Another Lost Girl

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Miri's PoV

"So... did you find something?"

I sum it up. "There are villains in the basement who want to kill me."

"Can we attack them?" Katsuki asks.

"Yes, that's what we came here for. We should get going, in case they find us first." Michiko leads us out and back to the basement.


Once we reach the basement door, I stop and turn to Yu with my eyebrows raised. She answers my unspoken question. "It would be best if you just waited outside the entry, so they don't know you're here."

"Ok," I sigh in defeat. I go into the room with them, but sit down in wait after telling them to go into the last entry."

Zenith's PoV

Figures Kaguya wouldn't let her go in here—not when the villains want to kill Miri first. I clear my head and focus on the people we're about to fight. Well, it's not like I'll be doing much fighting. We halt upon hearing the villains speak.

"Hey, Boss!"


"You know what I find funny?"

"I think I do!"

"Those kids think we don't know they're there!"

w e l l t h e n

We jump out, ready to face them. They smirk, and one guy waves his arm at us, as if pushing air away from them.

"Guys don't breathe!" I yell. I take a deep breath to prepare myself for however long the air poison stays.

"Smart one." The air waving guy says. He squints his eyes, scanning us. My best guess is that he's looking for Miri.

Kaguya grows her wings and gusts the air back to them, also pinning them to the wall in the process. We all let out our breath.

Then the ground starts to crack, and grass grows upwards from the cracks, concealing the villains from our view. The grass doesn't waver in the slightest against the strong gusts Kaguya creates.

Bakugo blasts at the grass, but it holds firm. Kirishima rushes at them while beating down the tough grass that starts to tangle with him. Shooting Star follows follows him and send lots of bubbles to one of the guys who hasn't used his quirk yet, and Bakugo does his injure thing to another. Kaguya flutters above them all and swoops in, landing hits on the villains.

It's mayhem from there on, but eventually Kirishima knocks two of them out with a sharp strike to the skull, and Bakugo does the same to the others. I envision the UA basement, and send the four red dots (the villains in front of us) to it. They disappear with a purple twinkle.

"We did it!" Kaguya cheers, trapping her boyfriend in a tight hug. He laughs and boops her beak. Wow. Affection.

Miri's PoV

My friends stroll out, pleased expressions filling all of their faces. Looks like it went well. "So you beat them, huh?" I ask.

"You bet!" Zenith responds, holding open the door so we all can get out of that labyrinth.

Katsuki glares at my brother. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, PURPLE, YOU CAN'T EVEN FIGHT."

"Hey now, my little brother is off limits," I push Katsuki's head away, letting everyone else come in because he had been blocking the way. 'Purple' is certainly an interesting nickname.

We go back to the cafeteria and see twelve of the to-go boxes left on the table. The others are opened and covered with ants. How are there ants in here?

"No!!!" Zenith and Katsuki collapse. "Our food!"

"You know-" I start, leaning down, but then a hand covers my mouth.

"Shush. I need to mourn my food." After about a minute of the two boys mourning peacefully, I point out,

"If you keep that up, the ants will get to the 12 boxes we have left!"

"I'm outta here." Zenith grabs two boxes and runs out, with Katsuki copying his actions. The rest of us shrug and do the same, each taking two.

We begin our trek across the sidewalk looking for somewhere to eat because the boys insist the school's ants are working for the villains by starving us to death.

We finally find a bench. Katsuki is about to sit down, but I see a piece of paper where he's about to sit.

"Stop!" I tackle him. His boxes of food fly out of his hands, but he manages to catch one. The other bursts, and its contents spill onto the concrete.

"Miri, whAT THE F—" He yells, but I interrupt.

"You know what? Just take mine." I give him one of my boxes, and it shuts him up.

I grab the paper and read the words written on it.

Dear Miri, Yu, Kirishima and Bakugo,

I noticed you were not at school after the internships.

The other five start reading over my shoulder.

I hope you're okay, but here is some news. The villains have taken over Japan, and our class is about to go in hiding. I can't write where, in case a villain reads this. We have enough supplies to last at least five years.

Please save all of us, I hope you succeed.

- Ochaco

"Now we have to save them all. If we fail, we'll have failed everyone!" I say, stressed after reading the note. When we went to my world, how much time had passed here?

Katsuki tears up the paper and burns it. "So the villains can't see it."

