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Jillian 'woke up' finding herself in a dream.....or what she thought was a dream... Her dress matched Rapunzel's from Tangled but a white with navy blue details, and her hair was in a flower braid like her, and she was barefoot as well. Jillian felt happy being barefoot finally for the first time of her life. She was in a flower filled field, but the main flowers that were there were Graceadia flowers from Pokémon which confused her but she found it still beautiful as they were her favorite flower along with roses. She looked around walking around the field. She froze when she saw Kaile, Kamron, and Shakila laughing at her. She backed up a bit having a bad feeling in her gut. They turned into shadows and started chasing her making Jillian run the other way as the beautiful dream turned into a black void of nightmares. She ran as fast as she could even though she was in a dress. To her it felt like an endless dark abis as she ran away from these shadows, hearing their whispers of Iydea as they chased her. To her hope, a bright light appeared and she ran to it. You know when you see a bright light in front of you while your in darkness, and people say you should NEVER go towards it? Well to Jillian, something about it said safety and hope. She ran faster than she has in her entire life with her arms open accepting it. She was engulfed in the the light and her vision went out. She felt herself laying on cobblestone 'Wait.... What the fuckin hell?' Jillian thought to herself. She opened her eyes seeing a starry sky, she got off the ground on her feet seeing what she remembered from her VideoGames...... The DreamGate...... She was amazed as she looked around in circles from where she was standing, 'I can't believe I'm actually here....' She thought to herself.

She walked through the gate smiling as she was here, and it was somehow real. Her hand brushed against the beautiful fountain the was in the center of the ENTIRE DreamGate. She always wondered how Owl cleans it for being a bird, and how he keeps it so pristine. She heard a guitar playing making her hella confused 'I thought NiGHTS' invisible instrument was the flute?' Jillian thought to herself, she turned to the noise only for her heart to race and a dark crimson blush appear on her face. Floating at the very top of the fountain was Reala, playing his invisible guitar as his eyes were closed. Jillian was fangirling like crazy on the inside. He looked like he did in Journey of Dreams but without his Persona. 'Maybe he doesn't want to show his loyalty to Wizeman anymore.' She thought to herself. "Well well, your a smart girl." Reala said still playing his guitar with his eyes closed making the blonde jump back. "YOU CAN READ MY MIND?!?!?!!!!! Are you Bill Cipher or Slender Man is disguise?!" She yelled at the red and black muscular Nightmaren. Reala laughed making her heart race again since she always fangirled hearing his laugh in Journey of Dreams. He stopped playing his invisible instrument and opened his eyes revealing the Crystal Blue eyes which Jillian always called them A Sirens Song cause they always seemed to put her in a trance every time she looked at them. He flew down to her level which she saw for her being 5'5 he looked like he was 5'8, she could tell even while he was floating. She looked at him still blushing, Reala chuckled at her flared up face thinking it was adorable. "It is indeed me, Reala. Ms.Parham." He told her taking her hand and kissing the top of it making her heart race more.

