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The picture will be explained in the chapter.

Jillian opened her mixed eyes seeing she was in her room looking at her Harley Quinn poster. 'Was I really in the Night Dimension and Nightmare?' She thought to herself. She sighed getting out of her bed as her pets went to the kitchen hearing their food bowls fill up. Jillian grabbed her clothes for school which thankfully it was a Friday to her luck. She grabbed a black TankTop, Red Flannel shirt, her Blue Hoodie, Black Tights, Black Skinny jeans, two pairs of Black Socks, and her Brown Combats. She brushed through her noted blonde hair as she was looking at her mirror. She saw of glow of a red light in her mirror making her blink three times seeing it was not there anymore. She sighed and put her hairbrush down grabbing her backpack, iPod and Earbuds. She walked the dinning room where there was a bagel and a glass of milk on the table for her as her mother was in the kitchen trying to feed Ava baby food as her sister and father were at their jobs and her 'brother' was off at school. Jillian sat down at the table and started eating her breakfast. As she ate she thought about that red glowing light in her mirror that was at her face, it made her think of The Tails Doll of his blood gem. 'Was it really TD?' Jillian thought to herself as she took the final piece of her bagel in her mouth devouring it. She chugged down her milk and then put her plate and cup in the sink. "BYE MOM!!!!!!" Jillian yelled from the front door "Bye honey!" Stacey yelled to her second youngest child of the five, well four to be exact. Jillian's other sister Taylor had a different mother who she and her mother hated each other, Jillian understood that. That woman can be the biggest bitch possible. Jillian put her earbuds in and started playing her music player app of Ms Movin On by Fifth Harmony using her Mobile Data which thankfully for her was unlimited. Jillian was walking for 20 minutes when she saw what looked like a somewhat of a shiny Gardavor standing next to the trees, it was purple of skin and hair, white of the skirt, had black void eyes that dripped black goo like Eyeless Jack, and where it's horn on its chest would be was gone and a gaping hole dripping black goo from it. Jillian wasn't scared of it, she was actually wanting to meet this Gardavor. She walked up to it making the Gardavor look at her "Hi. I'm Jillian. What's your name?" Jillian asked the Gardavor thinking it had a nickname "Charon." The Gardavor or Charon told her using telepathy as its voice was a distorted males voice. "That's a nice name. Why are you out without a jacket?" Jillian asked Charon, "I rather be cold." Charon told the blonde, Jillian grabbed her backpack off her back and pulled out a Black winter jacket from it. She put it on Charon which made a small smile appear on the Gardavor's face. "Thank you Jillian." Charon thanked the blonde, Jillian smiled warmly at the Pokémon "Your welcome." She said, she looked at her iPod seeing the time, "Shit. I gotta get to school." Jillian said to herself, she hugged Charon thankfully not getting black goo on her hoodie "Bye Charon! It was nice meeting you!" She yelled to the Pokémon waving as she ran off to school. Charon's smile was brighter as he watched the girl run off to school, this was the first time besides in the mansion where someone wasn't screaming at his looks.

Jillian made it to school and ran inside and started walking at a normal pace to her locker. She made it to her locker unlocking it and opening it seeing a note inside, she rolled her mixed eyes knowing it was ANOTHER love note from Alex, he never even signed it as a Secret Admirer he just signed his name. Jillian opened it up reading it and gagging internally at the whole thing. "Another love note from Alex?" She heard a male voice behind her making her jump seeing her best friend or only in person friend Spencer Couch. He was a dark brunette with pale skin and brown eyes, he wore ether Orange or Green, and he was amazing at the guitar. He was always there to make the blonde girl smile and laugh when she needed it or not. "Dear Zalgo Spencer. First off, don't sneak up on me like that, and second isn't it obvious since he's the ONLY guy in the school who has a crush on me." Jillian told the brunette that was taller than her and reminded her of Reala's hight. "Fair point." Spencer said to the blonde, Jillian threw the note away in her trash can that was in her locker filled with ALL the love notes she got from Alex since the beginning of the school year. "At least he's the first guy who's like this with you. You should at least give him a chance." He told her, Jillian sighed "Why? He's WAY to possessive. Besides, I have a feeling someone else has a crush on me." She told her best friend. Spencer looked at her confused "What are you talking about?" He asked her, Jillian sighed as she closed her locker as she had her books in hand along with her iPod and earbuds, "I tell you in class on Messenger when our teacher is asleep." She told him which he nodded. They started walking to their first class of the day which was Algebra which all their classes they were together in to her sake. They sat at their desks as a few people were in the classroom, usually the ones who like to be early, even though this was one of the teachers that sleeps and NEVER teaches. Jillian sat in the front of the class while Spencer sat in the back. The bell for class rang which didn't even stir the male teacher. Jillian sighed looking at Spencer which they both nodded, she pulled out her iPod and went onto Messenger as her music was playing of Heart Goes On from HeartCatch PreCure. She sent a long ass text of the entire dream of being in the Night Dimension and in Nightmare. Finally after a minute Spencer texted back.

