noah couldn't be here," I said. "Our parents wouldn't let him leave the house."

       "Surprise, surprise," Holden said, crossing his arms over his chest. "The main reason I moved out. Is Noah getting more annoyed?"

       "Oh, yeah," I said. "The worst part is that Josh told Mom and Dad that Noah should got some exercise and fresh air, but they're not listening to him. And he's a doctor. I just don't get it."

       "That's Mom and Dad for you," Holden said. "They only hear and do what they want to hear and do."

       "And I'm really starting to see that," I said. "How is your vision?"

       "You mean from when you just saw me yesterday?" Holden asked.

       "Uh, yeah," I said. "I'm being a nice brother and want to know how you're doing."

       "Actually a lot better," Holden said. "Everything's now just blurry, but I can definitely move around on my own if I walk slowly. Anyway, now that everyone's here, what exactly are we here for?"

       "Well, I know that every year, the village holds a Christmas celebration," Kenny said. "But I kind of want to do something to make it a lot more special this year after what happened a few days ago."

       "Okay," Destiny said. "What do you have in mind?"

       "That's what I need help with," Kenny said. "I have no idea, but I really want it to be special since Calvin's dad was one of the people that passed away. He and Ace are taking it really hard, and I can't even wonder what Vanessa's family is going through."

       "I have an idea," Holden said. "Well, two ideas. The first is a concert because you know, who doesn't like concerts? I bet there are a lot of talented singers and musicians here that would love to perform and dedicate songs to the victims, like a memorial."

       "That sounds pretty good," Destiny said. "What's your other idea?"

       "To have a sort of donation bin set up that can help pay for not only rebuilding the city hall, but the funerals of Calvin's dad and Vanessa," Holden said. "That way, the mayor can save a lot more money instead of paying to rebuild the city hall."

       "I just don't get how you're always saying you're the dumb one," I said. "Those are both really good ideas."

       "I am the dumb one in the family," Holden said. "Don't bother arguing when you and Noah always have the highest marks in your classes, and Josh is the youngest doctor in Canada."

       I sighed. Holden was always putting himself down when really, he was a smart person. He just didn't do too well in school because tests were basically based off of memory, and he had short-term memory loss. That wasn't his fault, and I wished both him and our parents saw that.

       Though I wished our parents saw it more because they were a lot more strict about it than Holden was. They expected him to get high grades when it was so hard for him to remember what he learned in class. They were only comparing him to the rest of us and that wasn't fair.

       I was glad everyone liked Holden's idea because I could tell it made him feel the slightest bit happy, and it really was a good idea. Having a memorial and songs dedicated to the victims would help show how the village could always come together after something tragic.

       It wasn't often something like this happened here, and that was a good thing. But whenever something did happen, like my cousin being a serial killer a couple years ago, it didn't tear the village apart.

       I was now looking forward to the Christmas celebration and really hoped this would help the families of the victims.

       After all, Calvin's dad was my uncle, and I definitely think it would help out.


I need to finish this book soon so I can get back to work on Josh's book, where the third victim will die.


So if that happens, blame the TV show for breaking me heart.

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