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Jillian was currently walking home from school as it was lightly snowing which was a bit of a blessing to some people. She was wearing a camouflage hoodie with the hood up, black skinny jeans with paint on them, brown combat boots, two pairs of socks, and a TankTop underneath a blue flannel shirt. She had to layer to keep herself warm as what her mother told her, but Jillian was like immune to the cold as the doctors told her parents but her mother stayed causes anyways. Jillian wanted to be barefoot walking for once, but that would be literally impossible with all the snow and ice. Or so she thought.

She had her red and black earbuds in as they were plugged into her iPod Touch as I Really Don't Care by Demi Lavato blasted through her ears. Even though she had her music at full bast she could still hear the outside world for she needed to with her bullies and Alex, the over obsessive boy. She had to stop by Dollar General to get some snacks for her blood sugar, since it's been a WHILE since she had some sweets. Luckily her mom gave her some money to get them before she left for school knowing she wanted some for her obsession with junk food. She walked inside the store feeling the heat of the heaters on her face, she let her hood down and started to get some snacks, she grabbed a six pack of cans of Diet Coke, Big bags of her favorite kind of chips, a bag of 3 Musketeers minis, A few bars of Hershey's milk chocolate, and some IceCream. She REALLY loves sweets folks. She went to the register and payed for her items. No one looks at her weird anymore since everyone in the town knew she was immune to the cold. She grabbed her bags walking outside and started walking home not caring of the snowflakes would fall in her hair. She made it to her long ass driveway which wasn't bad as her aunts driveway. She made it to her house and walking inside opening the door, somehow.... "MOM IM HOME!!!!!" She yelled, her mother came in holding her four month old niece Ava Grace Covington. "I see you got some sweets dear." She said, Jillian smiled brightly which is rare for her, she pulled her leftover money from her pocket and handed it to her mother which she took gratefully "Thank you dear." Her mother Stacey told her, Jillian was still smiling but her bright smile turned into a warm one "No problem." Jillian told her mother, Jillian started walking to her room which she had a twin size bed with transformer sheets and pillow cases, a mini fridge on her extra dresser, two plastic bookshelves on each side of it holding her books and statutes and snow globes collection, a purple shelf with more snow globes on it, two dressers of different colors, a tv on her main one, a big mirror, an antique desk with her lamp and laptop on it, a cork board for her drawings and pictures, a purple painted metal door that was her closet, black wood floors and a black painted ceiling with solar details on it along with Cybertron from Transformers painted as well, ocean themed walls, string lights all around, a fish tank with her bata fish Sapphire in it also on her extra dresser,and her cats Penny and Pitten were on her bed, both male cats. She smiled as she put her bags down and gave both of her cats some attention but mostly Penny since he was 10 years old as Pitten was five in human years. "Hey boys. Did you miss mommy?" She asked them getting a meow in response from them both making her smile. She put her soda and chocolate in her mini fridge putting her chips next to it. And she had to walk to her freezer in the kitchen to put her IceCream away. She grabbed her now empty bags and put them in a paper bag so the can have trash bags for the smaller trash cans. She walked back to her room seeing that her dogs Gracie a white Chawawa/Spits and Nala a black weenier dog on her bed, both girls. She pet her dogs but mostly Gracie since she was getting old. Jillian grabbed her laptop from her desk and sat on her bed opening it up logging in, her dog Gracie laid her head in her lap making her smile.

She went onto YouTube and started watching some VanossGaming starting on Elevator Source video.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

She smiled and laughed as she watched the video since Vanoss and his friends were the only crew that made her laugh. Her favorites of the crew were Vanoss, Nogla, WildCat, MiniLadd, H20 Delirious, and The Gaming Terrorizer. They were the ones who made her laugh the most of the whole crew. After watching a few of their GTA5 videos, she heard the front door open and the sound of her father Kevin and her sister Cheyenne who was the mother of her Niece Ava. She paused her video and ran to the living room with her dogs and cats following behind her, she hugged her father first then her sister feeling that they were cold. Her father had recently moved on since his house was always cold so he took Jillian's little 'brothers' room to sleep at night. "So how was work?" Jillian asked them, before they could answer. The rest of the dogs Molder a male German Shepard named after a character from the X Files, and XBox a male PitBull, which he got his name from peeing on his old owners XBox when he was tellin him to pay attention to him. They were both from Vibalobos Rescue Center in New Orland's which was a rescue center for Pitbulls. Jillian smiled brightly and laughed as she gave the two dogs some affection. Her father sat in his recliner while her sister went to the kitchen to put the chicken she got from one of her two jobs in the fridge. "Well me and the others have been messing around as always at work." Her father told her turning on the sports on the TV, "While at my job I was being on task." Cheyenne told her, Jillian giggled at them, she liked her father's friends and her sisters coworkers at her other job at Huddle House. They always seemed to make her laugh. She walked back to her room with the six pets following behind her she sat on her bed resuming YouTube as her pets jumped back on the bed and XBox laid on her lap.

After about an hour her mother called her for dinner, Jillian closed her laptop and put it on her desk and her and her pets went to the kitchen. Jillian filled up each of the food bowls for each of the pets. She grabbed a plate and got some fried chicken and some mash potatoes putting salt on the potatoes. She grabbed a fork and sat the table pulling a Diet Coke can she grabbed before she left her room in her hoodie pocket. She sat at the table with her family and opened her can and started eating at a slow pace, after a minute her dogs had finished eating and sat at Jillian's feet looking up at her. She finished her food and chugged down her Diet Coke, she threw away her can and put her plate and fork in the sink, she grabbed two bowls and filled them up with some milk and placed them on the floor and her two cats started drinking from them. Jillian walked to her room, grabbed some PJ's and went into her closet changing into a long sleeve pj shirt and fuzzy pj pants. She got out of her closet and threw her clothes in her hamper, turned off her lamps and crawled in her bed under the covers. Her pets snuggled together on her bed like they were a family, they knew of the curse so they sticked together keeping each other warm. Jillian looked to her side seeing her Harley Quinn poster. She sighed closing her eyes and letting sleep take over into something that would change her life


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