Fredfry- So you went to the Night Dimension last night in your sleep. Reala was being all flirty with you almost kissing you but you blacked out from your racing heart before he could. You woke up in Nightmare with him sitting next to your cot and he apologized for it. You met NiGHTS, Jackle, Selph, and Chameleon and Reala showed you around Nightmare before you woke back up?
Jillian- Pretty much.
Fredfry- Are you pullin my leg here?
Jillian- Why the fuckin hell would I EVER lie to you?
Fredfry- Ok so your telling the truth. But do you know WHY Reala would want to be flirty with you when people say he HATES his insane fangirls?
Jillian- I REALLY don't know man. I'm still confused about it. That and NiGHTS being a male when his voice and figure scream Female.
Fredfry- Same on NiGHTS. But hey, at least you got a guy you like that has a crush on you.
Jillian- Ya...... But I don't know if he's telling the truth that he ACTUALLY loves me. Unlike my other boyfriends that just dated me to break up with me to see me cry, and Kamron did that AND used me to pass his exams. So I've given up on men being in love with me.
Fredfry- Jillian, you gotta have hope. That's basically YOU!
Jillian- I know.... But it's still hard to believe that a guy is in love with me. I know Alex but he's like Yandre crazy, remember when I told you I saw his locker was PAINTED with photos of ME FROM MY FACEBOOK!!!!!!
Fredfry- I still remember. You were freaking out like hell.
Jillian- But Reala said he watches me to know that I'm safe....... Why?.....
Fredfry- Not sure Siren. But we better stop talking, bell for next class is about to ring.
Jillian- KK, talk to you at lunch.
Fredfry- Kk.

Jillian put her iPod in her pocket. After thirty seconds the bell rang and again the teacher didn't even stir. The students including Jillian and Spencer walked out of the classroom but the two came out last not wanting to deal with the rushing kids. After about two hours of classes the bell for lunch went off and Jillian and Spencer went to put their books in their backpacks in their lockers. Spencer waited by the blondes locker waiting for her to put her stuff away, she got done and had her iPod and earbuds in hand. They walked to the cafeteria getting their lunch which was Chicken Nuggets, Mash Potatoes, Green Beans, and Chicken Strips. Jillian grab green beans to give to Spencer. They grabbed their drinks and walked to their table, they sat at a table which was by a window showing the snowy outside and the table sit two across from the two people. Jillian had gotten extra scoops of potatoes so she can dip her chicken strips AND nuggets in them. Spencer watched her as she ate "Wut?" Jillian asked her best friend with her mouth full "First off don't talk with your mouth full, and second your weird dipping your chicken nuggets and strips in your potatoes." He told her, the blonde snorted at her best friend as she swallowed her food "Your weird." She said pushing his shoulder making him chuckle, they finished eating and just started to talking drinking their drinks which Spencer's was a large hot chocolate while Jillian's was a large Diet Coke. "So, you wanna come to my house after school?" She asked him "You know I'll end up spending the night, right?" Spencer asked her "I know but it's been forever since we had a Sleepover. Please?" She asked him doing Bambi eyes and the Quivering Lip to the brunette, he sighed "Alright alright." He said giving in "Yaaaassss!" She whisper shouted making him chuckle at his best friend. Jillian pulled out her iPod from her pocket giving one bud to Spencer and started playing 2012 movie. After about 20 minutes of watching the movie the bell rang making the two get up as Jillian put her two earbuds back in and started listening to Release Me by Agnese as she and Spencer walked to their final class Art, the classes were cut short cause of the curse so they get short days. Jillian went to her locker to get her art book and booked it to the class. And she sat down as her seat was next to Spencer's, she opened up her art book filled with MANY drawings which she was surprised that her book wasn't full already. She finally made it to a blank page but her art teacher stopped her "Ms.Parham why don't you use some art paper so I can show some people your art." Her art teacher told her, Jillian smiled brightly knowing her who the people were "Yes ma'am." She told her teacher, her art teacher was the only one of her teachers who liked her. Jillian put her art book aside, grabbed some art paper and a artist pencil, and started to draw her usual drawings.

