The Final Standers Start

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Miri's PoV

"Got him!" I call out to the rest of them while dragging Katsuki back.

We gather around outside and throw in suggestions.
"Aliens plus Four"
"That's just stupid"
"No! Fine, Teenagers plus One Oldie"
"Bakugo, that's just rude"

We brainstorm for a while, thinking up a group that would fit our team best.

"How about The Final Standers?" Zenith says, after a moment of silence.

"That's cool. I like it." Kirishima says.
"Whatever. It could be better."
"I agree with Eijiro!"
"Cringey but it'll do!"

Because we have nothing better to do, we begin our search for villains. There are are thousands upon thousands of them, everywhere across the country, so we've got to start somewhere, right?

We run everywhere, looking for villains that are hiding, and we find a group of them in an office building.

The first thing I notice is that they all have holes in their hands. They aim their hands at us and small rocks coming from their hands pelt us.

I jam the holes with ice, so that when they try to shoot us, it won't work. Katsuki then runs forward and blasts them all, knocking them out.

I look at our team and see Zenith with his eyes closed. Is he scared? Suddenly, he yells, "Villains coming down the stairs!"

Sure enough, two villains come face to face with us, emerging from the top of the stairs.

"You two, no... one, two three- You six have caused enough trouble! Let's end them now!" One of them says and signals to his friend to attack us.

He goes to Yu first and punches her. She falls backwards, clutching the spot where she was hit. His quirk must have something to do with strength.

The other guy sprints around at an extremely fast speed. So they're speed and strength...

I go for the speed guy first. At first, it seems like he's running wildly, but then I figure out it's a simple pattern. I determine where he's going to go next, and I create ice in front of his path, and he crashes right into it. He's stunned for a bit.

Michiko uses the opportunity to strike. She circles her hands around her mouth and starts blowing a huge bubble. It captures the speed villain so that he's stuck in there. The bubble seems to be bouncy, but the guy can't get through.

Yu grows out her wings, clutching her arm. She flaps them repeatedly at the strength man, and he loses his balance.

Haha... Noctowl, use gust!

The villain is blown against the wall, and groans on impact.

Critical hit!

Katsuki blasts his face.

Charizard, use Flamethrower!

The villain coughs smoke and faints.

*Cue winner music* Your Charizard leveled up to lv. 70! Your Noctowl leveled up to lv. 60!
What am I even doing.

I glance at Zenith, only to see him concentrating with his eyes closed. Then his eyes shoot open.

"I can see everything! Like, how do I put this..." Zenith thinks, grabbing everyone's attention. "I can see the layout of the building and every other building. The villains are red dots, and we're all green."

"Zenith! You found your quirk!" I high five him.

"Congrats!" Yu says.

"Hold on," he says, closing his eyes. The rock villains disappear, and then the speed and strength ones, all with a splash of purple dust appearing after their departure.

"Where'd they go!?" Katsuki screams.

"Well, I could see Stain's red dot in the school, so then I was just hoping that the other two could be tied up there, too. And then, I guess, they teleported there!" He guesses.

"Zenith that must be your quirk! You've got a freaking detailed map brain! And you can teleport people! You were always good with directions!" I say, excited. So do are our interests or what we're good at really related to our quirk?

"Good job, kid!" Michiko adds.
"We knew you could do it!" Kirishima cheers on.

I put my hand in the middle of the circle we had accidentally formed. Yu puts her hand on top of mine, followed by Michiko, Kirishima, Zenith, and then a hesitant Katsuki. Then we all say together,

"One, two, three, Final Standers!"


A few weeks later...

We took down villains, one by one, in groups, and large mobs. There were some that were too powerful, so we had to leave them for now. But we had not found a single hero or civilian. The UA basement was probably getting crowded now with the villains, too.

We trudge on to continue searching for the people and end this foolish villain reign. There's isn't a single building, story or house we pass that goes unchecked by us. We haven't seen a soul except ours for about a week, including villains.

Then we come across another hero school, Shiketsu High. I believe it's almost as great as UA.

"It's big so it will take a while, but let's search this school." I say, placing my hand on the tall front door. I turn to Zenith.

"How bad is your headache?" I ask him. When he uses his quirk too much, he gets horrible headaches.

"Pretty bad, I might only be able to teleport them today. But I can tell the cafeteria is clear," He replies, looking sorry... and hungry. I nod and open the door.

Walking down a large hall, I suggest we split up. The guys go one way, while Yu and Michiko stay with me. I see Katsuki from a distance, pointing at a sign.

Cafeteria —>

My brother already told us it is empty, so we skip it. The boys go right, so we take left. Creeping down a slimmer hallway, I see a door labeled with basement.

I motion for them to stay and slowly open the door, stealthily sneaking down the stairs to the room. The basement is twisty and confusing, as if the school has a labyrinth down here. There are four openings.

Which way could the villains have gone? If they came here, that is.

I peer into each entry and stop at the last one. There's a faint light coming from it. I continue my exploration, making sure my steps don't make any noise. Thankfully, the last opening doesn't have any twists. It suddenly turns, though. I peek around the corner and see four villains huddled around a flashlight.

"They've already rid one city of villains, boss."

"I know that, idiot."

"It only took them a few weeks. It's only a matter of time before they take us down."

I eavesdrop on their quiet murmurs. There's a scary silence for a while, and I panic, thinking they may have sensed me, but I calm down once they start their soft chatter again.

"If they come here, ignore them all except for the girl. She has medium-length black hair and three quirks. Her costume is grey or something. Kill her." The one I assume to be the boss tells the other three.

I rush back out the maze as quickly and quietly as I can. Gasping, I burst through the door where Yu and Michiko are waiting.

"What's wrong?!" Michiko asks, catching me.

"Four villains," I hold up four fingers. "they want to kill me." I explain.

"Let's get the boys and attack them." Yu says. "It's fine, Miri, you don't have to fight this one." She tries to smile, but she looks worried.

Michiko's PoV

I look from Yu to Miri. Miri responds, "No way am I going to sit out! I've got to help you—"

"Shut up." Miri's eyes snap up at Yu. Her owl friend opens her mouth to speak again. "We're not going to let you risk your life. We care about you, so, please, get off your high horse and let us handle this."

Miri's eyes widen. She looks downcast, seeming ashamed. "I'm sorry, you're right. Let's go get the guys now."

We three run off to the cafeteria to get the boys.

In the dining hall, I see the boys. But stacked up next to them, on the table, are to-go boxes. I guess it makes sense to grab food on our way out. We approach them, grabbing their attention.

"So... did you find something?"

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