4. Ariella

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4. Ariella

       I checked the time on my phone once again, sighing now that forty-five minutes had past. I didn't even know why I bothered waiting for him this time. I should have known like the last couple times, he wasn't going to show up.

       Thankfully, Calvin ended up walking in the diner and immediately spotting me, so I no longer had to feel lonely. He walked over and sat across from me. "What's my best friend doing sitting here all alone looking bored out of her mind?" he asked.

       I sighed. "I'm waiting on my stupid fiance who probably isn't even going to show up."

       "Again?" Calvin asked. "How many times is he going to bail on you?"

       "Too many for me to keep track of," I said. "I don't even know why I bother trying to meet up with him sometimes. He's always overworking himself at the police station."

       "Isn't that a good thing?" Calvin asked. "I mean, the more he works, the more money he makes."

       "It is, but not at this part of our lives," I said. "Our wedding is next month, and I've been doing most of the planning, if not all. Every time we're supposed to meet together to plan more, he just so happens to forget about it because he's stuck at work. And he started keeping his phone on silent, so I can't even get a hold of him."

       "Aww," Calvin said, getting up to sit down beside me instead as he put his arm around my shoulder. "Do you need me to go beat him up for you?"

       I chuckled. "Yeah, right. You're always saying how you're a lover and not a fighter. You hate fights."

       "Yeah, that's true," Calvin said. "I know what might make you feel better. Enjoying Spruceworth's drama with me. I have a lot of gossip I want to talk about because my stupid husband refuses to partake in gossip. He keeps telling me to drop it and not talk about other people's personal lives, but that's not fun."

       "Well, I've been trying to move away from drama, but why not? I'm bored because Horatio keeps bailing on me. So, Mr. Drama. What has been going on in Spruceworth?"

       "A lot," Calvin said. "Well, not too much, but it's still entertaining. Like Josh having two potential candidates."

       I raised an eyebrow. "Candidates? He's not on a reality TV show."

       Calvin shrugged. "Same thing. Anyway, if you want my opinion, which you probably don't because you could care less about what happens in my cousin's love life since it doesn't involve you, he's going to choose Cleo."

       "What makes you think that?" I asked. "I mean, I hope he does because I hate Cassidy even though she hasn't done anything to me."

       "Simple," Calvin said. "He only thinks he likes Cassidy because some other guy is in the picture. He's not jealous of that other guy and Cassidy. He's jealous because there's some other guy in the picture for his daughter."

       "Makes sense," I said. "What else is going on?"

       "Well, there's something going on with Holden, but Kenny told me not to say anything because that really isn't my place to tell," Calvin said. "Let's just say he's in a secret relationship, and honestly, I really ship it."

       I frowned. "And you can't say who?"

       "Nope," Calvin said. "Blame Kenny."

       "Do you blame everything on me?" Kenny suddenly asked, standing by the table.

       "Yes," Calvin said. "And before you ask, no, I'm not gossiping."

       Kenny sat down at the table. "Yeah, I know you are. You gossip every chance you get."

       "True," Calvin said. "Don't blame me. I'm trying to make my future sister-in-law feel better."

       "Uh, she'll be my sister-in-law, not yours," Kenny said.

       "Close enough," Calvin said. "Anyway, like I was saying before you so rudely interrupted us... Actually, I don't remember what I was saying."

       "You were talking about your cousin and his secret relationship, and you were just telling me who Holden is dating," I said, hoping that Calvin would actually tell me.

       "Nice try," Calvin said. "Kenny told me not to say anything else about it, and that I remember because I remember every promise we make. Now, let's see, what other drama is going on..."

       Kenny sighed. "I don't know why I bother telling you not to gossip."

       "Like I said, gossiping is making my best friend feel better because your brother is being an idiot," Calvin said.

       "Is Horatio overworking again?" Kenny asked.

       I nodded. "Yeah. He was supposed to be here over forty-five minutes ago so we could plan the wedding more. The wedding that I'm not sure will even happen."

       "Ariella..." Calvin began.

       "I'm being serious, Calvin," I said. "I thought I wanted to marry this man. Now, I'm not sure."

       "Ariella, Horatio loves you a whole lot," Kenny said. "Believe me, I know. He's just really dedicated to his work. I can talk to him for you if you want."

       "Don't bother," I said. "I want him actually figure things out himself, and not have someone else tell him what he's doing."

       "Are you sure?" Kenny asked.

       "I'm sure," I said. "I think it's time to fight fire with fire."

       "What are you planning on doing?" Calvin asked.

       "Nothing," I said, and Calvin raised an eyebrow. "Well, nothing bad. Like I said, a little game of fighting fire with fire. I'll just show up late to plans he makes, or not show up at all."

       "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Kenny asked. "Shouldn't you two just try talking things out? He probably doesn't even know he's doing something wrong. You should actually tell him."

       "I have tried," I said. "It doesn't work. You know what will? Fighting fire with fire."

       "Alright, if you insist," Calvin said. "I know how stubborn you Goodmans can be, so it's probably not best to change your mind."

       He was right there. Us Goodmans could be awfully stubborn, and it definitely could play to our advantage at times.


Yes, relationship drama woo. Yes, drama in general woo.

I'm getting annoyed with the stupid time limit. I know for a fact I didn't use four hours, yet it said I went past my limit. -.-

But on the bright side, I made a lot more Sholden gifs, so I shall insert one here:

Yes, Holden, drink that tea. sip sip.

I have one Sholden gif I'm going to use in the middle of chapter, I think, 8 and I'm gonna love it. 

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