Her first one was of her CreepyPasta self Siren DarkOcean with her witchcraft powers, Reala with twin pistols, NiGHTS with a sword, Jackle with a scythe, Chameleon with his tarot cards, and Selph with his mirror staff. After she finished coloring it in she started to draw another picture which was we CP self and Reala in the rain as Siren was crying in his chest as Reala had his arms around her. Spencer looked at her drawing and chuckled "Talk about fangirl." He muttered making her flip him of for a second before continuing with her drawing. She left it black and white for no reason at all adding the shading. Jillian then drew her CP self with the five Iydea flying around her plus her made up one for her Nightmaren OC Firefly which was called Love which was a rose color, she always thought it was important enough to be a Iydea cause you can't live without love in your life and she thought it was strong as Courage cause people say "Love makes you stronger, not weaker", the blonde was always looking for the right guy that would be perfect for her, love everything about her along with her Split Personality sides, and treat her like she was the world to him. Jillian sighed to herself as she thought of it knowing with her history of guys it was IMPOSSIBLE for it to happen to her to find her dream guy. Spencer look from his drawing seeing the blonde girl in her dark thoughts, he tapped her shoulder with his pencil making her look at the brunette boy "Don't think about that stuff Siren. You got me and you got those Nightmarens to make you happy." He whispered to her making her smile lightly "Thanks Spenc." She whispered back he smiled "Anything to help out my best friend." He whispered back at her then they continued their drawing. Jillian did 5 more drawings of her CP self Siren with other stuff for the entire class while Spencer worked on his one drawing still. They finished their drawings and the bell for the end of the day rang, Jillian grabbed her iPos putting it in her pocket with one bud in grabbing her eight drawings and handed them to her teacher which Spencer handed his to her too. "Thank you both." Their teacher thanked them, "Your welcome." They said at the same time then started walking to their lockers. Spencer got finished getting his stuff and walked to Jillian's locker seeing Alex trying to get her to go on a date with him which Jillian kept declining. Spencer walked up to the two and was about to say something when Jillian said something that shocked both the males, "Sorry red but I'm already seeing someone. So to bad so sad and GOOD BYE." The blonde girl said slamming her locker shut and her and Spencer started walking outside the school leaving a shocked Alex.

Jillian was thinking about Reala when she said she was seeing someone else, she really doubted that Reala was ACTUALLY in love with her though since no guy she's dated has been in love with her hell not even liked her, she also said that to get Alex to leave her alone cause she was tired of him flirting with her trying to get her to go out with him, but she highly doubted that it actually worked. The two were walking to McDonald's to bring to Jillian's family, herself and Spencer and some extra nuggets for her pets. Spencer looked at the blonde girl "Sooooo, is this someone your seeing is Reala?~" He asked her sing song like, Jillian's maybe paper white face flared up into a dark crimson blush which she put her hood up to hide it "N-not gonna answer that especially when Reala's watching and hearing us." She said to the brunette, he hummed in response "Fair point." He said. After making it to McDonald's getting the food and drinks for everyone they started walking home. Jillian saw a girl who looked like she was 8 without a jacket as she was skin and bones. Jillian looked at Spencer who was looking at the girl too, she ran up to the girl and crouched down next to her "Hi I'm Jillian." She introduced herself "I'm Snow..." The little girl or Snow introduced herself "What are you doing without a jacket out here?" Jillian asked Snow "I live in a foster home and they can't be able to get me a jacket or barely any food cause money is really tight....." Snow told her, Jillian put her food bag down and pulled out a second jacket from her backpack, the hoodie may drag on the ground for the eight year old but it would keep her warm, she put it on the girl and rolled up the sleeves to where her hands were free, she grabbed HER box of Chicken Nuggets from the bag and handed it to the girl "Keep them both, you'll need them both." Jillian told Snow, Snow smiled brightly and hugged the teenager "Thank you." Snow thanked Jillian, Jillian smiled warmly "Anything to help someone." She said still smiling. Snow ran off waving goodbye which Jillian did too.

She picked up the bag and walked back to Spencer who was smiling at the blonde girl "Let's get home, I'll share my nuggets with you." He told her making her smile. "Thanks man." She thanked him, they continued walking back to her house. They made it back to her house seeing her mother was on the front porch smoking a cigarette. Jillian sighed as she wanted her and her father to both quit smoking cause it can not only hurt them it hurts other's around them. She was surprised that the lighter worked in the cold, her mother probably was too along with Spencer. They walked up the porch steps and walked inside the house, went to the dinning room and placed the bag and drinks on the table. After 20 minutes of everyone eating it was time for bed. Spencer took the couch while Jillian went to her room dressed in fuzzy pj pants and shirt. As she laying on her side looking at her Harley Quinn poster one thought ran though her head before she fell asleep.

Am I gonna go to the Night Dimension again?..........

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