The Changes We Learn

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Miri's PoV

They all look at me expectantly. I'm not sure if I want to go back to My Hero Academia or not. I'm missing learning from my school here, but I'm learning there, while also mastering my quirks. I'd hate to leave Zenith and Ellie, but it's not as if I'd be able to live in my house.

"Well," I start, "I don't have anywhere to live here, and I have been doing good in the other world..." Zenith's face falls.
What if he came too?

I turn to my brother. "I- I mean, you could come, too, if you want."

My friends exchange glances between each other and nod in agreement. At least they're cool with it. Zenith purses his lips. He seems tempted to and eventually gives in. "I want to go!"

I look at everyone. "Here goes nothing."

Hey, uh, beings in charge of this wishing thing. Could you take us back to My Hero Academia if that's oka—


Before I can think another thought, we're dropped in front of UA. It's hotter outside than it was the last time I was here—which was a couple hours ago. We all walk in, and the school is deserted. Completely empty. Not only that, it feels like no one has been here in a while.

Around the corner, I see a red scarf.

"What's going on here!?" Katsuki yells.

Then the owner of the scarf appears. I try to contain my gasp when  the owner of the scarf reveals himself.

"It's the hero killer. Stain." I whisper, frightened.

"How could you not know what's going on? Well I'll tell you before I kill you all." Stain says. "When I was about to kill a useless hero Native, a UA kid was out to avenge his brother by killing me. He introduced himself as Ingenium. I was about to kill him when another one of you, this one with curly green hair, came and battled. Then another one of you came. He had two hair colors and two quirks. Endeavor's son. They came close to beating me, but I paralyzed them all. Then they ran away, but Native was still paralyzed, so I killed him."

Wait—they weren't supposed to run away?

"The villains started taking over cities, one at a time, with me leading them, until all heroes and citizens were either dead or went into hiding. So many are hiding. It's boring. As of right now, the villains rule all of Japan." He grins. "Now I'll kill you."

He pulls out his knife and charges at me first, I jump out of the way before he can draw any blood. "His quirk is called Blood Curdle!" I yell. "If he ingests someone's blood, he can paralyze them for a certain amount of time according to their blood type! Don't let him take your blood!"

He runs faster, swinging knifes from both of his hands, with all of us trying to stop him with our quirks. I created a sword out of ice and charge at him, barely managing to cut his side. I almost lose my balance and come close to falling over.

My friends and I throw scattered attacks at him, too afraid to get close. Yu, Kirishima and Zenith stand awkwardly off to the side. One's quirkless, and the other two can't do much without getting close.

Next to me, Katsuki mutters under his breath, "Just wanna give him a taste of his own medicine, damn."

I snap my fingers. "You're a genius!"

Katsuki looks towards me. "If your plan doesn't work, we're all dead."

"Yeah, I know. Thanks for the motivation."

I back up to where the three who aren't fighting are, and whisper to Kirishima what my plan is. He'll have to get up close to do it, but I hope he can harden his arm just right on time to fool Stain, while also keeping himself safe.

He gives me a thumbs up. "I won't disappoint!"
He dashes to Stain and grabs one of his many knives. The villain immediately slashes at Kirishima's arm. Everything after that happens so quickly that if I hadn't made the plan, I wouldn't be able to see what was going on.

Kirishima pretends to wince in pain and hides his arm behind his back. However, I can see that his arm is hardened, without a single drop of blood coming from it. But Stain's knife has blood. The blood of who?

He licks it up and grins at Kirishima. "Looks like you're going to be the first to—" he pauses, seemingly shocked. "Why can't I...?"

He's probably trying to kill Kirishima, but he can't. Why, you may ask? He's paralyzed. When Stain was in the process of slashing my quick friend, the latter had managed to cut into his opponent, and get that blood on Stain. Stain ingested the blood, thinking it was the Kirishima's, but ended up paralyzing himself.

