5. Calvin

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5. Calvin

       "Are you seriously drinking tea and eating popcorn right now?" Kenny asked as he sat down beside me outside of the cafe with a cup of hot chocolate. "You really need to let go of your love for drama."

       "No way," I said. "It's really entertaining. You know, when it doesn't involve me or you."

        Kenny sighed. "I swear, you've actually been more in love with drama than me."

       I chuckled and leaned across the table, giving him a quick kiss. "That just isn't possible. I love you more than anything, even drama."

       "That seems hard to believe," Kenny said. "Especially right now, because to me it seems like you're sitting here for the sole purpose of scoping out drama."

       "You know me so well," I said. "Come on, it's Christmas time."

       "So?" Kenny asked.

       "So," I said. "It's not Christmas in Spruceworth without some drama to go around." I held out the bag of popcorn towards him. "Popcorn? Best snack to eat while witnessing drama."

       Kenny rolled his eyes, but still took a handful of popcorn. "So, can we actually do something entertaining instead of sitting here looking for drama? I'm bored."

       "That's because you don't appreciate the art of drama," I said.

       "I do," Kenny said. "The true drama. Theatre. Not all this."

       "Why did I even marry you?"

       "I ask myself the same thing every single day."

       Kenny was so mean to me at times. I was the best husband ever and here he was, not appreciating me.

       Or drama, and we came as a package deal.

       Speaking of drama...

       I saw my cousin walking by, looking at his phone, so I called out his name. "Hey, Holden!"

       Holden looked over, quickly putting his phone in his pocket as he walked over. "Hey," he said. "How's it going?"

       "Good," I said, propping my elbows up on the table and resting my chin on my hands. "How's it going with your mystery person?"

       I definitely was a pest at times, but since I hadn't seen my brother in a while, I had to be a pest to my cousins instead.

       "Calvin..." Kenny said.

       Holden furrowed his eyebrows. "Mystery person? What are you talking about?"

       "Oh, come on, it's quite obvious that you're seeing someone," I said. "So, how is she?"

       Holden sighed. "You know?"

       "Of course I know," I said. "I know everything that goes on in the village. I'm a very good eavesdropper and investigator. That, and remember when Kenny and I came over for dinner a few days ago? You couldn't find your phone and I found it? A text message may have popped up and I may have accidentally looked at it."

       "I'm so sorry about him," Kenny said.

       "Don't apologize for me," I said. "I have nothing to apologize for."

       "You should," Kenny said. "Like I said, stay out of everyone's business."

       "Kenny, it's fine," Holden said. "I'm his cousin. I'm used to it. He just has a knack for butting into everyone's lives."

       "Not really butting in," I said. "Just watching from the sidelines with my popcorn and tea."

       "You... you're not going to say anything about who I'm seeing, right?" Holden asked.

       "No, of course not," I said. "I can see why you haven't said anything yourself. I don't think your parents will be that happy about it."

       "Thanks for the vote of confidence," Holden said. "...Even though I know you're one-hundred percent right. I don't know what I got myself into."

       "The heart wants what it wants," I said. 

       "He should know," Kenny said. "He kept running back to Joel."

       I gave Kenny a mocked laugh before throwing a piece of popcorn at him.

       "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have a babysitting job to get to," Holden said. "I don't know why I keep agreeing to it. Probably because I have a thing for their dad."

       "I can see why," I said. "He is very attractive."

       Holden glared at me before walking away, and Kenny punched me in the arm. "I'm sitting right here, you know," he said.

       "Kenny, you know I find you the most attractive," I said. "Now since you're boring and don't want to witness drama, how about we walk around the village?"

       "Are you going to use that as an excuse to find drama in another location?" Kenny asked.

       "No," I said. "Well, maybe. Only if it comes across our path though." I stood up from the table, picking up my bag of popcorn. "Come on, let's go walk."

       Kenny stood up as well, picking up his hot chocolate before we started our walk around the village.

       "You know what I've been thinking about?" I asked.

       "Drama?" Kenny asked.

       "What? No. Well, yes. Always. But not that. I was thinking that maybe we should... adopt a kid."

       Kenny stopped in his tracks. "Really?"

       "Yeah, really," I said. "I want the two of us to raise a kid together. I mean, we kind of are with Ace, but we technically do have help with Destiny and Dan. I know we just got married, but you're already an amazing dad to Ace, and I really do want another kid. I mean, only if you want to."

       Kenny smiled softly. "I would love to adopt a kid. I really do love kids, and there are a lot of kids out there that do need adopting. So, when do want to try adopting one?"

       "Right away," I said.

       "Seriously?" Kenny asked. "I would be up to it, but seriously?"

       "Yes, seriously," I said. "The adoption process can take along time so the sooner we get started on it, the sooner we could adopt a kid. Although, I should probably ask Ace if he's okay with it, since he will be getting a younger sister or brother."

       "I'm pretty sure he'd be okay with it, since he already has a younger brother," Kenny said. "And he keeps asking you when you're going to have another kid. He wouldn't ask that if he didn't want another sibling."

       "Yeah, true," I said.


Aww, yay, adopt those babies. 

So, I'm off to bed, but I'm probably going to end up spam updating and getting three chapters up in one day because there's a chapter I really want to get to (aka the one with the sholden gif in it)

Speaking of Sholden, let's insert another gif:

Aww, I love that episode of Hollyoaks. <3 I definitely need to watch it again.

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