7. Cleo

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7. Cleo

       I really didn't like that my ex-husband decided to move to Spruceworth. I was doing just fine without him, and I definitely didn't want him back in my life.

       Too bad things were always too good to be true.

       The worst part was the he was now helping Cassidy stay out of prison for shooting someone.

       And I couldn't help but feel jealous of Cassidy. Not because of all the time she was spending with Brody. I couldn't care less about anything that happened in his life.

       Josh was the reason I was feeling jealous.

       I had liked him ever since he first offered to watch Celeste for me. I was a single mom raising my daughter alone, and Josh didn't care that Celeste wasn't his. He was always telling me how much he loved Celeste as if she was his own daughter.

       He didn't even care that she thought he was his dad, and even called him "Da." That was all I looked for in a guy; someone who could treat my daughter like their own.

       I thought I had a chance with him, but then Cassidy just had to come back in his life, and I could tell Josh still had some feelings for her. He has been acting really jealous ever since Brody and Cassidy started getting close.

       At least I had someone on my side throughout all of this. I wasn't really that great at making friends and for the longest time, Josh was my only friend in Spruceworth. I was thankful someone made the effort to get to know me and asked to hang out for the day.

       Someone who was really entertaining, and it was never a dull moment hanging out with him.

       "Thanks for asking me to hang out with you," I said as we were walking through the village with me pushing Celeste in her stroller. "Well, and Celeste too. I don't really get out of the house much. It's just work and then staying at home all day."

        "Well, I love making friends, and since you're new to the village, I could tell you're in need of some," Calvin said. "Besides, you're my cousin's roommate, so I figured I'd get to know you."

       "Yeah..." I said slowly, all because of the thought of Josh.

       "Hey, I wouldn't worry about Cassidy if I were you," Calvin said.

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

       "If we're going to be friends, you should know something about me," Calvin said. "I have a huge knack for drama, and I know what's going on with almost everyone, including you."

       I sighed. "I don't have a chance with him."

       "Of course you do," Calvin said. "It may seem like Josh has feelings for Cassidy, but trust me, he doesn't."

       "It seems like it," I said with a sigh.

       "Did it start when that Brody guy decided to defend Cassidy in court?" Calvin asked. "His supposed feelings, I mean?"

       "Yeah," I said.

       "It's not Cassidy he's jealous about," Calvin said. "It's Guinevere. Brody and Cassidy has been getting a lot closer, and he's worried that Brody will replace him as a dad. He's just confused because Cassidy is the mom of his child."

       "Are you sure?" I asked.

       "I'm always sure about everything," Calvin said. "Just don't tell my husband I said that, because he'll say a lot of things that I wasn't sure of in the past."

       I chuckled a bit, but then I sighed. "I really hope I do actually have a chance with Josh. I need him in our lives. We need him in our lives."

       "Whatever happens, Josh will never abandon you or Celeste," Calvin said. 

       My mood faltered even more when I spotted Brody nearby, and to make things even worse, he saw me before he walked over. "Wow, I can see you're still jumping from guy to guy," he said.

       "I don't know why you keep telling everyone I cheated on you, because that never happened," I said. Brody was always so delusional, and I didn't even know why I married him in the first place.

       "Really?" Brody asked. "Then what are you doing with him?"

       "Uh, there's this thing called being friends," I said. "A concept you're obviously not familiar with."

       "Yeah, and I'm married," Calvin said.

       "So?" Brody asked. "That never stopped Cleo."

       "Brody, I never cheated on you," I said.

       "And I wouldn't cheat on my husband," Calvin said. "And just to be clear since you seem quite stupid, I'm gay."

       Brody crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, and I immediately know he was going to pull the I'm A Lawyer card.

       "If I wasn't stupid, I wouldn't have been able to get into law school," Brody said. "And just to be clear since you seem quite stupid, I'm a lawyer."

       "Wow, taking my line," Calvin said. "How original."

       "Why do you keep doing this, Brody?" I asked. "Keep trying to undermine me and my friends? We got divorced for a reason, and nothing you say or do will change that. So please, just stay out of my life."

       Calvin and I walked passed Brody and once he was out of earshot, Calvin said, "I can see why you divorced him."

       "Oh, believe me, that's not even the half of it," I said. All the time Brody had seen me in the village, I was with Celeste, and he never once asked to see her. He still didn't want to be part of her life, and he helped make her.

       Calvin's cell phone suddenly beeped with a new message, so he took it out of his pocket. "I have to go," he said. "Kenny's having an emotional breakdown. And by that, I mean he's upset because we ran out of eggnog, and he probably won't talk to me until I buy more."

       "Alright," I said. "Thanks for hanging out with me. I really needed a friend."

       "Of course," Calvin said. "And if you ever want to talk to me about you-know-who, I'll be here for you. I am his cousin after all."

       "Thank you," I said, giving him a smile. He smiled back before leaving in the opposite direction we were walking in.

       I started walking home, but it wasn't long before Cassidy suddenly walked up to me. "I need a favour," she said.

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "What could I possibly help you with?"

       "Stay away from Josh," she said.

       "What? No," I said. "I live with him, and he's my friend."

       "Yes, and until you're out of his life, he won't pay any attention to me and our daughter," Cassidy said. "So I need you to stay away from him."

       "Not happening," I said. "We're all adults here, not teenagers. Act your age."

       Cassidy crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm serious. Stay away from him."

       "Or what?" I challenged.

       "You care about Josh, don't you?" Cassidy asked, taking a step closer to me. "Because if you don't stay away from him, I will slowly tear apart his family one by one."

       "Nice," I said. "So, you want him to yourself, but you're willing to tear apart his family in order to do that? Yeah, right."

       "I'm serious," Cassidy said. 

       "Then good luck with that," I said, walking away from her. If Cassidy still loved Josh, there was no way she would ever do anything to harm him or his family. It was all empty threats.



I'm so sad right now. I really don't think my internet limit changed to four hours, and even though Wattpad has no limit, me being on it counts as the total limit. If I'm on it for more than two hours, everything else will shut off INCLUDING YOUNOW AND JACKSON AND DYLAN ARE CURRENTLY LIVE RIGHT NOW AND I'M MISSING IT.

I want to move out so bad. I just don't get why I have a two hour limit, especially when I'm in school and I now have a job. My sister doesn't have a limit, and she's always on the computer until at least midnight. Her being in high school shouldn't make her an exception to the stupid internet blocker.

But anyway, Holden's chapter is next with the gif I really want to use MOOHOWHOW. 

I mean what I didn't just evil laugh hahahah no way.

And I hate saying this (because i sound thirsty hahaha help) but where da comments at? I've barely been getting any, and I love reading the comments because they make me laugh and smile.

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