He let go of her hand which she cluched it to her chest. "Y-y-you know who I am?" She asked him shocked he knew her last name. Reala half smiled "Of course. Your the only one of the humans I pay most attention to." He told her stroking her cheek with the back of his hand, Jillian felt like each time her heart raced more and more it was gonna explode out of her chest. Her blush was a dark as it could be, maybe even darker. He grabbed her hand with his fingers interlocking with hers, he was still half smiling as he held her hand "Let's go somewhere my princess." He told her leading her to AquaGardens doorway. Jillian was surprised her heart hasn't gave out yet from beating so hard, but she felt like she was gonna black out. They made it through the doorway and arrived in AquaGardens, She smiled so brightly feeling the warm sun on her maybe paper white skin and the grass on her feet. Reala led Jillian around AquaGardens as she tried her best to calm her heart down which she was failing at VERY BAD. Reala had led her to a cliff which had ledges that if you could fly up to one you could sit down seeing the view. He grabbed her by her waist with one arm and flew up to the highest ledge of the cliff. He sat on it with Jillian in his lap making her blush darken if possible. Reala held her hand again as their fingers were interlocking again, Jillian was starting to wonder if she was actually here in the Night Dimension with Reala in front of her being flirty or if this was all a dream. Reala looked at her smirking, his other gloved hand held her cheek "If this was a regular dream my dear. I wouldn't do this." Reala said hearing her thoughts, he started leaning in to kiss her and that's when Jillian blacked out from her racing heart. Falling off the cliff she was, Reala's Crystal Blue eyes were widened with fear, he flew as fast as First Level could, maybe even faster to catch her before she hit the ground. He thankfully cought the blonde before she was halfway to hitting the ground, he flew to where he was hovering an inch above the ground. He checked her heartbeat hearing it was beating like crazy, Reala sighed "Shouldn't have come on to strong. She is a fangirl after all." Reala said to himself. The blonde's breathing was shallow, Reala was getting worried for her. He started flying to Nightmare not going though the Dark Ocean.

After about thirty minutes Jillian was hooked up with an air mask to help her breath. Reala was sitting next to the girl as she was still blacked out in her cot. He got a heck of a scolding from his brother NiGHTS(I used to see NiGHTS as a girl but now I'm seeing it as a male), which Jackle, Selph, and Chameleon watched snickering at the two brothers. Even though NiGHTS was a male, his voice and figure screamed Female. But if ANYONE called NiGHTS a girl, they would deal with a Paraloop, a Drilldash, a Punch to the face, or get cut by his Sword of his temper. They would be lucky enough not to deal with his Dark Form, Dark NiGHTS. Reala sighed putting his head in his hand, he pulled out his phone and started looking through Nightmares version of FaceBook. Yes, you heard me right, Nightmare has its own version of Facebook for the Nightmarens. Jillian started moving her hands a bit as she started to wake up as her heart was calm now. She opened her mixed eyes seeing Reala on his phone, she tapped his knee with her finger making him look up from his phone seeing her awake. He put his phone back in his vest and was smiling "Good, your awake." He said making her smile a bit "S-sorry about all that." Reala said embarrassed, Jillian smiled warmly at the red and black Nightmaren "It's alright." She told him forgiving him, Reala was a bit shocked that she forgave him. Even for he almost made her heart give out or fall to her death. Reala smiled a bit more. NiGHTS peeked his head through the doorway as his Iydea of Courage shard on his chest showed a bit, "She awake?" He asked his brother, Jillian giggled a bit though her air mask. "Ok, so she is." NiGHTS said flying into the room floating sitting next to his brother. Jillian smiled a bit seeing the two, she was still confused on what NiGHTS' gender was, but she thought it would be rude to ask. Reala chuckled as he heard her thoughts making NiGHTS look at his brother weird "NiGHTS is male." Reala told her making her blush since she forgot he could read her mind.

NiGHTS was still looking at Reala weird. Jillian looked down embarrassed "Would you stop reading my mind for fucks sake......" Jillian muttered to the Lord of Nightmares. She could already figure Reala was now Lord of Nightmares thanks to Wizeman since Reala was his most loyal Nightmaren, even though he wasn't wearing his Persona anymore after his defeat not wanting to show his loyalty anymore, he still took up ruling Nightmare. Reala chuckled a bit at the blonde. After a minute she was ok to leave and Reala took her around the manor. She started to feel her eyes droop as they were checking out the garden. Reala looked at her seeing her getting to fall asleep, he felt sad inside cause he knew what this meant. She was waking up in the Earth World. Reala picked her up bridal style so she didn't fall over which had no effect on the teen girl, before he could take her somewhere. Her body disappeared meaning she woke up in the Earth World. Reala sighed as he felt her weight leave his arms. He started flying to his throne room and sat in his throne watching Jillian from the Night Dimension as always........

To know she was safe.........

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