25. Destiny | Final Chapter

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I always end the seasonal stories so abruptly, but I really have to end it lol.

25. Destiny

       We all worked really hard to get the Christmas celebration in the village as perfect as it could get. We wanted it to be special; to feel special for the families of those who lost their loved ones during the explosion, or even because of any other cause throughout the year.

       I was really happy Kenny thought about it, and then all the ideas Holden thought of. Calvin was always telling me how Holden felt underappreciated or how nobody took him seriously because of his brain injury.

       We were definitely going to make sure that Holden got a lot of the credit. The donation bin and the performances, and a lot of the decorations, was all his idea.

       The one and only problem was Kenny told me that he was trying to convince Calvin to come to the celebration, but Calvin didn't want to go at all. Even Ace wanted to go so right now, Kenny and Ace were trying to get Calvin to come.

       Calvin loved the Christmas celebration every year, and two years ago, he was so sick that he was throwing up almost every ten minutes. And yet, he didn't miss the celebration. 

       I knew this was different though. His dad passed away because of the explosion in the city hall, which apparently was deliberate. Someone purposefully set that place on fire, caused an explosion, and killed two people as well as injuring dozens. 

       I just didn't get what went through someone's mind when they wanted to kill numerous of people.

       A stage was set up in the village plaza for the performances we had planned, and I was standing nearby with Dan, Anastasia, and Harry, holding my cell phone in my hand as I waited for Kenny's text message to see if Calvin was going to show up.

       "Destiny, if he doesn't show, then it's fine," Dan said, knowing exactly why I had been starting at my phone the whole time. "I would want for him to show up, but he's mourning, and everyone mourns at their own terms."

       I sighed. "Yeah, you're right there. I just... I hate seeing my best friend so hurt. I want to do something do make him feel better, and even though I know what he's going through, I don't know how to help him feel better."

       "Sometimes you can't," Dan said. "Sometimes, people just have to figure things out on their own."

       My cell phone beeped with a message, so I looked down to see the text Kenny sent me. Once I read the text, I immediately frowned and placed my cell phone back into my pocket. "Calvin isn't coming," I said. "Kenny and Ace weren't able to convince him. Maybe I can..."

       "Des, no," Dan said. "Trust me, I want him to come because he loves this celebration so much, and it might help him feel a tiny bit better, but it's his choice in the end. If he doesn't want to come, it's best that we don't keep trying to convince him."

       I knew Dan was right, but I still wanted to help Calvin feel better. I knew how he was feeling from losing his dad in the explosion. I lost both of my parents in a work fire, and the only person I had for me was my grandpa. I wished my friends were there to help, but they all turned their back on me once I moved to Spruceworth.

       The concert part of the celebration was going to start soon, and I was the first person scheduled to perform. Kenny and Ace, thankfully, showed up before the concert started. "I'm sorry, Destiny," Kenny said. "We tried. He just doesn't want to leave the house."

       "It's okay," I said. "It's like what Dan told me. If he doesn't want to come, it's best that we don't keep trying to convince him."

       "Well, he's right there, but... I don't know, it's just so weird seeing Calvin this way," Kenny said. "He's normally such a happy person and now he's just... Quiet. He rarely talks now. He doesn't even go on and on about the village drama going on."

       "He'll get through it," Dan said. "Trust me. We all lost someone and we all know how hard it is."

       "Yeah, but something's different," Kenny said. "It just seems off."

       "What do you mean by that?" Dan asked.

       "That's the thing," Kenny said. "I don't know. It's hard to explain. I just... I really hope Calvin gets back to his old self soon."

       We all did.

       Grandpa got onto the stage to get the concert started since a lot of people were already gathered around, first by talking about the two victims lost in the explosion. Everyone was so affected by it in even the smallest way, even if they didn't know Calvin's dad or Vanessa.

       He talked a bit more before saying those who were going to be performing tonight, then introducing me onto the stage. While I walked on there, everyone applauded and I waited for Julian, who was controlling the sound system, to play the backing track for the song since I couldn't find a piano player in time.

       I sang the song with everything I got, and it definitely wasn't hard. Thinking about those who lost someone so close to Christmas was horrible and I really wanted them to know that things were going to get better.

       Halfway through the song, I ended seeing Calvin show up. Kenny smiled when he saw his husband, and while Calvin did smile back, I could tell it wasn't a real smile.

       When I finished the song, everyone politely applauded and I smiled slightly. And then there was Dan calling out, "Yeah, that's my wife!"

       I got off the stage and walked to where they were before giving Calvin a hug. "I'm happy you made it," I said. "How are you doing?"

       Calvin sighed. "Honestly, I don't know. I want to move on, I really do, but... I don't know. I can't."

       "And I think I know why," Dan said. "You know the explosion was deliberate, right?"

       "Yeah," Calvin said before realizing what Dan was getting at. "And the person who did it isn't being punished for it."

       "Trust me, once they're found, you'll feel a lot better," Dan said.

       "Does the police have any leads?" I asked.

       "How would I know?" Calvin asked.

       "Wait, so you guys don't know?" Kenny asked. "I thought Horatio would have told you guys. You guys know Cleo, right? Josh's... Whatever she is. She has an ex-husband, Brody, who's a lawyer and was helping Cassidy get off for shooting Joel. Anyway, they were both in the city hall when the explosion happened, and he said that Cassidy is the one who started it. He tried stopping her, but she wouldn't listen. And she took off too. Josh hasn't seen her since, and she even left their daughter with Josh."

       "W-wait," Calvin said. "Why would Cassidy start the explosion knowing there was a bunch of people in there?"

       "She started it because of three people that were in there," Kenny said. "Julian, Noah, and Holden. She targeted them specifically, and Brody told Horatio that he doesn't think she's done with them."



lol i always end these so abruptly hahahaha. but i really want to get back to josh's story, since it does continue on with what's happening here but only in josh's pov.

The song attached is what Destiny sings. It's a Christmas song but for some reason, I always imagined her singing it at a memorial.

AND I DECIDED WHO'S GETTING THE BOOK AFTER JOSH. Let's just say it's a dual POV story and I've got lots of gifs for them hahahaha i love gifs.

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