Or they already saw it and left it alone

"Can we all do it? Just the six of us? It'll take forever to defeat them all." Zenith says.

"No, we don't have to defeat them all," I answer. "We have to defeat most of them, and make the rest surrender!"

"Well we have a lot of work to do, and it might take years, but we can do it, I'm sure!" Michiko adds positively.

Years? Poor Zenith. He just wanted to visit.

"One, two, three... The Final Standers!"


We wander down a new neighborhood, it looks more beaten down than the other ones we've been to. With each door we open, we brace ourselves for a fight.

But when I open one door, and I hear a soft sound. Curious, I cautiously move forward. I see a messy mop of short, wavy brown hair.

It's a little girl, about six or so. Her shoulders are shaking slightly, and I hear muffled cries. Is this Yu pt. II?

In order to not scare her, I softly walk forward to the girl, and place a hand on her shoulder. She jerks her head up, "Help me! Please go away! Spare me!" She sobs. Her three requests confuse me. I now see her face clearly. Large brown eyes filled with fear. A small delicate nose, and a tiny frown, probably trying to hold herself from bawling.

"Sh sh sh." I try to soothe her, stroking her hair. "You're fine. We'll, uh, help you." I say. "Let me go get my friends." I give her a reassuring smile.

Walking back to my friends, I recall meeting Yu for the first time and saving her.

"Hey, guys, there's this girl. She looks to be six or so, and she needs help."

"Hmm, where have I seen this before?" Kirishima says sarcastically, and taps his chin. He gets an exaggerated eye roll from his girlfriend. "Oh yeah! Yu."

They follow me to the girl. I squat down next to her. "Hi, what's your name? I'm Miri Miyake, but you call me Miri, okay?" I say slowly to her.

"Yes... Miri. I-I'm Chieko. Chieko Sasaki." She replies shyly.

"Do you know what your quirk is?" Michiko asks her.

"Yeah... I can memorize anything I hear or read, and I can also create anything and make it appear in front of me as long as I know its molecular structure."

So... Momo's, but it doesn't come out of her skin

"That's cool." Katsuki compliments, but then he smirks and challenges her. "Can you repeat everything we've said to you?"

"You're on!" She gives him a huge grin.

Since when was he good with kids?

Chieko recites the whole conversation starting from when I walked in on her.

"Cooler." Katsuki grins in return, ruffling her messy hair.

I look at Chieko intently. There's no way we could leave her alone, but if she came with us, she'd be in danger whenever we come across villains. I make a decision. "Hey, Chieko!" I grab her attention. "Do you want to become a part of our team?"

"I would love that!" She says, placing her hands on her chest.

We adopt her into the team without any complaints. But we can't waste any time. We go back to scouting the streets and checking all of the houses.

Suddenly, our new member speaks up. "Miri, can I make a car?" She asks me.

"Sure, Chieko. Whatever you want." I say. What an odd request, though.

A book appears in front of her and she grabs it. She scans the pages, and then drops the book. Walking out to the street, she focuses intensely. And, sure, enough, a car appears in front of us. Wait no... a van!

"I scan the pages to make a car, and I made a car. Ta da!!" She announces with jazz hands.

"Chieko you're amazing!" I lift her up, and she just giggles.

"I got it from my mommy." She says sadly. Oh no, another sad backstory.

Michiko gets into the driver's seat, but Katsuki seems to have other plans. "MOVE OUTTA THE WAY I'M DRIVING."

She blows a bubble and puts it on him, so that his head is surrounded by a bubble. It looks like he's screaming, but we can't hear him at all. He realizes we can't hear him and gives in, going for the passenger's seat instead.


Michiko drives carefully, earning a few complains from Katsuki (his bubble popped) to speed up and at least smash into one stop sign.

It's silent for quite a while after that.

Then all of a sudden, Chieko starts talking. "My mommy and daddy were very nice. They gave me everything they can pay for. But then the villains come in my sixth birthday, and kill them. I can see red water come out of their skin, and... I cry for them. And I waited for them to come back, but then I knew they were dead." She lets out her unfortunate backstory. So her parents were some of the citizens that were killed before they could go into hiding.

"I'm so sorry, Chieko." I say to her. "We'll do our best to make sure you're happy and safe."

"Thank you."

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