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In America, there was a curse on the once great now corrupted with highly lethal drugs and medication, murderings solved and unsolved, terrorist attacks (I pray for the families, survivors, and lost ones of Vegas and Texas), child abusers or murders, sexual assaults from the powerful men, and the current president Donald Trump(I hate him. I wanted Hillary Clinton as our president cause I trust her WAY more than Trump).
There was a curse set upon the country, a curse of eternal winter of snowfall and blizzards. People would say it's a blessing from God and Jesus themselves for a break in the clouds to have some warmth of the sun. Farming had to be moved indoors, and farm animals for meat and other food had to be fed some of the crops to keep them alive. But it was a dangerous when a crazy blizzard of power and freezing death comes, the storms were unpredictable. So people would die in what they called 'The Storm of Death'.
Not good. I know. They tried their best anyway.

EVERYONE hated this curse, but sadly no one could enter or leave America for the curse had them trapped with its storms and frozen waters.
But one person didn't hate it.
She was a teenage girl in the 11th grade, she was 16 years old, golden blonde hair that touched her breasts, pale skin that almost looked white as paper, her left eye was a hazel gold while her right one was a brown that had a magical aura radiating from it, he nails would ether be almost claws or bitten short from her anxiety.
Her name was Jillian Faith Parham....

She liked the curse cause the heavy snow kept her out of her high school which she called Hell Itself. She was always bullied in school since 1st grade, even by her teachers for who she was. Which lead her to be in a depression which sometimes it led her to be suicidal which she managed to control it with her music and VideoGames. Her family was poor but other family members and their church helped them out when they needed it. She lived with her mother, her little 'brother', one of her two sisters, and her sisters daughter, and of course their pets which they kept inside. Her mother had custody of her since her and her father divorced when she was ten in fifth grade. Which she had her first boyfriend and heartbreak. The boy Kamron Giles used her to ace his final exams then dumped her and started dating one of her MANY bullies Kalie Roberts. She was the definition of a snobby bitch, she rubbed it in her face ever since then along with Jillian's MANY other heartbreaks. Jillian NEVER wanted to break a guys heart unless it was necessary, there was this boy who's name was Alexander Giddens, a bit of a big kid with red hair, pale skin, and he can kick a bigger kids ass. He was a year older than her and a grade above her. He was YANDRE obsessive with her, literally. When she walked by his locker one day as he was in it, it was painted with pictures of her from her Facebook page. It creeped her out past the highest of the scale.

She preferred to be in her Anti-Social life not wanting to be hurt anymore. Always reading the CreepyPasta forums, on Wattpad ether reading, writing, or talking with friends, her VideoGames, her music, and her drawing. She found her isolation comforting, yet, each day of it. She felt lonely and lonely more and more of the passing days. She wanted REAL friends that actually like her for her and not backstab her like her other 'friends' she had in 5th grade. Her favorite VideoGames were MediEval Resurrection for the original PlayStation which was her first fandom at the age of six, NiGHTS Into Dreams for the Sega Saturn cause of Jackle the Mantle and Reala, and NiGHTS Journey of Dreams cause of NiGHTS, Owl, Cerberus, Chameleon, and her favorite NiGHTS Character of them all... Reala the Nightmaren General. She had thoughts that Reala never really wanted to work for Wizeman but was to scared to rebel with NiGHTS. She completely understood that, since, who WOULD wanna work for that man anyway. She could tell Wizeman wanted what his desire is and he had to end two of his creations of their failure. She always felt so sorry for ALL of the Nightmarens for what they were forced to go threw. She read a story once that Jackle was created when Wizeman was drunk, now he can drink without a mouth? She had no clue. Then of his many failures Wizeman abused him making him gain an insanity that feeds on Nightopians when hungry, Insane Jackle. Jillian had a Nightmaren OC that is her as a Nightmaren, her name was Firefly Frost Mantle. She made her Jackle's little sister that was always there for him and the other Nightmarens, even Cerberus and Reala.

Jillian was a bit like one of those Insane Fangirls of Reala. She always drawed him mostly him and her CreepyPasta or Nightmaren self in cute and sometimes romantic pictures. She was lucky her art teacher always helped her with her drawing skills so she basically was now as good as her sister that lives with her.

Jillian always thought she was 'normal' even though shes in LOVE with Witchcraft, Serial Killers, and LOVED Blood. Weird but true, every time she had a cut she would suck the blood from it for a minute before patching it up.

But what she didn't know her whole life......... She wasn't even human.......

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