"You kids are smart, I'll give you that. But only the girl and the red one," his casts his eyes over me and Kirishima. "should live."

I smile, shaking my head. "And that's where you're wrong." After a few seconds pass, I cough and look at my friends. "Anyways, uhm."

Yu steps up and takes all of Stain's knives, earning curses from him. We debate about where we should lock him up. We all come to the conclusion that we could leave him, and any other villains we catch, in the school's basement. It's large and can definitely hold a lot of people.

"But we need something to hold him." I think aloud.

"He would easily break through ropes," Zenith says. "We need chains."

"I'm on it!" I yell, and leave in a hurry.

Yu's PoV

"I'm on it!" Miri yells, and runs away quickly.

I've always wondered how she can do that super fast zoomy thing. Only a moment later, she returns with an armful of chains and handcuffs.

"Where'd you get those?" Bakugo asks her.

"A prison." She bluntly replied.

Hmm...I ship it! Wait, that's not what we're talking about, is it? I can't even tell if she likes him, but he's definitely whipped for her.

We all head down to the basement.

Shooting Star gets to work putting the handcuffs on Stain (he's really scary—I can't believe Eiji faced him!) and connecting the chains to it, then she connects them to the wall.

"I've an idea!" I say in a sing-song voice as Shooting Star secures the chains. "Since we're the only ones around to fight the villains, we should wear our hero costumes! Y'know, and be all hero-y!"

"That's a great idea!" Kirishima pats my head. Being on the shorter side compared to some of the guys in our class, he loved the fact that I was half a head shorter than him.

Once Shooting Star is certain that Stain won't be going anywhere anytime soon, she leads us out. We venture on to the girl and boy locker rooms. The only official hero here pulls a bag out of literally nowhere.

"Ta-daaa! Your hero costumes!" She passes them out, and we go into the locker rooms and change. How she even got them? I have no idea.

Zenith waits outside. I kinda feel bad for him. He could have a quirk, and not even know it! It's not like there are any doctors around to check for him. At some point, we hear him say obnoxiously loud, "I hope you guys are having fun with your costumes!"

Poor kid.

Miri checks herself out in a mirror after she finishes changing. She seems unsatisfied, or, no, that's not it. Troubled. It is now that I notice she has more skin showing that before. That's not very Miri.

"Yo. Is your shirt shorter?" I peer at her reflection.

"Yeah," she replies, looking embarrassed. "And it doesn't look like Hatsume's around to do much about it."

But then she slides to the ground, and puts her head in her hands. She couldn't possibly be that devastated about her costume.

"Miri, what's wrong?" I carefully ask her.

"It's just that... I just wanted to come to this world to fool around and meet cool characters. But now, I'm saving a country from villains while everyone else is hiding!" She replies.

Shooting Star peeps in, then slides in the room, closing the door gently behind her. "It'll be okay! In time, we'll beat all of the villains like this," she playfully throws a few silly punches and kicks. "and then everyone will come out of hiding! And you'll be the super cool alien girl who is super strong even though she only had less than a year to get used to her quirks!"

Miri jumps up and makes a proud pose, "That is true!" She points her index finger to the sky. "I'll be this world's one-up girl!"
So she likes Mario

We walk out fully dressed and meet up with everyone else.

Zenith laughs at Miri and says, "Mom would not approve of that. Or at least, the old Mom."

She blushes, frowns, and wraps her arms around her stomach to cover the exposed skin.

"Let's go!" Bakugo yells, running towards the exit.

"We should have a group name!" Eijiro exclaims.

From many meters away, Bakugo screeches, "THAT'S FECKIN CRINGEY"

Miri stomps over, probably to talk some sense into him. Zenith comes up to me. "Does my sister have a boyfriend here?"

"You know Miri— she wouldn't know a guy liked her even if he said it straight to her face." I sighed with my response.

"So that's a no?"

"Yes, that's a no."

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