• 10 - "Vulcan. Vulcan Setzer." •

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<Haruka's POV>

"Heya guys! Guess what?" Yuki returned, bursting through the door. "You seem a bit too energetic for eight in the morning." Solana yawned.

"There's a fortune teller in town!" She grinned childishly, as per usual. "Fortune... Teller?" I asked, confused.

"A fortune teller is someone who can 'tell you your future' for money." Soren said, making air quotes. "Are the predictions true?" I asked. "Usually-- actually, Never." Soren sighed. "Hm... What if they are true?" I asked.

"There never really is a way to tell if they're true or not." Solana said, taking a drink of her coffee. "Haru! You've gotta come and try it!" Yuki smiled. "I suppose I could give it a try." I smiled sheepishly as Soren facepalmed.

<The Village>

"There he is!" Yuki said, grabbing my hand and leading me towards the man. There were children cheering around him, and he had a content look on his face.

He had bright blonde hair, and grey colored eyes. He blinked, and his eyes turned a dark green... Which was certainly odd. "Cmon!" Yuki pulled me towards him. "Hello. Who are you?" He asked, smiling.

"Haruka." I said, as he nodded. "Hm... A very interesting name, indeed. Hold out your hand." He said, as I held my hand out towards him.

His eyes turned grey again, and a purple light began to glow on top of my hand. "Now, close your eyes." He said, as I closed them. "You... Are brave, courageous and won't hesitate to get things done. That being said, you have a huge battle ahead of you. You, and five others will change this world from its core..." He spoke.

I remembered my dream.

The Five Silhouettes...

"You are remembering a dream you had a long time ago. Perhaps it was a glimpse of the future..." He said quietly.

"You may now open your eyes, Miss Haruka." He said, as I reopened my eyes. He adjusted his hat. "Isn't it cool! He said I would be rich one day!" Yuki smiled like an idiot.

I turned to the man, and he was laughing. "That was a joke by the way. My apologies!" He laughed, as Yuki gasped. "Does that mean my future is fake too?" I asked. "No, no. I am a genuine fortune teller, but I just like to prank people for fun." He grinned.

"You see, I am a fortune teller. But it gets boring after a while, so I fake fortunes sometimes." He shrugged. "Why? It's a rude gesture that shouldn't be amusing." I said, as he sighed.

"Well..." He shrugged again. "Yeah! That's mean!" Yuki stuck her tongue out at him. "Haru! Yuki!" I turned to see Solana and Soren running towards us.

"He's a faker!" Yuki told Soren and Solana. "I told you." Soren sighed. "Actually, he isn't." I said, as the man smirked. "Seriously Haru?" Solana asked.

"He predicted that me and five other people have a big battle coming ahead. I saw it in a dream once, and he said he saw my dream. He described it perfectly." I said, as Soren though about something for a second.

"Who were those five?" Solana asked. "Yuki, Soren, You, and I." I replied. "And... You?" I pointed to the man, as he nodded. "That's right." He said, adjusting his hat.

Now that I think about it...

There was a silhouette of a man with a hat like this man had.

It was him.

"What's your name?" I asked him. "Vulcan. Vulcan Setzer." He tipped his hat. "Are you wearing obsidian armor?" Solana asked him, as he nodded. "Whoa...." Solana said in awe.

"Vulcan." I spoke, as he turned to me. "Yes, Miss Haru?" He winked. "Come with us." I said, as Soren raised an eyebrow. "Hey, Haru. I need to talk with you for a sec... Alone..." Soren said, grabbing my hand, glaring at Vulcan as we walked away.

"What the hell?! First you meet this weirdo, and now you want him to join us?" He whisper yelled. "Look. He was in a dream of mine. You, me, him, Yuki, Solana and someone else, We're going to change the world." I said, as he sighed in disbelief.

"Haru. Dreams are always a figment of imagination. Why can't you understand this?" He said. "Why are you getting so defensive about this?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Nevermind. Let him stay..." He walked away.

<Soren's POV>

She's so dense... But... She's beautiful, I'll give her that.

I'm not going to let this weirdo in the house, not after the way he looked at Haru. He's weird. I'm not okay with him joining us.

Yuki and Solana, they were exceptions. Because they aren't a weird random guy.

But, if Haru says so, then...

I can trust her. I'm just overreacting. I can trust her on this one... I can... She's very intelligent... I can trust her...

Heya guys! It's me, WaffleCake!

Anyways, I know this chapter was really bad... I had awful writers block this morning lmao.

Alrighty! Question of the chapter, here we go!

"Can you guess where I got the name Setzer from? (HINT!: Its from one of my favorite games!)"

You probably won't be able to guess it, haha.

So... Give it a try and I'll tell you! XD

Okey-dokey! See you all in the next chapter! Bye bye!~ (=゚ω゚)

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